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Opted for a horizontal layout coz I seem to have always done it this way. Check out my v1 page and you'll see what I mean.

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Stephanie Goh @ fuzzy

Bronson Chin @ bong

Tiffany Loh @ woozie

Diana Teoh @ hugable

Sharon Teo @ bong

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Rants, raves, whatever..!
Friday, November 30, 2023
Chill wasn't as packed as I thought it'd be. Good thing, else all the beer'd be gone real quick. Bron and Crispian made it to 7 and 5 mugs respectively before the barrel ran out, Tyler and Perry were there too, so was Cris's wife, Carrie. Remember the lil accident I had?

Bron: Where's the cut?
Me: There!! *points to wound*
Bron: OMG!! It looks bad!
Tyler: Where are the stitches?

People are getting more excited about it than I was. Mom freaked and then she proceeded to baby me and wanted to put all kinds of ointments on it and bandage it up but there was absolutely no way that I was gonna go to Chill with a bandage slapped on my forehead and looking like I just escaped from some hospital when I look perfectly fine and the gash isn't really obvious anyway, just a one inch cut on my forehead.

That has got to be the longest ever sentence ever blogged on this site.

And contrary to popular (or maybe not) belief, I am still stressed. Ugh.

Online Media? Just finished.
Type in Motion? Done.
Interactive Media? Due before 12pm on Saturday and I'm 30% done.


And I can't really work on it now coz I have a 9am class on that same subject, and an exam at 2pm, so wish me luck.

And I still have to burn my work onto a CD and submit it. How am I gonna do that by bloody SATURDAY MORNING?!

Thursday, November 29, 2023
Had a nasty little accident at home today. I was looking for something to wear, and in the process (digging through my drawers) managed to bang my head on an open cupboard door edge and landed myself with a one inch gash right at my hairline. Didn't realize it was bleeding at first, it was just very painful and I was rubbing it, then when I went to the bathroom, I just about freaked out to see the blood dripping down my forehead.

It made me 15 minutes late for my 'Survey of Arts and Culture in SEA' final paper, and when i got in there, Marion (my lecturer) gave me a stern look and told me that the exam was starting in 15 minutes. Thing is, I didn't know there was an exam. Well, I did know, but last weeks class was cancelled because of the demise of my King, therefore we had one more lecture before the paper, so I expected a lecture, and the paper tomorrow. And I was lucky enough because evidently, the whole class expected the same, and none of us were actually prepared, so Marion decided to give us the paper tomorrow instead. Thank God. She can't really give us the paper today since none of us were prepared, and the paper amounted to 60% of our final grade, so.. phew. Good thing, that. Then I freaked my classmates and my lecturer with the gash on my head. Har har.

IMed Stal today. I have no idea why some people can be so nasty towards others. She's a nice person, really. And I admire her for her (surprisingly refreshing) honesty in her post at Justin's. Which brings me to what I wanted to rant about today.


Doesn't it just suck? The way people are automagically herded into specific (and not nessacarily nice) groups and labelled according to the way a small percentage of that group behaves? I really really really really hate that. I am consciously aware that this is a part of human behaviour, and even I tend to do that sometimes, but I am aware, and when I stereotype someone, I make a very conscious effort to un-stereotype them and give them the benefit of the doubt. You get absolutely nothing from stereotyping people.. honestly. And then you might find yourself proven wrong by a few individuals.. and not wanting to admit you're wrong, you get as defensive about that subject as a cow trying to battle wolves. Whatever.

Everyone around me does it. I see my friends stereotyping other people all the time, and funnily enough, they can't seem to accept the fact that other people stereotype them too. This is my immortal theory: Bad things only happen to others. Nothing bad will happen to you. Often people think that they're above others (hence immortal) and that *gasp* no one would actually stereotype/talk bad about him or her because of the immortal status, right? Har har.

When you bump into a really good looking, slightly standoff-ish girl.. "She must be such a bitch/slut/insert-insulting-feminine-description-here!" For some cases that might be true, but most of the time, you have to realize that she might be 'standoff-ish' for a reason: people like you. I really can't stress enough how pissed I am that because of a small percentage of people who behave a certain way, everyone and everything related gets tagged with the same damn label.

Camgirls for one. A friend of mine seems to think that all camgirls are infact, school dropouts and cam whores. His reason: Why else would they have so much time to spend online and asking for gifts in return for showing you some tits? Err.. Alright, admittedly there are some of those around, but not all of them are like that. Take Renee for example, she's getting so much shit from all directions right now because.. because of what? I don't know.. I can't really see why people are bombarding her like that.. and she is a victim of stereotypism (check, check) and was categorized into the 'camwhore' section, and it must have been bad, because even her page title says 'I am not a camwhore'. She's 15, for Gods sake, having a little fun online, leave her alone.

Anyway, enough ranting, just remember the golden rule(?) of stereotyping: You get stereotyped too.

I'm off to Chill, men's night tonight and there's a RM2 a mug beer promo.

2 down! One more to go! (this sounds quite like Jamie's post, haha)

Finally finished everything for Online Media (well, except for one file, which my group member will give to me tomorrow) and handed in my Type in Motion movie today. Phew. Now I have to think of a way to get my Interactive Media project done by Saturday morning and I'm home free. Now I'm having a tiny problem uploading the stuff into my new geocities account. I need to get it online and there's no way I'm putting it on this server (don't exactly want all my classmates to visit me.. pfft..) but I'm gonna have to wait a while because the damn Geocities FTP thing is not updated yet (coz I just applied)

Feeling a tad relieved now, never thought I'd get it finished. I'm actually way behind my set schedule, I was supposed to finish both by last Friday, and concentrate on my Interactive Media project, solely because I really really need and want to score. (Grades, not the lecturer!)

Anyhow, I'm somewhat comforted by the fact that Diana's back, and Sharon and Irene will be back on Monday evening.

Tuesday, November 27, 2023
Just checked my referrer logs and.. I actually get the following wierd search requests:
Libby Hoeler naked, Libby Hoeler tits, Vietnamese adult shops (!!), Adidas power point presentations, digi taipan, naked college chicks, dancing chicks, naked dancing chicks, err.. and lots of other 'naked/nude/perverted' stuff I have no idea why it's even related to me. Justin I can understand, but me? If you've come here looking for any of the above, go to Justin's site. He really does have pictures of naked women. I promise.

Anyway, I enjoyed dinner, so much for not wasting time online, I'm downloading KPT6, which I need for my work.. sigh.. and it's a 42.27MB file. I think I'll give up soon, it says estimated time: 4.54 hrs left. Eek. I hate having a 56K connection, but not like I have any other choice really. I really need that 'waterish' effect that KPT Turbulence gives.

Oh and do check out Tranceport, it's an art community, very much like DeviantART but more focused on music than DevART is. No poetry or prose section though, it's pretty new and quite limited at the moment, but the design is easy on the eyes. I just upped my Jolie airbrush there.

I just X-ed the KPT download. Fickle me.

Today's been a bad day. Remember that peoject thats due in 2 days? It was due today and I had no clue that it was. Lucky I lugged a copy of the 90% finished one in my zip drive, only to find that my lab computers do not support the Sorenson 3 compressor that I used to render my quicktime movie. Anyway, I've been given until tomorrow to hand it in, which is good, I guess.. but not fun, my final filesize was about 121MB for a one minute quicktime movie. Sigh.

So now I have to go to college in the morning to drop off my files. Oh, the greatness.

And I also managed to leave my zipdrive (along with my zip disks and notebooks) in the mamak below my college.. lucky some friends took it back for me, but now I have to go an extra mile to try and get it back. As I type this, Bronson is in Sunway meeting up with Ken (who has the drive now) to pick it up and then he's coming over to drop it off and (hopefully) take me out to dinner. Nice of him to offer to pick it up though, I was gonna go after dinner and drive down to Sunway again to get it from Ken's house..

You have no idea how important the files in the zip disks are at this point. Stupid me. I only actually realized the lack of my big yellow shopping bag (where said zip drive/disks were in) after I got home, had something to eat and then on the way upstairs to my room, I noticed I didn't have it, remembered I never had it since I got home, and panicked. Like hell. I called a million people.

Anyway, thats (hopefully) been settled, and I can continue my work tonight.

Mom's coming home tonight. She took the weekend off and went down to Melaka (another state in Malaysia) for a short holiday with my grandmother and my cousins. I dunno if I mentioned this already, but she was really nice and before she left she gave me 200 bucks to get a winter jacket that I wanted. Rare occasion, really.

I really better not waste my time online.

Monday, November 26, 2023
By the way, Pink's new album isn't half as bad as I thought i would be, especially Get the party started. It's making my headaches worse though.

OMG.. deadline in.. ONE day. I really really really really really really cannot wait until next week, dammit.

