[ Friday, November 16, 2023 ]
Heather and Becca visited and I updated my About page (again!). Am wrapped in my fuzzy blue bathrobe and wearing my fuzzy blue slippers, lol. Pub night? Don't feel like going, so I'm not gonna. Sharon called and left a message, so I'll be calling her back in a bit. She sounds happy, which is a very good sign :) Am afraid to go to bed *phbt*
Stanza of the Day: While dark thoughts cloud your mind And tears blind your heart Out of this pain, salvation you find No more will hurt around you bind.
Currently listening to: Cher's Walking in Memphis Current emotion: wrapped in fuzziness :P
Tiff. L [11:29 PM]
Who'd have thought that childhood nightmares would come back to haunt me after all these years? I guess some things you just never get over. Sarah's thinking of getting her psych-major bf to cross-analyze me, lol. I'm a science project now! Went to bed around six-ish am, woke up a few times in between because of aforementioned nightmare. All I can remember is fear trickling down my spine *phbt*. Prof. Kruger, the college principal, called at 11 to get me to help move the patio furniture, hmm. Definitely something not in the job description, but whatever. Did that and went for lunch with Becca, Heather and Miranda. Talked to sooks and Wai Wai for a bit before trying to get a bit more sleep. People kept coming by, so that wasn't a very successful nap. Am almost afraid to close my eyes now, bleh. Got some reading done, and had planned to head to the library to get some books for my essay, only to find out that it closed early Friday nights. I know I know, who the hell in their right minds would work on a Friday night, but c'mon, who said everyone had to have a social life? lol. I am so sad, hehe. But yeah, library was closed. Stopped by Catherine's to grab some notes and had a chat with her about...stuff. Seems that pub night's on and I'm supposed to show up because I've missed the last 4/5 openings, blah. Whatever. *shakes head*
Currently listening to: Eve 6's Beautiful Oblivion Current emotion: blah
Tiff. L [6:02 PM]
[ Thursday, November 15, 2023 ]
Triggered Memory of the Day: Was in Kayla's room, and I saw a poem Di wrote for her and started laughing my ass off. Almost exactly a year ago from today, it was Kayla's birthday that week. Friday night came about, and the pub downstairs was open. Catherine and Jenn decided that for Kayla's 19th birthday they should get her a stripper. They persuaded a friend (who shall remain nameless) to do it. He came by around 1-ish, completely plastered, into a room full of girls. You'd have thought that would've stopped him, but noooo, he went right at it. The song? Sting's Desert Rose, ahaahahahaha. I've never listened to that song the same way ever since, roflmao. Will post the poem here laters :D Anyway, Catherine took pictures, he never went all the way, and Kayla and I were trying hard to squeeze into a corner of the bed away from him. A year later, it still cracks me up to think about it, hahaha.
Mm, Chris is here and he baked a chocolate cake for Kayla. Yum! :)
Currently listening to: Pearl Jam's Better Man Current emotion: Chocolate high!
