
posted on: October 9, 2024

Thought I bought a pair of black waxed jeans but these hilariously turned out dark blue. Definitely a happy accident since I have more pairs of black jeans than I care to acknowledge, but suddenly I’m convinced half my things I thought were black are actually black verging on the side of being a very dark blue/green. I’ve always been a red-black kinda girl, you know? I dressed it down with this Uniqlo sweatshirt I picked up in KL originally to stud up. I still can’t decide if I want to or not, the original plan was to do a few rows on my shoulders but then I realised I’m also a shoulder bag kind of girl..

Uniqlo sweatshirt, Mango jeans, Wanderlust+Co necklace, Givenchy bag, Theyskens’ Theory shoes. Photos by W.

Absolutely Fuzzy

  • thehautecookie

    I LOVE the all black and im obsessed with you ombre hair. so gorg! You look so pretty I’m so sorry that it has taken me so long to comment on your blog~but I’m so glad I did because I love yours too. Thank you so much for the sweet comment you left recently and for following me. New follower right back at you!

  • Kim

    hey girl! i have such an issue with black and blue. i always have to put them side by side to tell the difference. hahaha first glance at your outfit and i would’ve sworn they were black. it was only whenyou revealed it in your description that i knew they were a dark blue. i love your outfit and those boots are great. i think studs would look great on the shoulders of that sweater, but i understand your dilemma of combining it with a shoulder bag. ohhhh decisions! hahaha you can always wear a studded collar shirt underneath :) that might be an option. wishing you a wonderful day.

  • Ola

    I love your bag !!! I want the same but in black !!!
    Amazing boots !!!

  • Sue

    Nice boots! I’d never thought about studs being a problem on the shoulders before with respect to bags but now that you’ve mentioned it, I’m aware now. It’s funny - you almost look a little “naked” without the studs on the sweatshirt but I like it plain too.

  • Miranda

    I encounter this dilemma quite often as well. LOL. Either way, I think the pants are def a great addition to your wardrobe ;)


  • Call me M

    Love your jeans! I see them as black, but I guess they can look dark blue in different lighting. I also have some items that I thought they were black, but now I’m not so sure.

  • konstantina

    I have a problem too with dark blue and black…
    I like your boots so much honey!
    Dark coloured outfits really highlights you!

  • Annette

    You can never have enough black pants - or dark dark blue! You know I’m a fan of anything black on black on black.. And I love the shoes! Those are perfect for stylish x running around…


  • jamie-lee

    I love when you stumble across items that you think are one thing, and then get pleasantly surprised by what you hadnt previously noticed. Love this simple look!

  • her persona

    great pair of jeans!

  • Sonia

    Beautiful outfit, love those booties!


  • Eleni

    I really like yr blog !!:) yr style is perfect and yr photos also! I like to discover creative people:) kisses from Greece!

  • Necesito Lujos

    You look nice

  • LifeStyle Journal

    Those jeans looks super urban chic on the daytime!!! The look is perfect!