Might as well wonder what I'm doing online while you're at it. I'm waiting for Mark to upload the file for me as I fell asleep last night. Not on the keyboard though, haha. Stayed home the whole day feeling sick, with a killer headache, blacked out for a moment while downloading .aiff's for my project, went to sleep. Now I'm up and trying to catch up on some work for today. And it's 11pm. My time is seriously screwed.

It's been a mad weekend. I'm now swearing off all partying and clubbing till I finish my term on the 5th of Dec (I finish on the 1st, but there are two presentations on the 5th) then it'll be a mad month for me, somewhat like last December where we were clubbing almost everyday of the week.

Ugh. Focus, focus, dammit.

I've made zilch progress so far. Type in motion? Nope. Interactive Media? about 20%. Online Media's about 90% complete now though. Just need to do some documentation. Hate having to do documentations.

My Type in motion project is due in.. 2 days! Hah! Think I'm having fun now ey?

Went to watch Harry Potter earlier today with Bronson.. kinda impromptu, but helluva fun, I liked the movie. Pretty much everything I imagined from reading the book.. it was very descriptive, to say the least.

Shit. My brilliant plan for my intro movie didn't work. I suck. Mark is now helping me do a 10 sec intro. He doesn't suck. I suck. I am sleepy and tired and lethargic and am nowhere near getting any sleep for tonight. I have a sinking feeling I am going to fall asleep soon though, hopefully not on my keyboard.

Friday, November 23, 2023
LIstening to Dido's No Angel CD again and again and again. Damn, she's got a nice voice, and her lyrics are very straightforward.

With one light on in one room, I know you're up when I get home,
With one small step upon the stair, I know your look when I get there,
If you were a king up there on your throne, would you be wise enough to let me go,
For this queen you think you own,
Wants to be a Hunter again, wants to see the world alone again,
To take a chance on life again, so let me go.

That's from her song Hunter. I love that song.. hehe.

If you gave me just a coin for every time we say goodbye
Well I'd be rich beyond my dreams, I'm sorry for my weary life
I know I'm not perfect but I can smile
And I hope that you see this heart behind my tired eyes
If you tell me that I can't, I will, I will, I'll try all night
And If I say I'm coming home, I'll probably be out all night
I know I can be afraid but I'm alive
And I hope that you trust this heart behind my tired eyes
I'm no angel, but please don't think that I won't try and try
I'm no angel, but does that mean that I can't live my life
I'm no angel, but please don't think that I can't cry
I'm no angel, but does that mean that I won't fly

Damn, I need to get the CD.

Class was alright, Lin Yew didn't kill me today, which is good I guess.. ;) I sometimes fear my 'discussions' with him in class because he will often find some fault or other that will totally kill my whole project organization. Oh well. I'm gonna go get some sleep before I play Civilization III. Not a bad game, didn't like it at first, but gets addictive when you keep.. umm.. acheiving something. Great marketing plan.. haha. Don't mind me.. lack of sleep often gets to my sense of humour. Not that I have much of one. Hmm. Whatever. Some people do think I have too much sense of humour.. and people who think so often get the worst of it.


Work is just about killing me at this point and at times like these I often feel like I've bitten off more than I can chew. As a student I suppose we all go through times like these, so here I go, diligently pressing on and hoping I come out of this term in one piece, as opposed to all the SPM (O-Level equivalent) takers who have total freedom now, as SPM has just finished. Must not hate them.

Picture of my newly acquired animal and Don Cat's new love-hate sparring partner, BUMPY! (He's a camel)

Found out that webcams can produce wierd pics when aimed back at the monitor preview screen.

Just finished listening to Kylie's new album that I downloaded. Pretty dancey-discoish.. now I feel like going out. Too bad all entertainment establishments and cinemas are closed for today. Nation's in mourning, remember? It does have it's drawbacks.

Last night we tried to go out. Ended up in Bangsar where everything was closed (I've never seen Bangsar so dead at night) except for the coffee places like Starbucks, Coffee Bean etc.. and one or two places like La Bodega and Sangha looked closed, but you can see tons of people behind the doors. Yeah, they're illegally open. Heh. So we ended up at a juice bar where I had the nicest smoothie in a while.. it's called Minty Strawberry, no points for guessing what's in it. It left a very cool minty taste in my mouth, I loved it. Anyway, I got back home just slightly past midnight and did my work. Made a little progress, so I'm satisfied.

Went online to upload my work, spoke to Ricky on AIM and he told me he bought Dior's Higher! I'm so excited. He says it does smell nice. Told ya.

Then I got a little distracted looking for DHTML navigation bars for my new website. I forced myself to go offline about 5am, did somemore work and ended up sleeping at about 6:30am. Which is why I woke up at 3:30pm today. Ugh. Very unproductive, me.

It's about 8pm now, and I just finished somemore work. Wanted to go to Chill tonight, there's a men's night happening and the beer only cost RM2 (about USD$0.50) a mug. Unbelievable! Unfortunately, it's mourning period and the men's night has been cancelled for tonight because Chill will be closed until tomorrow. So, next Thursday then, but I'm not so sure if I'll make it next Thursday because I have a couple of deadlines on Friday morning. But after next week I'll be home free, at least for a month or so.

Oh well.

Wednesday, November 21, 2023
I am, for lack of better words, dumbfound. Not profoundly so, but somewhat dumbfound. And the reason? Death.

Today is death-day. The King of my country has just passed, at 11:57am to be exact, and the announcement came to me while I was on the way to college. There I was, sitting in my car, silently cursing the traffic and belting out an offkey version of Kylie's new song when all of a sudden, the radio went silent. I cursed. And then I heard the Prime Minister's nation-wide announcement, and then I understood.

Tomorrow will be a holiday for me, and much as everyone else is rejoicing, I somehow am trying to refrain from feeling overly joyous, reason being, tomorrow, will be a day of mourning. The country is supposed to mourn, pray or even, if you so wish to, visit the dead King. And half the people I know are rejoicing. Let that thought sink in for a second, take a deep breath and think about it again. I bet you wouldn't be rejoicing if a member of your family just died. And what's bugging me is that everyone is just so selfish! Everyone's just happy, for their own selfish reasons, that tomorrow will be a public holiday, so that they can do whatever they want, and don't have to go to work/school/etc.. Have a little respect now, shall we?

It's dissapointing, this lack of compassion or feeling. Therefore the only thing I'm feeling right now is.. nothing.

And to add to that nothingness, I've also just found out from mom that my grandmother's brother has also just passed away, Tuesday night. So tonight, for me, will not be spent having fun, but rather, at a traditional chinese funeral ceremony where we get together and 'accompany' the spirit until the passing. Now you see what I mean when I say that today is death-day. Although I do not really know both the dead people, it's only right to feel upset when someone passes away.

Now is a good time for me to reflect on some things in life. Many things, in fact.

On a lighter note, I got an e-mail from Lewis, who thinks I should write more about my friends, and in answer to that, Lewis, I would like to point out that it's really hard to write about people who do not do anything at all! I'm sure you really wouldn't want to know about how we go about our daily meanderings and all the real unexciting stuff we talk about, like schoolwork, for example. I write when something vaguely unusual happens, like our outings to clubs and various parties, or if we went out as a group (for that is pretty rare lately) and something wierd happens to us. Unfortunately, Tiffany is my only girlfriend with her own blog.

Tuesday, November 20, 2023
Haven't posted in.. 24 hours or more. Hehe. No, I wasn't taking a break.. just.. switched servers! :) So I had to wait for my ISP cache/etc to clear before the DNS.. *lost* Anyway.. good news is, I just switched servers. Haha. I got more everything now, bandwidth, diskspace, support.. finally got PHP/CGI support, so I'm probably gonna switch to Greymatter, and put up an internal comments thing.. soon.. when I finish my term, and I have the time to redesign my website!! :) Speaking of which, I need everyone's opinion here.. I can't decide on how the new layout's gonna look.. :(

Damn, I'm excited. Hehe. I got so many ideas for a new site. Wheeee....!

Class was alright today, apart from one of my group members ending up losing his files and not doing anything at all. Damn. I'm ruffled, but not saying anything yet. Sorry for lack of posts, I've been too busy. Sigh, I hate end of terms.. ick.

I got myself a little camel soft toy today, my seniors were having their fund-raising campaign for their graduation, so they were selling stuff and all, and they had this lucky draw thing where you can win walkmans, food vouchers, etc.. and I bought some tickets and got myself a free gift. Yay. The camel's really cute, now Don Cat has a new friend.. haha.. I don't know what to name him yet, gonna think about it somemore. I love stupid-looking stuffed toys.. :)

Is it too much to ask you regular readers to show yourself and say hi to me here? I'm curious as to how many of you actually read this.

Love you all! I'm gonna sleep..

Monday, November 19, 2023
Finally gettin my butt in gear and doing my work, ah. Joey called halfway through and we spoke about our usual stuff - design. He's got great views, and I enjoy our convos. Asked him to join us next weekend if we're going out. Haven't seen Joey in awhile now. It's almost 4am, guess I'm done for today. I'm behind schedule, however, and that sucks a little. Hope I'll be able to catch up.. sigh. Don't think I can make it for lunch tomorrow with Bron - I have too much to do. Bleargh.