Tiff. L [9:41 PM]
I knew I should have called mom last night, but noooooo, I decided to wait it out and call dad on his birthday instead. So yeah, guess who decides to give her daughter a wake up call around 7-ish in the morning hmm? and to think I went to bed around 5, bleh. I need to stop having these nightmares as I wake up feeling worse than I did before I went to bed. So anyway, mom was wondering for the 1,543,675th time why I didn't call (yet again). Why? Simply because I have nothing "good" to tell her, so I'd rather not say anything at all. And I'm still coughing, so I don't want to deal with the naggings right now. I'm sorry mom, I know it's my fault, but please, give me a break. And don't keep telling me that dad's the one feeling neglected, cos if it were true, he'd be the one calling. I do not need a guilt trip on top of everything. The college office called around 11 but I didn't go downstairs till almost 2. They have work for me to do, la la la. The good news of the day is that Shean Min made it to Gippsland, word! CONGRATULATIONS SHEAN MIN *hug* Here's hoping that Norman got in too. Shao Yi I'm not too worried about, cos she's a shoo-in. Am really happy for my friends, with the exception of the fact that it's gonna be one helluva lonely summer in Malaysia come May '02 :( sooks is probably leaving in February so I won't have her either. *sobs* I'm turning 21 with no friends around. How sucky is THAT going to be?! Hrm. Maybe I should spend my 21st birthday here in .ca :D Ah well. We move on. Hopefully I can pull a deal with my parents and make it to Melbourne for a visit. Practically all my buddies are there now. Other news in the fray: managed to change my return date from the 5th to the 29th of December, which means I get to see Sharon, Kai and Marianne and celebrate New Year's with them, word! :) It cost me quite a bit, but it was still cheaper than changing the whole ticket altogether, cos it seems that prices have doubled over the last few months. Lucky me for booking my ticket in March! :)
Song of the moment: Collective Soul's Listen Current emotion: happy
Tiff. L [4:41 PM]
[ Wednesday, November 14, 2023 ]
Reminder to self: Daddy's birthday's coming up (17th November). Too late to buy card. Don't forget to call.
Tiff. L [10:19 PM]
I love my fuzzy blue slippers. Had a god-awful nightmare this morning and woke up at 4.30am. Science fiction is cool, but I have another assigment coz of it, bah. Kayla gave me monkey bread. And we had dinner at the Red Lobster. Jenn, Kayla and I stopped by Animalia (some pet store) before dinner, and I just realized how much reptiles made my skin crawl. I'm not impressed by scorpions or snakes. Fish are bloody expensive in Canada :P Toques are great for bad hair days. I'm rambling in broken fragments of words and thought. Think I'll go have a shower now.
Quote of the Day: God put me on earth to achieve a certain amount of tasks. Right now I'm so far behind I'm never going to die! - Bill Watterson
Song of the moment: Gloria Estefan's Reach Current emotion: Smile-y
Tiff. L [9:06 PM]
It's Kayla's birthday, word! Happy Birthday Kayla *hugs* We're heading to the Red Lobster for seafood tonight, yum. Just received another assignment on top of those which I already have. Peter Northrop thinks we should have a dons meeting cos he hasn't seen me much (oops...). Helped Kris and Nessa prepare for the party they're throwing for a friend. I just got fooled by sooks *SLAP* I feel very stripped of secrets now :P sooks, you will take that information to your GRAVE. Or I will dig that grave for you otherwise.capic�? Excuse me while my conscience berates me of my stupidity.
Thought/Rant of the Day: Meeting expectations. Who the f@$& came up with expectations in the first place huh? I just realized that with my attitude, I will never be happy till I get a perfect grade. Which is impossible, so... *slaps forehead* Having been brought up to never be satisfied with what I have when it comes to grades, every B I get deems me a failure, every C considerable as a reason to drop out of school. 15 years of living in this system of thought makes accepting bad grades a toughie. Screwing up majorly in high school was different, because I was in my rebellious stage then, and I honestly didn't care much for what I was studying. In college (which I cared very much about), one of my lecturers told me I would never be more than an A- student at most, and that hurt. I had an 82% average and was on the Honours list when I left college. And I thought that was a sucky grade. I consoled myself with the fact that I left with a lot of good memories and ever better friends, but the grade thing still hung at the back of my mind. In university, receiving my very first C+ here made me want to pack my bags and leave. I broke down after Christmas break last year because of grades, hah. I had a B/B+ average. And I still broke down. It was ugly *nods* Over summer, I made bets with sooks over whether I would lose of keep my scholarship. I did get to keep it, but even that did not lift the feeling of despondency over my CGPA. I tell others that university is so much more than grades, and while I honestly believe in that ideal, the thought of telling my parents I got anything less than a 75% makes me cringe. I should shoot myself, lol. However, I do hope I'm better at coping now. Getting a bad grade does not make me a worthless person. It just means I'm learning another lesson in life. But man it's a tough lesson. My advice to you? Never ever let a grade be the final measure of your worth.
