1. No parking 2. Sydney skyline view from Broadway 3. Shadow play - sculpture at the Quadrant 4. Around Ultimo 5. Agaphantus close-up taken with my new 50mm lens 6. W hard at work :)
W and I went apartment hunting again and have maybe found a place.. maybe! It was a nice day so we we wandered around Ultimo and Broadway to take some pictures for our photography class homework.. it’s been really fun so far and we are learning so much. Something clicked during the second class and suddenly all the relationships between aperture, shutter speed and ISO became clear to me - I was so intimidated before and now I haven’t taken any photos on automatic setting for the past two weeks! Expect to see more photos here soon :)
Supre knit, Cotton On shorts, Marc by Marc Jacobs Hillier Hobo (smaller version), Soludos espadrilles.

http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/ Call me M
http://www.shoelazzo.blogspot.com shoelazzo
http://styleflakes.blogspot.com konstantina
http://styleofsam.blogspot.com/ Samantha
http://www.ediot.org ediot