Two more weeks. Two more weeks till I can regain my sanity.. :) Is it only just me or does everyone go through this shit stress every end of term? I have to learn how to be more organized.. people like Sharon never seem to have a problem with finishing work on time somehow, I'm envious.

Wrote my first journal entry into the journal Bronson bought for me today. No biggie, just wanted to timestamp the moment.

I better get sleep. I'm still reeling from the fantastic Saturday night.

I still have an overdue review to write, shit. Sorry Sal. :(

Sunday, November 18, 2023
Saturday night was MAD!! I had so much fun.. :)

Went to Bangsar, pre-club, bumped into Jackie and Lai Min, then headed down to Emporium. Empo was packed. Some idiot smacked my butt. But we had fun, Bron had so much fun.. hehe.. probably heading there again next weekend, if I don't have too much work to do. The music was not as good as Rush'es music, mostly Empo trademark tracks, some of them pretty old, dates back to 1999. Rush plays less mainstream stuff, and the beats are better to dance to. We finished 2 bottles, a Barcardi and an Absolut.. Chee Wah and Diana came later on, then the girls joined us.. they were in Rush before that. Saw a whole bunch of friends, and my 'brother' Kevin, among others. Good night out.. ;)

I never found out what happened to me after I fell into the water (ref. prev. post) *shrugs*

Went to Carrefour in the afternoon, came back home with lots of fresh fresh salmon. Yum. Had salmon for dinner, it was really cheap. Now mom wants to go there and get more. Yay!

Today's Daily Deviation at DeviantArt triggered a huge discussion as to whether it was a rip or not. I think it was. It sure as hell looks like one. But it looks nice, nonetheless, but more like a photomanip, if you ask me.

Saturday, November 17, 2023
I need an OCR software, see, so I go to where I find this pretty usable prog called ReadIrisPro, or something similiar, and I looked at the filesize, 13.7K. Wow. So small..! Compared to the other giant 'over 15MB' downloads, 13.7K is real small! So I click on it, hoping to download it fast and get my work done, and it turns out that the real filesize is.. 15.7MB! Shit. On my 56K connection, which sometimes doubles as a 28.8K, a 15.7MB download is hardly amusing. Not like I have a choice.

It's boring while waiting for a 15.7MB app to download. Estimated time left: 1:31:24. I have a wierd feeling that I'm just gonna get fedup soon and pull the plug. Ahhh.


I did. Pull the plug, I mean. I had a stroke of ingenuity, I typed '' into my browser, and presto, free 2.8MB downloads! I really don't care what features the buggers come with, I just need to convert my scanned pages into editable text. I don't ask for much, me. It just started raining. Is that symbolic?

Anyway, speaking of symbolic, I had the wierdest dream last night. Tiff, Sharon, Diana and Foong Yin were back here, but they were in Genting, so they called me Friday morning telling me to drive up. I promised Bron I'd see him Friday night, so I called to tell him I'd be going to Genting instead, and then told my mom, who drew me a map because I had no idea how to get there. And it turned out to look like one of JRR Tolkien's sketches. My cousin offered me the use of her car, because mine was low on fuel, but I declined, saying that I didn't want to drive long distance on an unfamiliar car.

I packed, and delayed, till almost 10pm before I left, and I drove. Next thing I knew, I was at a toll plaza and the toll collector was taking 18 bucks from me. I remember thinking '18 bucks to go to Genting? I must be in the wrong place!' Anyway, I drove pass unfamiliar looking place, Tatau, some village, and confirmed I was lost. Tatau is a wierd place, there was only one road going in and another going out. And the lane was wide enough for one car only. So I drove, hoping to find someone to give me directions, and at the end of the road I found the village chief, the only person who spoke english. When I asked for directions, he laughed and told me that no one in the village actually leaves the place, so he doesn't know where Genting is or how to get there. But he offered to take me out of the village, so I followed him on foot, while some other guy drove my car. At the 'entrance' to the village, the same way I came in, somehow the road ended and there was a huge pool-like thing with murky gray water. So he told me I could hop over to the other side. I jumped. And clung on to the fence on the other side and waited for him.

He's about 6 feet tall, wearing black trousers, no shirt, dark hair, very tanned.. (heh)

He jumped. And landed right behind me, crushing me into the fence. Last thing I remembered was the feel of his body behind me, pushing me into the fence, one arm holding me for a second before I slipped into the water.


For some reason, that felt.. nice. And I remember feeling that exact way before. Wonder if it was in another of my wierd dreams. Anyway it's late. I'm gonna go sleep, and maybe find out what happens after I drown in murky gray water. Pfft.

Friday, November 16, 2023
Making Cheese Potato Bake for dinner now. It's in the oven. Anyone want some?

Check this link out. Funny shit. Hijackers Surprised!

Lingo is no fun. After hours looking for the global center_lit handler (and not finding it!) I tried using 'set center_lit = true', and it worked. Holy shit! I must either be:
a. Completely Ignorant
b. A Fluke, or
c. Just plain stupid

*shrugs* As long as it works, but I still can't figure out how it works, without a handler (?) Damn, this shit is driving me nuts!!


Not funny. I'm so stressed I decided to open the bottle of Blueberry Vodka Cruiser Bronson bought me last night. It's bright blue in color.. waaay funky. Tiff will love this. I'll buy her some when she comes back.

Vodka = Anti-Stress. Flu Medication = Drowsy. Vodka + Flu Medication = *ZzzZz*

I need to find more Anti-Stress stuff that doesn't make me feel like sleeping. I feel like sleeping now. I know I should, but the bed seems so far away and the deadlines seems so close. Sigh.

Someone please take my computer away from me, lock me up and make me sleep!

Thursday, November 15, 2023
And I just posted my last post at Virtual*Fuzz[ration]; no more updates until I have the time.

Today was a bad day. Argh. First, I left my house about 15 minutes late because I overslept, then when I got to class, there was no parking, because of some grand opening of a police station, they closed our parking area, so I had to go around looking for parking, and ended up 30 minutes late for class. After class, I went to look for a bootleg copy of a software I need, but it's not out yet.. so I go shopping around, and bought this belt from Miss Selfridges. All this time, I've been trying to contact Bron, but he's at some meeting and I can't get through to his phone.. I decided to head back. And then he called. We made plans to meet after his work, so I headed to One Utama instead. Halfway there he called again and told me he had a dinner to go to.. some client thing, so I went to One Utama, walked around somemore, and took a good healthy dose of retail theraphy at anoter Miss Selfridges store there (they were having a *gasp* SALE!) and bought some stuff, including this really nice black top I'd been wanting to buy, for half the price. And then I consoled myself with a yummy mango smoothie from ICEstein. Then I went home..

..and checked my mail. And *gasps again* there was about 30 mails waiting for me. Nice. I always complain I don't get enough e-mails. Heh.

So, yeah, today was a bad day, shopping and all (because I spent so much! :P) Better go do my work now.

Wonder whats wrong with my nternet connection today. So damn SLOW one. Dammit. MOVE!!

I'm sick. I like to tell people who ask that I'm sick because my college is overworking me. But in truth, I don't know why I'm sick. Maybe because I'm weak. I don't like that thought. But my nose is all stuffed up and I'm feeling achy. And I have phlegm. Which I like to pronounce as fleh-gem because Barrie's brother's girlfriend insists thats the right way to pronounce it. Hehe. Yes, I'm aware it's not the correct way to pronounce phlegm, but I like it, because it sounds so silly. Pfft. What a long day.

Went to Bron's office with him today. It was fun. I did my work and he helped me do some OCR scanning for my work. Yay me. Now I don't have to type so much. Then I went to 'walk-walk' in One Utama, and I finally bought the Pantene Volume and Fullness shampoo/conditioner I've been wanting because of all the ads I've been listening to on radio. I'm such a sucker. But I like my hair looking nice. I'm so vain.

Earlier this year I went to GREY Advertising (an ad agency that handles the Pantene account) for some interview for some Dunhill job which I backed out of, and during the 'briefing' the guy commented on my hair a couple of times and asked me if I was one of his Pantene ad girls. Flattering, no? But considering the fact I was sitting right under a spotlight and I just washed my hair that morning..

Pfft. Try looking at my hair after I haven't washed it for 3 days. Tangle Central.

I'm waiting for my e-mail to finish downloading and it seems to be taking forever. Wonder who mailed me. If it turns out to be nonsense, Ah eb godda kill det mudderfugger.

Shit my nose is seriously stuffed. Goddabbid.

*ten minutes later*

That damn mail is still downloading. I'm giving up. Gonna go delete it via thatweb.

I'm giving myself a major guilt trip now because I haven't done any real work today, except for the copy editing, if you can call that real work. I desperately need to get my ass back on track, but it's harder said than done because of all the tempting fun things happening around me.