I think I'll go get some super glue and bricks and repair this hole in my wall of cynicism now.
Currently listening to: Debbie Gibson & Chris Cuevas's Someday Current emotion: vulnerable
Tiff. L [4:49 PM]
[ Tuesday, November 13, 2023 ]
Hah, I've got mail :) Thankies for the card Heather, definitely something to pick up the day *hugs* Class? What class? :P It's Kayla's birthday tomorrow, la la la. My mind's all over the place. Work work work. Lack of sleep makes one act funny. I have my trademark circles under the eyes now. It's been a rough month. Spoke to Pascal for quite a bit between work yesterday. Rather interesting conversation which ended abruptly, that. Had a blast talking to sooks and Wai Wai (Ricky, hehe. He's got a new pet name :P) last night till 5am while trying to write my paper for English 205. Poor guy got bombarded with teasing. Between me and sooks, he never stood a chance. Girls 1, Wai Wai nil. Just finished watching the 200th episode of Frasier in Kayla's room. It's Fuchsia Toque And Fuzzy Blue Slippers Day for me.
Mm, my room smells of strawberries and cream :)
Thought of the Day: Ever wonder why you worry? It's not as if there's even a point in doing so, is there? And yet, you still worry anyways. *shakes head*
Stanza of the Day: It's the skin deep smile Which hides the hurt and pain But know that you suffer not in vain soon you'll be right as rain Feeling, loving all over again.
Currently listening to: Def Leppard's Two Steps Behind Current emotion: s'okay
Tiff. L [10:07 PM]
Screaming, calling in pain Falling. No more What for? Locked doors. Dull roar in my head Curled on my bed Tears on my face Pain Source: no trace Frustration can't lose Feelings Can't choose Still there Hurt shared but where why care Can't let go I don't know Rambling on Inside: forlorn You I help but my spirit torn There for you till the end Always know I'll hold your hand No more tears You are free but you forget What about me?
Currently listening to: Wilson Phillips' Hold On Current emotion: tired and worried
Tiff. L [6:46 AM]
Quotes of the Day: Life's a bitch and then you die - Ian Storey, Mythology prof. Don't rock the boat or you'll go to hell - Veronica Hollinger, Theatre prof.
I have such cool professors.
Currently listening to: Aerosmith's Pink (Acoustic) Current emotion: worried
Tiff. L [3:32 AM]
[ Monday, November 12, 2023 ]
It's snowing outside, so I dressed warmly and sat in the quad, accompanied only by the slightly eerie glow of the safety lights surrounding me. It's cold out.
Snowing. Snowfall, snowflakes Gentle breaks Unique in each's own way Time to think, to ponder another day So cold, but still I stay Only thought: Come what may Footsteps, footprints on the snow My words on paper, quickly they flow Running chill up my spine Path of life I walk out of line Falling, falling, quickly they come But warm thoughts through me flow like rum Maybe, possibly, hopefully some. Too cold to write, but still I stay Still searching for my miracle: Somehow, someday.
-tlyp; 1.49am
Currently listening to: Incubus's I Miss You (acoustic) Current emotion: thoughtful
Tiff. L [2:04 AM]
Thought of the Day: One day, someone will look at my hands and say, "Your hands are very old". When I look down and see my wrinkled hands, they will have been that way for many years. They will have carassed many fevered heads, and nursed many back to health. They will have taught children not only the basics of reading and writing, but also life. They will have spoken to those who could not hear my voice, touched people who could not see my face, and held those who could not understand how I was feeling. These hands will have done my work, the only work I have ever wanted to do--to help and hold. And when they are done, they will relax and take a long, deserved vacation. These hands will have been great. And it won't matter that they were wrinkled. If that's just my hands, imagine what the rest of me can do.