Just got fooled by Justin. *SMACK*

Wednesday, November 14, 2023
Don't tell me it's kinda late. I know it is. But the reason I'm not sleeping yet is that I just finished watching Captain Corelli's Mandolin on VCD. And I'm feeling so.. dazed.. that I just felt like writing about it. I always feel like writing whenever I'm feeling emotional. Dazed, because of the beauty of the whole movie. And damn, Nicholas Cage does look sexy in the movie. Never thought he ever was, until now. And to think Robert Schwartzman is his cousin! Eek. Sexiness apparently runs in the family.

You really should watch that. Much as I dislike Penelope Cruz, I have to admit she's pretty good in the movie.

It just started raining again. Damn.

Went to Ohm in Bangsar earlier this evening, Bron came to pick me up, then we went to meet the girls in Ohm. Bought a beer for Bron, which is a first. He usually buys me beers, or we go dutch. Didn't make it for the webdesigners gathering after all, reached Bangsar about 11:15pm, went past Sangha but no one was there, so we headed to Ohm. Met Diana, Chee Wah and Siew May after that at Haagen Daz. Went home about 1pm, stopped by at Steven's but it was closed for Deepavali so I went home with a hungry stomach. Just before I tucked myself into bed, this sudden urge to watch the movie. I bought it a few days back, but left it on top of my computer because I have moods when it comes to poignant, real movies like this one. I have to want to watch it, unlike comedies, where I can just sit and put it on anytime. Guess I'm just picky with my movies.

I tend to like comedies/love/war movies more than sci-fi or violent stuff, with the exception of The Fight Club and Matrix.. and a few others.

Gotta go count some sheep now. Adios.

Tuesday, November 13, 2023
Sorry for the blatant abuse, Ricky. We love ya! Hehe.. *giggles*

Back to my regular blogging. I was so pooped out last night, plus I felt a sore throat coming on, that I slept till 3pm today. Which means I missed my 3pm class. I could actually still have made it, I suppose, but I decided to laze around anyway. Tomorrow's Deepavali, might be going out with Bron's colleagues if they're up for it. Bron himself is gonna be working late, or so he tells me. And if I have any sense at all, I'd be working on my projects instead of lazing around in front of my computer, making digs at Ricky, blogging nonsense and basically being a bum. Ish.

There's some webdesigner gathering tonight in Bangsar at Sangha Bistro & Restaurant, Bangsar (Next to GasWorks, Opposite La Bodega) time's 8.30pm and everyone's invited, questions to Josh at +6012 365 5119.

I really want to stop laughing, cause I'm so tired, but between sooks, Wai Wai and myself, it's just crazy, lol.

absolutelyfuzzy (4:50:54 AM): *gives The Wai Wai some flowers*
LoRd RiGGY (4:51:05 AM): whats this for?
LoRd RiGGY (4:51:23 AM): so I can put it on my head and become princess wai wai
woozstah (4:51:24 AM): lol
woozstah (4:51:32 AM): princess wai wai..hahahaha
woozstah (4:51:46 AM): *runs to blog*
LoRd RiGGY (4:51:52 AM): hey!!!!!!!!!
LoRd RiGGY (4:51:56 AM): stop her!!!!!!!!!
LoRd RiGGY (4:52:10 AM): dammit!!!!!!!!!

Roflmao. He finally admits outright, haha!

LoRd RiGGY (4:07:52 AM): evil girls
absolutelyfuzzy (4:07:54 AM): =]
LoRd RiGGY (4:08:10 AM): I can't believe you Tiff
woozstah (4:08:22 AM): *innocent grin*
LoRd RiGGY (4:08:31 AM): I can see steph doing that, but you!!!!!!!!!
absolutelyfuzzy (4:09:00 AM): ME????????
absolutelyfuzzy (4:09:01 AM): HEYY
absolutelyfuzzy (4:09:02 AM): !!
absolutelyfuzzy (4:09:07 AM): <-- resents that
LoRd RiGGY (4:09:34 AM): wai wai don't care


Am finally bored with my page. Added Jia to my links today. She dreamt about me. *faints*

I want a new page to tinker with. I am bored with this one already. Much as I like my horizontal layout, admittedly a normal vertical one would be more fun to play around with. There's nothing much I can do with a horizontal one is there? Ooh, check out the post below. Wai Wai = Ricky. It's our new pet name for him. Me and Tiff are currently bullying him on AIM. See?

woozstah: waiwaiiiiiiii
absolutelyfuzzy: ehehheheehe
LoRd RiGGY: meanies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woozstah: ahaaaaaahahahahaha
absolutelyfuzzy: waiiwaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
LoRd RiGGY: ppppppppfffffffffffffttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!
absolutelyfuzzy: *licks the wai wai*
woozstah: *laughs until falls off chair*
LoRd RiGGY: you guys are evil
absolutelyfuzzy: hehehhhhee
absolutelyfuzzy: *falls along with wooz*

Poor Ricky. He has yet to discover that when me and Tiff are in a kutuking mood, we're probably the worse you can hope to come across. Rofl.

LoRd RiGGY: i'm gonna spank you tiff
LoRd RiGGY: Don't force me
woozstah: brb
woozstah: posting :P
woozstah: *runs off laughing*
LoRd RiGGY: I'll spank you with your fuzzy blue slippers
LoRd RiGGY: hey come back here

This sure is something different from my regular posts. Heh.

Damn, just realized I blogged on fuzzy's board instead of mine. Fixed that, phew. I'm blur. hehe. Was too busy laughing, lol. WAI WAI!!! *laughs till I fall off my chair*

woozstah (3:41:34 AM): wai wai?
woozstah (3:41:35 AM): roflmao
LoRd RiGGY (3:41:36 AM): those fakey ones
woozstah (3:41:38 AM): WAI WAI!
LoRd RiGGY (3:41:39 AM): hey
woozstah (3:41:42 AM): ahaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahha
LoRd RiGGY (3:41:43 AM): NNNPOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
LoRd RiGGY (3:41:48 AM): ppppppppppppffffffTTTTTTT!
woozstah (3:41:52 AM): *roflmao*
LoRd RiGGY (3:41:59 AM): dammit
woozstah (3:42:01 AM): WAI WAI! hgahahahahahahahahahahaa
LoRd RiGGY (3:42:04 AM): the secret is out
LoRd RiGGY (3:42:11 AM): bad wooz


Enough about makeup now, really. I've had my fill ranting about it. Got sidetracked from my real post when i mentioned my new Bombshell lipstick, sorry.

Today was interesting enough, went to have lunch with Bronson, hung out with Lara for awhile, caught up with her abit, then saw Bron again. Hehe. Pretty unproductive day if you ask me. I'm feeling the guilt now, but its too late to work and I'm feeling very sleepy. Played some Diablo2, got my assassin one level up, found 2 unique items, made a whole load of gold selling magic stuff, got myself killed once by some monster because I hit the wrong potion.. but other than that it was a pretty good game. I had lots of fun, now I'm just waiting to get a little more stronger before heading down to Flayer Dungeon. There's a little bugger down there I'd love to get my hands on. He killed me 3 times. Ugh. Hell is really fun, you get alot of good drops from the unique monsters.

Read Grisham's The Brethren while trying to kill time. I'm about halfway through now, and somehow I don't like this book as much as I liked his other ones. I've read every single one of this books up till this one.. and I've noticed a strange religious twist in his plots from The Testament onwards. According to my uncle, he's a Christian now, and thats why his books now have a religious element in it, but I'm not so sure if this is true. Don't take my word for it.

Come to think of it, I haven't had sushi in ages!

Added another item to my makeup artillery - MAC lipstick in Bombshell. Finally bought myself a lipstick.. haha.. It's the 3rd lipstick I've bought in my entire life.. the other two are Versace and Body Shop respectively. I drove my car over my Versace lipstick the second day I bought it.. luckily it had a metal casing, but it got dented anyway, and I had to put the lipstick in a jar.. which beats the whole purpose of having a lipstick. The Body Shop one survived until it was half gone, then I left it in the car and it melted on me. I don't have a good history with lipsticks. Pfft, let's hope I have better luck with this one. I've been eyeing some other MAC stuff too, almost bought the brush set in Sydney, but it's coming out for Christmas here too.

I love Christmas - it's when all the cool makeup brands have their limited edition palettes, like Bobbi Brown and MAC, the only two brands I covet. And in all honesty, I absolutely hate Versace makeup, mainly because of their flashy packaging. I can't stand it, really, I swear people buy it just to sit at cafes and swipe a Versace compact out to show off. I actually have one of those, but I only bought it because it was on sale, some warehouse thing, and it only cost me about RM 35. I've never taken it out of the house.

I have a ton of makeup, a whole toolbox full in fact, most of which I used to collect/take/swipe from sponsors at fashion shows, and some from a show me and Diana organized in school. We got sponsors and kept the loot. Heh. Thrown alot out already, actually, but I still have alot. And oddly enough, I only use a fraction of it.

Must haves:
MAC Studio Finish Matte Foundation, nifty because it feels like it's not there, and it's got SPF8. And it really does last. MAC Hyper Real Foundation, most unique foundation I've come across.. this I only use for clubbing. MAC Studio Fix, a makeup artist for a shoot I did used this on me and I was hooked.. haha, it's really good for emergencies, very nice finish.. waaaaay better than any silly old Versace compact. MAC Concealer, the ONLY concealer I've used that works on me. I hate using concealers. MAC Lipglass, the clear one is the best lipgloss I've ever used. Really sticky and thick and stays on, plus it really does look like glass. Since I hardly ever use lipstick, I depend on my Lipglass alot. BeneFit High Beam, this is THE single item I'd take with me if I was stranded on some island. Lucky for me, the BeneFit salesgirl in Sydney tried this on me when I went to get my BeneTint, otherwise I would've overlooked it. Shiseido Eyebrow Pencil, best texture in the market.

Have a whole lot of Calvin Klein skincare/makeup samples I took from their counters in Grace Bros. The sales girls are so nice, they actually give you samples of everything to take back and try out if you ask. I didn't even buy anything. They gave me a sample of their new lilac shimmer cream eyeshadow that'll probably take me a month to finish if I use it everyday. Haha. I also have a million makeup samples from Shiseido. You can actually get free makeup if you know where to look. MAC, Bobbi Brown, Body Shop and I Nouvi gives free make overs. I got a free travel sized loose powder sample free from Bobbi Brown during some promo, and 2 full sized lipsticks when they first launched without any purchase. I'm a freeloader too!

As much as it sounds like I use alot of makeup, there's only two things I use everyday - my eyebrow pencil and lipglass. Everything else only for occasions.

Monday, November 12, 2023
Yet another questionaire thingie.
Name: Stephanie Goh
Nicknames: fuzzy, sookie, snugglebunny (from bron!)
Place of Birth: Kuala Lumpur, MY.
Alma Mater: SM(P)Taman Petaling
Hometown: Kuala Lumpur, MY.
Bacon bits or croutons: Bacon bits
Favorite Salad Dressing: Mayonnaise
What do you like to drink: Water
What type of deodourant do you use: Estee Lauder Body Power
Favorite shampoo and conditioner: Senscience/Pantene
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: Of course
Best friends: The girls, Bong, Tiffie, Di, Irene, Bronson
One pillow or two: Five
Pets: Peter Rabbit, a lop.
Favorite movie(s): Too many to name, Matrix is one.
Favorite types of music: Dance, RnB, most mainstream music
Hobbies: design, computers, writing
Dream car: Small, cute Baby Mercs
Type of car you drive now: Satria
Words of phrases you overuse: no shit, wah, sure or not..?
Toothpaste: Colgate
Favorite food: Italian, Jap
Online crush: None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Bronson
Do you get along with your parents: Sure.
Favorite town to chill in: Sydney, coz I just been there.
Favorite ice cream: Baskin's Rainbow Sherbet.
Favorite soda: Lift, Sprite
What's your bedtime: 3am, I do my work late
Favorite shoes: Reb/Black wedges I just bought
Favorite perfume/cologne: Dior's higher, Moschino's Uomo, Armani's White
Favorite subject(s) in school: Online Media (!!)
Favorite sport(s) to watch: F1
Favorite Sport(s) to Play: swimming?
Silliest person(s) you know: Eleana, Irene, Elaine
Most humiliating moment: Yeah, like I'd tell you.
How many languages can you speak: Three, and a bit of everything else
Favorite Holiday: Year end break
Favorite flower: Gerbera/African Daisy
Favorite candy/chocolate bar: Mars
Favorite person(s) in the whole world: Bronson
Age: Twenty
Birthdate: February 11th
Brothers/ Sisters: None
Screen name: fuzzy, fuzzys, [fuzzy]
Favorite number(s): 7, 8, 13
Got a job: Nope
Got Milk: Nope
School Colors: Blue (pfft)
Favorite Color boxers: Black
Favorite Song and by who: At the moment - Emotions - Destiny's Child
Random Lyrics on your brain: "I'm comin up, so you better get this party started.." - Pink
What do you wear to bed: bunny slippers and a tutu. Hah.
What color are your bed sheets: Depends
What was the last movie you saw and who with: Three to tango, alone
Have you ever been skinny dipping: Nope
Favorite Color(s): Pink, Black
Best friends online (all of them): too many to list here
Drugs or no Drugs: Never
Favorite Disney Movie: Lady and the Tramp
Piercing or tattoos: Ears, tattoo on lower back
Adidas, Nike, or Reebok: Nike
Have you ever been in love: Yeah
What do you look for in the opposite sex: Personality, really.
How tall you are: 5'8"
Hair/Eye colour: Dark brown, dark brown..
Do you consider yourself cute or hot: Neither.
Do you like to sing: Only in my car when I'm alone
Are you too shy to kiss someone: Nope
What's your dream place: Neverneverland
Prefer the ocean or the pool: Pool anytime
What's the most exciting thing you'd done: Went on a ride with a stranger I'd just met
Would you eat cat food for $40,000: Hell yeah
What's your secret talent: There's a reason why its a secret
Do you sleep on your back or stomach: Side
Memories I miss the most: Sitting at the little cafes at The Rocks in Sydney
Do you believe in yourself: Most of the time
Favourite smell: Bron's perfume, and mine
What is the worst feeling in the world: Getting stressed during that time of the month
Best feeling in the world: Finishing a big project, being in Bron's arms
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: God knows
Pen or pencil: Pen
Rollercoasters - deadly or exciting: deadly exciting (haha)
How many rings before you answer the phone: Depends if I hear it in the first place
Coolest thing about your house: My funky walls
Future son's names: Um.
Future daughter's names: Ah.
What made you cry the most: Can't rememeber
Do you like to drive: Yes
Worst job: Promo for a Kent event
Best job: Being unemployed and studying
Number of times you saw Titanic: Half. I fell asleep in the cinema.
What movie made you cry: None
How many CD's do you own: Approx 300+
Most prized possession: My computer
Shower at night or in the morning: Night

Had dinner in Hartamas, played around with Bron's Power Point presentation, came back home and taught mom how to do sit-ups.. ever since Bronson showed me how, I've been religiously doing 40 every night before I hit the bed. Pretty easy, since I do it on my bed then go straight to sleep.. haha! Sometimes I even do 60. I really do need the exercise, or I'm gonna get a belly pretty soon. Actually, I think I already have one.

Today's been really productive, and I'm really proud of myself. Besides starting on my project, I've also written two articles, spent some quality time with my boyf, watched Three to tango and planned my day for tomorrow. Bought Shallow Hal on VCD last night, probably might watch it tonight if I'm not too tired out.

This is pretty old, but I still like the picture. You might probably have seen it already. <3 Bron!

Sunday, November 11, 2023
Feels good to finally do something about my project. I've finally made myself sit down and start on my project, so far I'm about 10% complete. It's a huge project.. what can I say? 10% is actually quite a bit - one whole afternoon's work. I have alot to type, so I'm asking Bronson for help.

Went to Lot 10 last night to walk around.. there was a book fair, and Bron bought me a beautiful journal.. I can't wait to start writing in it. Went to have Black Pepper Udon again at one of my fave places in Bintang Walk.. then decided to head back home. Then David called, so we decided to take a detour to Bangsar to check things out. At Ohm, I bumped into Steve, who still has my phone charger, Jonathan, my ex-bf who I've discovered is still as childish (It was funny, you had to be there to hear his friends shouting his name really loud.. probably to get my attention?), Tyler and Perry, who both looked a little red, and caught me locked outside the grill thing.. (That was funny too. I was hiding, sort of, and tried to open the sliding door, which was locked, so I sort of hid behind the pillar because there was so many people walking past, and Perry caught me hiding.) Ohm was fun, I also saw a familiar looking guy downstairs at Echo, and it took me half the night to place him.. David and gang decided to go to The Roof, where I saw the scariest male dancer, ever. He was in really skimpy shorts, and a bolero, and knee-high boots, and the sight of him gyrating his best bits to bad beats made my hair stand on end, and I was laughing.. didn't know what else to do or how to react, actually. He's quite buff, works out, but short, and very much gay. Although I have nothing against gay men, having had some as friends before, this guy still gives me the shivers.

Half is back end was hanging out of this shorts. Even I don't own shorts as skimpy as that. It looked like my underwear. (!!!)

Went back after that, slept, woke up and did my work, surfed around abit, did some work for DeviantMAG, blogging..

Gonna go grab a bite soon.. it's 7pm now, and all I had to eat today was a box of McNuggets.

Saturday, November 10, 2023
Quiet Friday night, for once. Have the infamous 9am class tomorrow. Bought One night at McCool's this afternoon, not watching it yet, have to do my work. Pfft.