-Kristina Bradstreet
Tiff. L [1:00 AM]
[ Sunday, November 11, 2023 ]
Love and faith. Good, not bad. Hang in there. Recited like a litany. Someday I'll believe.
For Kayla and Sarah H. who keep me sane *hugs* I love you girls.
Currently listening to: Joan Jett's Bad Reputation Current emotion: mixed
Tiff. L [7:29 PM]
Blasted phone woke me up, and the first thing I hear is Asha swearing her head off (I think it was something along the lines of "some motherf***ker #$^$&$&..."). mmf. Not something I want to happen too often, heh.
*gets interrupted mid-blog*
Yeah, one of my girls just left. And this is exactly what I mean when I say that when something good happens, just as I'm savouring the moment, something worse turns up. How exactly am I suppose to keep on top of things? How exactly am I suppose to stay positive, and happy, and all that shit, when I don't even get a chance to sit down and enjoy it? She wants to move out. Fine. Then she starts guilt-tripping me about not making sure the section is quiet enough for her to sleep. In the name of #$^@, I am not here to patrol the halls to make sure everyone shuts the $^$# up. It's so frustrating, because when I re-read my blogs, I hate all the whiny bullshit I post up here. Like, holy shit, get over it or something. I was so prepared to write good stuff, the happy stuff, when this happens. Dammits.
5 minutes ago I was happy and relaxed. Had a good talk with Sharon (thank you), got some work done, had dinner with Kayla. Came back feeling that yeah, life's still good. Then I get bitch-slapped. Thanks. Nice to know that I have such lovely people surrounding me [/sarcasm]
Oh, and did I forget to mention? Someone tried to commit suicide this afternoon.
If there's someone out there who has a good dose of love and faith, strength, patience and sanity to spare, contact me. Please. 'cause right now, I'm completely drained.
Currently listening to: Everclear's AM Radio Current emotion: mixed
Tiff. L [6:38 PM]
Just finished reading Chicken Soup for The Soul II. With all the little pains in life, there is still beauty to be found. (geez, talk about a roller coaster ride, heh). I really do need time to sit down, away from everything, and talk. Clear all of this bad stuff out, remember the better parts. Sometimes I feel that the bad almost always outweights the good. And when I say talk, like, I mean, seriously, get all this crap out of the way. And not with someone at Trent either, because of all the stupid confidential shit I had to sign at the beginning of the year. But who to talk to? Ho hum. I miss talking to Bunny. Wish I didn't leave him back home. Talking to Eric just isn't the same. But over and above all this, methinks losing the conscience would make things a whole lot simpler. Wonder if mom will mail me Bunny if I ask her real nice...
It's 5.35am. I should get some sleep.
Quote of the Day: True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. - Baltasar Gracian
Currently listening to: Keith Martin's Never Find Someone Like You Current emotion: better
Tiff. L [5:35 AM]
Another one of those days when you just want to throw your hands in the air and say "I give up". Lain kali ha, mesti "blog" dalam Bahasa Melayu supaya orang putih ni semua tak faham tau. Yang paling sial, BM saya pun dah mampus, amacam nak cakap apa you sebenarnya saya nak cakap?! Sendiri punya "grammar" pun tak tau betul atau tidak. Sial betul ni. Phew. Even that took a lot of effort, blah. Self-censorship is another issue I'm having a hard time dealing with right now. Having to watch what I say and write because I have to think about the people who read this. Having to think about people's feelings all the time. You're right sooks; I should just get rid of the conscience. Life would be so much easier without it. Yada yada yada. Somebody shoot me, like, right now. It took me bloody 2 hours to get my journal in deviantART up, because I kept censoring myself. Ended up writing like, 3 poems, which is a lot, considering that there are times when it takes me over a month to get something down.
I am broken now. I hope you're happy.
Stanza of the Day: A balance of both for self: sustain thought in others, truth remain the person you see the person you be versus the person I am In life be blessed and damned.