I <3 Bronson! *SmOOch*

Friday, November 09, 2023
Am still pissed off at MPSJ.

My face is frozen underneath some funky looking mask I swiped from mom's cupboard. It's really funky, on the outside it feels like some sort of cloth, and on the inside it's all gel like. Feels like the bottom of some mouse pad, only jellier. Nevermind. I suppose a picture of me in my mask would help tons in trying to illustrate how it looks like, but no, I look horrid. Tiff says I look like I'm about to kill someone in that pic, but actually, I just can't move my face because of the mask. Haha!

Today I went to MPSJ to pay my summons at 2pm. And guess what? They told me that the counter won't be open till 3:30. Lunch break, apparently. How do you expect me to PAY the damned thing on time if you're too busy taking a 3 hour long lunch break? WTF? Who the hell takes 3 hour lunch breaks? Honestly, that really pissed me off. You get paid to do 5 hours of work a day for the Government. Talk about fairness. Don't mean to be racial here, but I don't see chinese workers getting 3 hour lunch breaks. The bumis here are getting too much for nothing. No offense to anyone of you, unless you work at MPSJ and take 3 hour lunch breaks. I still can't get over it. 3 HOURS!? Anyway I really can't be bothered to wait there for another hour or so, so I walked back to my car, decided to fuck the summons, probably get someone to pay it for me later.. albeit having to fork out an extra RM40. MPSJ is wierd about summons, if you pay within 14 days of issue, you get 50% off. Like some sale, haha. And today was my 14th day so you can see why I'm pissed. Grr.

Plus the fact I was really tired, and just wanted to go home and get sleep. Buggers.

Class went well. San Yen left his pen next to my Mac after discussing my project with me, and he left before I could return it, so I told Yen Li about it.. and she wanted to 'touch' it. Wierdness. I ran off after class to meet up with Bron for lunch.. then went to MPSJ. Buggers.

Really, you'd think they were *gasp* LAZY or something.

I can't seem to get sleep, so I might as well type myself to sleep. I was just thinking, as I was trying to count sheep, that perhaps I'm not really me. So that may not make sense to you, but it made sense to me at that time. I guess this is gonna be another wierd self (un)discovery post. That wierd train of thought seems to pop up ever so often these days, and I'm beginning to wonder perhaps I could be someone else.

Yes, that's it.

I'm now attempting to rationalize myself. Please stop me whenever you feel I'm going off course. I'm gonna type in a third party thing, so I can give a more objective opinion on Stephanie. Right.

Myth: She's a party animal.
Fact: Now why did I put that down as a myth? True, I don't doubt her when she says she loves to have fun, and partying's probably just another way to have fun. She once told me, quite honestly, that she can live without parties. Just don't take away the mad company she's always in.

Myth: She's a model.
Fact: She's got the height, looks like a real chinese, so if you're into that, she probably can pass off as one. She's dabbled in it a few years back, but not anymore. She's given up completely on becoming a real model because she just can't stand the cattiness and the fact she'll probably always have to look good. And she doesn't always look good. She's human, she has her days.

Myth: She's a dumb blonde. Or brunette. Whatever.
Fact: While she is perfectly happy in letting others think what they want of her, those that are smart enough probably will figure out that she knows more than what you think she does. Having been blessed with a somewhat good photographic memory and excellent skills for remembering facts and directions, she's been known to play it cool before a major exam and end up getting straight A's. She's also been known to play it cool and end up getting straight B's. I think it depends on her interest in that particular subject. Most of the time, if she likes something, she has no problems reciting everything back to front.

Myth: She's happy.
Fact: While Stephanie might seem cheerily bubbly and all that, she's been known to mask her feelings under a veil of sunshine and shine so bright, people won't know what hit them. But that's not always the case.

Myth: She's sad.
Fact: I would like to say that she's sad because she's masking her happiness but how the heck would that make any sense at all? I'd say, if she's sad, you could have sadly mistaken it for a bad case of PMS, jealousy, stress, pressure or all of the above.

Myth: She's rich.
Fact: She's only rich when she wants to be, meaning that when she has dosh, she's probably worked her butt off for it. OK, maybe she hasn't, but at least she did some work for it. Legal work, mind you. She does not own a credit card, mainly because she does not want to spend more than she can afford. She stays in a small house, drives a small car, doesn't like rich men and has a perverse obsession with bargains and sales.

Myth: She's a fashion fiend.
Fact: No, she isn't. If you know her well enough, you will notice she wears the same pair of jeans repeatedly, most of her clothes are simple, wearable, solid-color things, and she prefers simple tops and jeans to glam designer dresses. Her only obsession is probably with shoes.

Myth: She's a snob!
Fact: Most of the people who don't know her probably thinks she's a tad snobby. But try engaging in serious conversation with her and you'll soon notice that it slowly takes a mad turn.. and for most part, it's just probably the way her eyes look. It's good, really, it keeps dirty old men away. Also, probably a reason why she doesn't get chatted up much.. most people don't dare to.

Myth: She's shallow.
Fact: Indeed, most people might have this perception for others who have more than them. In her case, she really just can't be bothered to discuss complicated mathematical problems when she could just as easily talk about make up with her girlfriends.. unless she absolutely has to, of course. And you have to realize that she really doesn't care if you think she's shallow. She knows better, and that's enough for her.

I can't think of any other myths I'd like to clarify. If you have other questions for Stephanie, leave them in the comments box. My (clever) plan of typing myself to sleep is obviously not working, as my brain has to boot up and think twice as fast for all the myths and facts I've been typing out. And my spelling is still in order, so I'm probably not much closer to sleep than you are, because my brain is obviously coordinating with my fingertips properly. Guess it's back to counting sheep..

One fat sheep. Two fat sheep. Three fat sheep.

(ponders quickly, in between sheep three and four, 'is this what's it's gonna be like in New Zealand?')

Four fat sheep. Five, need sleep.

Oh, and before you start thinking I'm some dummy who gets infected by viruses every other month, I haven't actually gotten any virus attacks before. Just 3 minor scares like the one today. Hehe.

I'm so high now.. woo hoo.. dad bought me a 100ml bottle of Dior's Higher instead of the 50ml one I asked for.. along with tons of chewing gum (Wrigley's Extra Wild Berry pellets and Spearmint gum - my faves!) nougat, chocolates, etc etc.. I love dad. And he's so sweet, he was staying in Crown, and they give these mini boxes of Crown Mints, and he knew I liked small little cute things, so he took the trouble to collect it everyday (they leave 2 little boxes on your bed) and brought them all back for me. Hehehe. I was practically screaming at how cute the tiny boxes looked. They even had snap on lids.. eeeeeeee..!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.

On a more serious note, I had a minor virus encounter today. Actually it could've been very serious, but luckily it isn't. Right after the last post I checked my mail, got an e-mail from Diana, with an attachment on it. It did look suspicious, as the e-mail sounded funny.. but I have no idea why, I opened it anyway, then panicked. Then I quickly launched Norton, tried to do a LiveUpdate. Why I used the word tried is because, apparently, after one year (and it was just one year yesterday.. oh, the irony) you have to pay a subscription to recieve further virus definition updates. Major panic. After 20 minutes doing what seems to be a futile search for some crack thingie, I found a little tool that enabled me to 'edit' the date on my Norton. Heh heh heh. So I got the update and did a full system scan and eliminated the virus.

Stephanie 1, Skanky Virus Nil.

After relating this to Bron, he reminded me that I had a similar case couple of months back. *sheepish grin* I can't remember what it was I opened, but I think it was one of the more famous Viruses, like that funny Sircam thingie. Anyway, I did a LiveUpdate then too, but there was no virus. Apparently that particular virus only affects Win 98 and below. Thank God for Windows 2000.

I knew today's had to be a new virus because my anti virus proggie screens my mail attachments. Nifty ey. Thats why I was majorly panicking.

But I'm fine now. Although I had to admit, after eliminating the virus and looking at the report of what it does (memory resident, corrupts *.exe files and deletes random documents) I was more than just a tad alarmed.

Anyway, after that fiasco, dad came back, and all was forgotten, until now, when I'm back in my room and my monitor is looking innocently at me. I feel guilty. Really. But I'm gonna have to sleep now because I have a 9am class I cannot afford to miss.

Thursday, November 08, 2023
Wonder what's up with BlogBack. it's just not my site, even the BlogBack site is having probs with the comments thing. It just won't pop-up. Oh well.

My day has been good so far, I woke up to a call from dad at the airport, he wanted to make sure that the perfume I asked him to get, Dior's Higher, is a mens perfume.. now he's probably wondering why I asked him to get a men's perfume.. hehe.. anyway he told me he'll buy it for me (yay!) and he'll be arriving back in KL about 8pm, didn't want me to go pick him up from the airport, he insisted that he'll just take a cab home coz he didn't want me to wait there for him, so he'll be home tonight about 9-10pm.. can't wait. He was supposed to come back on Tuesday, but stayed on to catch the Melbourne Cup, which we missed 2 years ago when we were in Brisbane and wanted to go to Melbourne, but couldn't find any transport or accomodation there because everything was fully booked. It was kinda last minute too, so we had to forgo it. Glad he's coming back though.

Bronson called me soon after I spoke to dad, and we made plans for lunch. We had a really nice lunch at Swensen's, where the waitress forgot to charge us for my food, a yummy salmon and mushroom baked rice thing.. and also ordered a Mini Earthquake that only cost RM1, comes as a package thingie with the main course.. yum. I've been doing situps lately, after Bron taught me how to do it properly, and probably put back all the fat on after this afternoon's ice-cream binge. Pfft.

Watched Moulin Rouge last night.. sigh, I think I'm in love with Ewan McGregor. And Nicole Kidman is such a babe.. can't imagine why Tom wants a divorce.. his loss.. hehe.. it's a good show nonetheless, Baz Luhrmann is a great director, the whole thing was a little magical, with a modern twist in the music.

*Growls* I'm actually taking a break right now from my lingo scripting, it's all going alright, except some complicated x,y,z coordinates I can't seem to figure out. Anyone out there a maths whiz that wants to help me? I'm really really pissed of with the script not working and all. It's not easy doing this.. guess I'll get some help from my tutor tomorrow in class. So far, I'm about 10% done on my Interactive Media project, I estimate one week working on it fully will suffice.. as for my Online Media class, it's all good. Just feeling kinda stressed about it now coz I'm stuck. I hate being stuck, really. Need another movie to watch tonight.. not gonna do anymore work after this coz I'll get really pissed soon.. hehe. Guess I'll just wait for dad to come back.

Just spoke to Bronson, he just got home from work.. wanted to go see him today, but felt guilty about my work, and dad's gonna be back, so I'll probably go look for him tomorrow or something. Trade's gonna be on tomorrow night in Flux, wonder if I should go.

Got a bunch of namecards from my friends today, it's an assignment for their Print Production class, way cool. I need to get one for myself soon. Wierd when people ask for my contact and I have to scribble my number and email down on random pieces of paper. Wonder if DeviantMAG's gonna provide us with business cards. It'll be cool to have on with 'Senior Freehand Editor' on it, although I really can't imagine what I'm gonna use it for.

Running off to take my dinner now before it gets cold.

Another test!
My colors (in order): Gray, Yellow, Black, Purple, Blue, Red, Orange, Green.
My results (woo, pretty accurate stuff!)
Presently, you are trying to break away from a situation that is causing you considerable worry and concern. Things are getting on top of you and you are feeling depressed almost to breaking point.Obviously there must be a way out - but at this time the solution seems to be escaping you. You want to "get away from it all" and as a consequence you appear to be sullen, introverted and refuse to get involved in any discussion or arguments which could aggravate the situation. Accept the fact that "as you feel - so your body will respond"... and so therefore "pretend" to the world about you that everything is going beautifully and if you act as if "all is going well" everything will, whether you believe it or not, will work out as you would like it to.

You don't feel as if you can go it on your own anymore. You don't want to be taken for granted ... You need to be recognised as a "caring person" and it could be that you are searching to establish a relationship, not necessarily with someone new ... but with that someone special who could feel the same way as you do.

You feel unhappy because you feel that you are not able to obtain the co-operation of those around you. All you would like at this time would be to achieve harmony within your circle ...

You are presently experiencing excessive stress as a result of self-restraint. You act and think differently from the common herd and you want to be liked and admired for yourself and to associate with people who feel and act as you do...Because of this need to be self-reliant and to break away from mediocrity, you are finding this situation most uncomfortable and you are experiencing considerable anxiety ... perhaps even more than you feel the capacity to cope with. You need to find a "soul mate". Someone whose standards are as high as your own. But where? Keep on searching... The situation is uncomfortable and you would like to break away from it, but you refuse to compromise with your opinions. You are unable to resolve the situation because you are continually postponing the making of necessary decisions. You are stubborn... but this is no deterrent to a happy life ...So why drop your standards ... Think positively ... everything will work out.. It has worked out successfully for you in the past ... and it will again in the future.

You seem to be always on the defensive and that is because you have failed to establish yourself in a manner consistent with your own high opinion of yourself. You are trying to prove yourself with inadequate resources, and this has resulted in considerable stress. You are trying to escape from these excessive demands on your reserves by adopting a defensive attitude in which you refuse to be committed or to be involved in further unpleasantness.

Well, kinda true about me being under stress now, hehe. Downloaded Kylie's new album, Fever today. Haven't had time to copy it out of my zip disk yet though. Told you I'm busy.. class went alright today, finally feel a little semblance of control over my group members. About time too, since there won't be a class next week, and by the week after that we're expected to finish everything already. Damn.

I'm gonna go sleep now, I really really need it. Friday's class is at 9am, so I'll need as much time as I can get on Thursday to do my work. :(

Wednesday, November 07, 2023
It's raining.

The sound of the rain falling has put me in some soft of strange, subdued mood. I think I'm about to fall asleep =P Actually, it's a really good time to sleep.. guess I'll just put my work on hold and go to sleep after posting this.

Dad's coming home in two days. I'm kinda excited actually, coz I miss having him around. You'd think by now I'd be used to not seeing him much, since he's been working outstation for the past 15 yrs of my life, but I do miss him. Most people say I'm just like my dad, which is about 80% true. Hehe. I am bloody stubborn. Don't try to prove me right.

Just spoke to Bron, he called to say goodnight *swoons* and he told me he finished watching the second VCD of Riding in cars with boys that I didn't survive two Saturday nights ago. Darn, I wanted to watch the ending. I fell asleep, but not coz it's boring or anything.. mostly coz I was too tired after clubbing and watching The One prior to watching that movie. The One sounds really wierd to me, coz my college, The One Academy, is also known as The One for short. At first when I heard about Jet Li's movie I thought it was some cheapo college production.. hahaha.. but then again I didn't know about the movie until it came out on VCD.

OK, going to sleep so I can wake up early and do my work. Talking to Dennis again, he's so funny.. or maybe it's just me being silly again. Note that Tiffany is not online. Probably still sleeping.. heh. Wonder if I should wake her up by going on and offline repeatedly in ICQ. She's got this foghorn noise thats really loud to notify her that I'm online. Haha..

OK, I'm letting her sleep if she's sleeping.

Tuesday, November 06, 2023
It's a little past 6:30 pm, but I'm still in class.. the whole lab is empty now, everyone left at 6 pm when the class ended.. but I'm still here.. downloading stuff, just saw the new Star Wars trailer also, kinda bored now.. pfft.. have to wait for my stuff to finish downloading before I can leave. Feels wierd though, I'm usually the first one out of the door when class finishes, and now everyone's left. Hehe. Just thought I'd drop a blog here.. since I'm doing nothing but waiting.. and Bron will only finish work at 7:30 today, may as well spend the time downloading stuff instead of waiting or something.

I'm back again, lunch was delayed a little. I was gonna post the contents of my makeup bag, then I realized that I didn't want everyone to know what ws in my makeup bag. I don't even let my boyfriend look at the contents, it's sort of an unsaid, forbidden zone thing, see. So I may as well continue to rant about how men don't get girl stuff, which is probably great for girls who don't like their boyfriends prying into their 'to buy' list, coz it means that the list will probably sound foreign to them, haha.. but I think I speak for most girls when I say that we'd rather you men (not boys) put in a little effort and learn a bit of girly jargon.

Spoke to Dennis on ICQ today, he's really stressed out over there in Purdue. I remember when I was in primary school, a bunch of us would compete over who would have the best grades in the year, and Dennis turned out to be a major obstacle. I didn't like him much back then, I didn't like boys much actually, and I liked him a little less than the others because he would constantly get better grades than me. But now, about 12 yrs later, things change, we mature, and hey, I don't dislike him anymore. In fact, I think I'm rather fond of him (not in that way) Anyway, if you're reading this, Dennis, here's to umm.. friendship. ;)

I have to really go now. I won't be back online anytime soon, unless if I post from class, which won't be much fun coz my classmates will be there staring at my screen. Pfft.

*floods Justin with SMSes*

Men are so.. uneducated when it comes to girl stuff. Like make up, or clothes.. but they somehow seem to know every brand of sexy french lingerie ever made. Now why is that? I bought some BeneFit stuff in Sydney, and after yakking away for countless hours about it to Bron about how excited I am coz I can't get it in Malaysia, for some reason he says he wants to take me shopping for it after seeing my wishlist. Hehehe.. sweet of him though.

But he's not the only one. One of my closest guy friends, whom I've known since I was 7, still does not have a clue what MAC is. Yes, even after his girlfriend practically bashed him with her MAC compact and left an imprint on his forehead. And one of my ex-bf's (insert name here) has a problem keeping up with me. By the time he worked out what MAC was, I moved on to Clinique, which he thought was a 'clinic' and Clinique = clinical make up. *slaps forehead* But funnily enough, they do know brands like Elizabeth Arden and Christian Dior, but only probably coz their moms use it. Haha. I'm not even gonna start talking about clothes, lest I get more blank stares when I mention MNG or Topshop. But you get my point, men simply DON'T get it when it comes to girly stuff.