Currently listening to: Aerosmith's Jaded Current emotion: frustrated
Tiff. L [2:19 AM]
[ Friday, November 09, 2023 ]
Didn't/couldn't sleep till 6-ish am. The alarm woke me up at 10, people at the door woke me up between then and 12 and Alice called at 12.30. Spoke to her for a long while. Erica and Jenn showed up with a problem which took me quite a while to fix and worried me unnecessarily, so I was not happy about that. I'm only glad that it got sorted out in the end. Headed downtown with Erica, Peter and Allan to the Sexual Health Clinic to pick up the condoms (about a hundred pieces) and some huge store where they sold stuff in bulk for really cheap prices. Got back and realized I hadn't eaten, so Kayla and I headed to OC for dinner after watching The Simpsons :) We spent almost an hour just chatting and gossiping, hehe. Girl stuff, yay! Am reading the sequel to Chicken Soup for The Teenage Soul. Watched Shrek with Kayla; I love that movie :) Eddie Murphy just kicks ass, no?
Stanza of the Day: For the person who takes others' pain for his own may he remain blessed be loved appreciated; honoured is he.
Quote of the Day: Yeah, OC houses the party people, CC the drunks and jocks, and LEC the snobs and brains. We got the best deal! - Kayla
Currently listening to: Smashmouth's I'm a Believer Current emotion: amused
Tiff. L [10:39 PM]
It's been a good good day :) Woke up to find out that I got Daily Poem for Absolute. Thankies Ruth *hug* I met up with Professor Hollinger in the afternoon, and she has agreed to let me work on my paper and re-submit it. Got caught in the rain downtown, but it don't matter. Bought two new toques; a fuchsia one and a blue one. Oh yeah, I bought a pair of fuzzy blue slippers too, yay! Wore my slippers all day; they cheer me up immensely, and are so comfy too. The Sexual Health Clinic called; condoms (for my college dammits! stop smirking!! *slaps you* :P) are ready to be picked up, w00t! Now if they say I have no initiative I'm gonna shove that box of condoms up their @$...noses (hehe). Had dinner in my room, finished reading Chicken Soup for The Teenage Soul (such a good book) and spoke to Ricky for a while on AIM. He never fails to make me laugh, lol. Visited Roger and was looking through his Maxim mags and found an Absolut ad which I was drooling over online, and can you believe it he ripped it out for ME! (well, it took quite a bit of begging but he did it in the end) and I'm so so soooo grateful Ra Ra *big big hugs* Yeah, I hugged him so hard he was squealing for me to let go, lol. I can now add Absolut Clich� to my collection, word! (And yes, I actually scouted the site and checked that it was on Maxim before heading to Roger's to leaf through his collection *cheeky grin*). Am talking to sooks and Andreas on ICQ now.
Stanza of the Day: Your compassion paints the sky An azure blue Colours of the rainbow Every hue Loving, calming Honestly true Amazing is this person being you.
Thought/Quote of the Day: Kindness in words create confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. - Lao-tzu
Link of the Day: Absolut Collectors
Currently listening to: Annie Lennox's Walking On Broken Glass Current emotion: chirpy
Tiff. L [3:56 AM]
[ Thursday, November 08, 2023 ]
Ah, spoke to one of the coordinators at the Counselling and Careers office today; got some stuff sorted for my girls. Science fiction tutorial was not too bad; received my quiz back and did better than I thought (i.e. did not fail it). Forgot about lunch, had dinner with Miranda and Asha in the LEC dining hall. Chatted with Allison, Kira, Terri and Courtney for a bit before doing some reading. Spent the rest of the night online and stuff. Downloaded some songs by Jewel. Mark came by to talk around 2am, and I went by to see Roger at 3. Am very tired now, but my mind is wide awake. Am going to go read Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.