But of course like everything else, there are exceptions. I had a boyfriend once, who followed the trends more closely than I did, dutifully notifying me of every launch, sale and party there was. Which was very nice for a change, but it did bug me a little that he knew almost as much about make up as I did. No, he was in no way gay or anything, haha.. probably coz his ex girlfriend chose to educate him on the finer things in life. *ahem*

Monday, November 05, 2023
Dammit, I hate lingo!! @$%^&#@#!!! :P

Bronson's in trouble, hehe.. coz I just got my BeneFit Wishlist up! (my e-mail is [email protected])

Sunday, November 04, 2023
Was talking to Tiffany on AIM earlier today, telling her about this wierd dream I had after playing Diablo till 5:30 am last night. Wierd, this dream, it seemed like I was my Assassin, in a Diablo-like world, but unlike Harrogath, or Lut Gholein, or anywhere else in the game, I was in a mod, 90's Jason Brooks inspired world, where the people are all beautiful, and there I was, this Assassin, in a glitzy realm, and the only thing that made it Diablo-like was the fact that I had my Qatars on, and I was killing almost every other being in sight. The monsters were wierd, if you could call them monsters. They were in fact, men, that I was slashing, young, beautiful, even after a harsh blow from my poison-coated Qatar. Crimson red, the blood. It was everywhere, and nowhere all at once.

And there was a pool, sparkling crystal blue water, so deep, there was no bottom, and in this pool, there were more monsters (or men, if you prefer..) and they were inviting me to join them. Did I? I remember pulling one of them out of the water, pointing my claws at his throat and drawing blood. The blood was not crimson, this time. In its place was a glowing green substance, like the poison on my Qatars, and all at once, the men turned into real monsters. I went on a killing spree, with Khan at my side. He looked suspiciously like Bronson, but ten times bigger, his arms the size of small tree trunks, brandishing a huge 5 foot long sword. His hair was long, like Samson, and he rode upon a horse so black, he was almost invisible in the dim room, save his diamond-like hooves. The water, so blue, now turned pitch black, and I aimed a firebolt at the water, setting it, and everything inside, on fire.

Then I ran, across a bridge that spans a huge, empty void. There he was, Mephisto, waiting for my arrival. There was alot of blood, and lightning bolts, and at this point I woke up.

Remind me not to play so much Diablo before I sleep. My dreams have become exceedingly wierd these days.

On another note, (haha) I played somemore Diablo this afternoon, I'm now level 72.. raided the 7 tombs in the Canyon of the Magi again, found some funky set items last night, which included the belt from the Immortal King set. And a Wyrmhide Armor thing (white item) which has a base defense of 469.. imbued it today, now it has 750 defense, socketed it, and if I socket it with the Pul rune, it adds 30% more defense.. so I should end up with about 1000 defense.. hehe.. coolness. Didn't go about any quests today.. at Kurast now, but I don't really like that place much. I think my fave act is probably act II.

No more Diablo-talk now. I don't want to end up with more wierd dreams tonight.. although it was fun killing all those men.. mwahahaha. I have a new game to look out for though, Zanzarah. Wonder what that game is like, looks nice. The website's in a different language though. Can't understand a thing.

Work update: Just realized how hard it is to isolate a single script from a whole project. And it's not like the script is simple either. Dammits. This whole Lingo thing is driving me nuts. Came online to rant, take a break, and search for more scripts. Hehe. By this time tomorrow night, I'll probably scream if I see one more lingo script line.

Just woke up. Hehe. Went to KL last night, and for the first time, most of the clubbing spots were half empty. Wanted to drop by Carbon coz there was a Kent event there, DJ Courtney was playing, but didn't go in coz it didn't look like anything much was happening there. Called Lynn then headed down to Rush again. Think I had enough partying for one weekend. Darude was good though, just downloaded some of his stuff on mp3.

Made it to class Saturday morning at 9am..! Got the 3d script from San Yen, proceeded to try and decipher it, failed miserably, ported it home.. and I still have yet to look at it. Hehe. Planning to start all my scripting tonight, though. I have to start real soon. Blog later, I gotta run.

Saturday, November 03, 2023
Darude was pretty good.. we got in free coz of our table in Rush.. met so many people, including one I haven't seen for years...! Eric.. an old friend of mine. Haven't seen him for ages! It was nice catching up with him.. also bumped into Lu Kenn, someone I haven't seen for ages either. Seems everyone is there for the Darude rave at Flux. Saw a few of Bron's friends, and I finally met Alex's (the slut) sister, she's really nice. Alex put on so much weight that I didn't recognise him when I bumped into him at the toilets.. haha! :)

Had fun, good music, good friends.. Damn tired now though, I have class at 9am tomorrow so i better go to sleep now..

Friday, November 02, 2023
Shit, this is soooooo funny! And if you wanna read my story.. :D

Doing some work now since class is over, and I'm at home boring myself to death. I'm probably my own worst and best company..! Going out with the girls later, blog about it when I get back. I'm going off to read some mags that I bought today, went to Atria for lunch with Bron and we bought about 8 mags between us.. ehehe.. I'm also recoloring my hair coz the color's starting to fade a little.. Gotta go and take out the dye now..!

In class now, almost got into trouble coz i didn't really do much for class. Hehe. Just finished converting and updating BlogBack. V3 is out, and I'm doing this from my college lab, so I don't have the correct color codes.. thats why my forms are red and pink. Had some problems installing it too. Bleah.

Gonna get some director codes from San Yen, apparently it's very complicated and Lin Yew himself.. well, he said that he didn't even wanna try to sort the code out. Ouch. Think I'm gonna have mjor problems with this.

Sheesh, I'm so busy I don't even have time to eat. Seriously.. anyway, today's been pretty hectic for me, rushed to class, got there in time to have a very quick lunch before going into the auditorium, sat through a lecture on Christianity in Philippines, listening while trying to draft out ideas for my navigation system (for another class) and trying to digest both sides at once (pretty impossible if you ask me) but I managed to listen enough to answer a couple of questions thrown at me about the Santo Nino (baby Jesus) and the Corpus Christi celebration (literally means corpse of Christ) and think about how I'm gonna draw out a map of the stars at the same time. Even looking for a proper and simple reference of a star map is hard enough. Sigh. I think I'm going nuts.

Why the heck did I chose 'Astrology' as my topic when I know nuts about it? Probably coz the topic eludes me as well. Grr. But it's all good.. I hope. Thanks to Austin Cheney for letting me use one of his images in it. Astrology, pfft. Now, much as I'd like to stay and blog, I have to go sleep. Before I go, though..

Good luck to Jia for her exams, and a Happy belated 21st Birthday to Jamie..!

BTW, just thought I'd slot this in real quick. Played somemore Diablo today, finally made my way to Act III in Hell. Got myself killed, TWICE, in one of the fake Tal Rasha tombs.. just thought I'd go in and loot the place, y'know, but I ended up getting myself killed by the Unique Monsters. Damned spectral hits. And they're immune to physical too, so it's kinda hard for me coz I dish out more physical damage than magic. Gotta love Tiger strike for that. Heh. Phoenix strike is good too, especially the 3rd charge.. good for freezing monsters if there's a big crowd. And I love playing with Bron's Grimfang (Paladin) at my side coz of his auras. I hate getting killed. Cost me about 300 000 gold plus lots of experience points everytime I get myself killed. Otherwise, I'd have reached level 70 today. I'm 2mm away from getting there, or so my bar says. Pfft! one reason why I love full rejuvs. I'm wearing the Rune Fringe War Belt, it's only got 72 defense, but 16 slots for my potions. Yay. I gotta find a belt with higher defense soon. My overall defence is so damn lowwwwwwwwww. Grr. OK, I'm stopping here.

Now, for some snoozeroos.

Thursday, November 01, 2023
Happy halloween everyone, tho I know it's a little late.. hehe. It's the 1st of November already.. uh oh. Anyway, bunch of us went to The Roof in Bangsar coz there was a free flow for ladies. You should've seen the number of empty glasses on our table.. haha. And we didn't even have to pay. Gotta love being a girl sometimes. Had about 5 glasses of red wine before I went back. Wine gives me a headache sometimes.. like now.

Class was OK, the last post was from class. The rest of my day was alright, didn't dress up or anything. No where to go anyway. Played somemore Diablo. Gonna reach Level 70 real soon..! Spoke to Alan last night, and apparently Natalya's Odium isn't as good as it sounds. Damn. Need some good armor for my assassin. I'm seriously lacking in defense. Bron's defence goes up to 3000. Bugger. (no wonder he kicked my ass)

OK. Pink hair, see? Ricky says my streaks look nice.. yay! I lub Ricky.

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