Currently listening to: Jesse Powell's If I Current emotion: okay
Tiff. L [3:55 AM]
[ Wednesday, November 07, 2023 ]
I called Shean Min to see how he was doing. Am crossing my fingers that he'll get accepted to Monash U in Gippsland, ditto for Norman and Shao Yi. Spoke to Kai for a bit; we're thinking of heading to Montr�al over Christmas, but I'll be in Jersey by then, so we need a plan. And sooks wants to know if I'll head over to Melbourne with her the coming summer. If I can get good grades this year and persuade my parents, hell yeah :)
Am listening to a bunch of old tracks from the mid- to late nineties. Brings back lotsa memories of high school and stuff.
Currently listening to: Duncan Sheik's Barely Breathing Current emotion: Sleepy
Tiff. L [3:42 AM]
*scratches head* I can't for the life of me remember where the day has gone.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Everything You Want Current emotion: bemused
Tiff. L [1:04 AM]
[ Monday, November 05, 2023 ]
Just another long day at school. I didn't sleep till amost 3 and was up by 9. Almost fell asleep in two lectures. We talked about Christopher Marlowe today, it was interesting. My theatre professor is hilarious, hehe. Watched productions of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice and Marlowe's Dr. Faustus. I fell in love with that book (Faustus) all over again; the production's fantastic. Mm, to explore the dark side, hehe. Am hoping to loan the production video from my professor sometime soon. I have two 3,000 word essays due in two weeks' time, and there are lots of little things happening around as well. I get tired just thinking about it :P Had lunch with Catherine in a small diner near Traill College; pretty nice stuff they have there. Anyway, am off to get some reading done for 205 tomorrow.
Quote of the Day: I always imagine Marlowe as this sexy queer guy...Shakespeare holds no appeal because he grew old and bald and all that... - Veronica Hollinger, Cultural Studies prof. (Ed. note: Marlowe died in his early thirties in a bar brawl, hence the "mysterious aura", rofl. And yeah, my sentiments exactly *grins*)
Currently listening to: Uncle Kraker's Follow Me Current emotion: tired
Tiff. L [7:22 PM]
[ Sunday, November 04, 2023 ]
Didn't go to bed till almost 3 last night. Called home and spoke to mom and dad for a bit. Kai 'phoned around 1am and we talked; it was good to hear from him. One of my girls came up in tears and I spent a good hour convincing her that everything was going to be ok. Woke up at 6 and thought it was 10 (??). Realized my mistake and went back to bed, only to have my cousin call from Jersey not too long after. The phone calls just kept coming in till I gave up trying to sleep at all. Wrote another poem (remember that challenge Ricky gave me last week?) while talking to him and sooks on AIM. Oh yeah, and fluxx, a friend from devart, found inspiration in Absolute and Brett's Mechanical Joy and drew this [link]. I'm hoping to buy it from him when it's done (fluxx is going to get it printed; should cost me around US40 I think).Totally forgot to eat till 4, but because of the student dons' dinner downtown I just had a yogurt and chips, yay me. Visited Kristina, spoke to Sarah H. and got some reading done. Dinner was at Twilight, a place which serves Cajun, and it was good. Got back around 8. Jeff came by to chat for a bit, and Kira and Jess are back from their weekend away. I think I'll go read Dr. Faustus now.
Currently listening to: S Club 7's Never Had A Dream Come True Current emotion: so-so
Tiff. L [9:52 PM]
[ Saturday, November 03, 2023 ]
Wrote a new poem last night while waiting to do lock-up. I called it Absolute; maybe because I had spent a good amount of my time checking out Absolut ads online :) *sigh* Spent most of the day by myself. Heather's nephew Drew is visiting, so I headed downstairs to play Cluedo and whatnot for a few hours. Sunday and Jenn came by to chat for a bit before they left to do their work. Am stuck for words again.
Currently listening to: Indecent Obsession's Lady Rain Current emotion: Disconnected
Tiff. L [9:35 PM]
Went to bed around 3, and something woke me up earlier. Reconnected my computer (the connection dropped last night), replied a message and now I can't go back to sleep. Bleh. The only good thing out of all this is that I got to see the sun rise this morning through my window. I really do have to catch it from the drumlin before it starts to snow :P
Song of the moment: James Ingram & Linda Ronstadt's Somewhere Out There Current emotion: Sleepy
Tiff. L [6:55 AM]
[ Friday, November 02, 2023 ]
Stanzas of the Day: Absolute emotion, absolute pain. Absolute tears, falling like rain. Absolute rants, no more to gain. Absolute person, sometimes inane.
Dark days, dark thoughts Mind paints black memories wrought But see a glimmer at the bend Perhaps, maybe, don't know, the end.
Tiff. L [8:50 PM]
Spent the day reading in my room. Took off sometime in the afternoon and headed to Health Services to see if I could get some condoms (yes condoms! I can see you laughing! *smacks you*) for rez, but the school's being cheap this year, so no luck. Called the Sexual Health Clinic downtown; hopefully they'll give the college some as none of the dons have any. 'sides, I think it makes sense to have them available for the students. Hehe, I call this initiative :P Oh yeah, stopped by the bookstore to see if I could get another toque, but damn are they ugly :P Gotta find me a super colourful one... Had a sudden urge to clean my room and rearrange my furniture again. Methinks this is the 4th time I've done it in the last 2 months. Like baking, rearranging my stuff usually makes me feel better (something about obsessive compulsive/controlling behaviour *shrug*). Everyone's going out to party tonight, but I'm not in the mood. The college pub's open too, but somehow alcohol just holds no appeal right now. Am feeling shitty enough without the added depressant, hehe. Have an hour to kill before trick or treating starts, la la lil la. My room looks cool now. Knowing me, it'll stay this way for a couple of weeks before I switch again. *looks at watch* I'm bored. Should work, but don't wanna. somebody talk to me :P
Joke of the Day: <link>
Song of the moment: Texas's Say What You Want Current emotion: Bored
Tiff. L [8:03 PM]
[ Thursday, November 01, 2023 ]
I forgot to mention my obsession with toques, hehe. I wore mine alllllll dayyyyy longgggg! *grins cheekily* Methinks I'm gonna buy a few more for variety's sake. Looky, me in my toque!
I lub my toque! :)
Tiff. L [11:44 PM]
I have 10 minutes to kill before I walk over to make sure the girls next door shut up, come back, change and get some sleep. Distributed peanut butter fudge today. Had dinner with Sarah H. and Faye; Sarah's not feeling well :( Am rather mad with my floor reps, cos they're not doing their jobs *growls* Went for the Interact session in the Pit; it went for over two hours, and I was so fidgety by then I left. Did lock-up, spent a couple of minutes talking to Roger and Allan. I still have 5 minutes to kill. Ho hum.
Just received this in the mail from Anne, hehee.
INTERESTING THOUGHT According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen- had to be a girl. We should've known. Only women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.
Stanza of the Day: A lovely friend Someone godsend Heart of gold Beauty untold
I wrote that for Ruth, hehe.
Song of the moment: Chicago's I Remember The Feeling Current emotion: woozy
Tiff. L [11:40 PM]
Damn, almost forgot. Reminder to self: Attend Interact session tonight.
Tiff. L [1:28 PM]
I want this!!! [link]
Hee hee.
Woke up around 10 and was online since. Spoke for a while with Andreas and traded notes with Pascal. Had a good talk with sooks and Shean Min. Found 6 carved pumpkins outside my hallway, yikes. Have to figure out who left em there. Jess loaned me a book which she swears will cheer me up. It's by Robert Munsch; he's a North American children's lit writer. Genevieve came by to chat for a bit; I have to get Cliff to fix the washing machines down the hall, ho hum.
Song of the moment: Chicago's Hard Habit To Break Current emotion: Comfy
Tiff. L [1:19 PM]
Darude's gonna be playing at Flux on November 2nd, and I won't be there. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(
Tiff. L [1:54 AM]