
posted on: January 8, 2024

Absolutely Fuzzy Balenciaga Weekender ASOS leather shorts Celine Audreys Zara linen top

OK so it hit a whopping 44c today (that’s 115F!) in the city and the heat literally started to suffocate. To say I wish I was anywhere but at work would be a lie however - indoor air conditioning is always good - but the impossible heat made the commute to and from work quite unbearable.

Leather shorts sound crazy to me right now but we shot this on the weekend at brunch when it was a little more pleasant. When I saw this (frontally) unassuming grey linen top that is split right up the sides and all party at the back I knew I had to have it despite it being one size up. That makes it a bit longer than normal but I like the fact that it doubles up as a beach coverup which on days like this, makes perfect sense. If you’re in Sydney I hope you’re staying cool x

Zara linen top / ASOS leather shorts / United Nude heels / Balenciaga courier / Celine sunnies / Etsy rings

Photos by W.

Absolutely Fuzzy

  • Mica

    Your top is lovely, and I really like your Bal courier too, but those shoes are amazing! They look so good!

    Hope you are keeping cool in the heat.

    • Stephanie

      Thanks Mica! Those shoes are pretty old, one of the very early UN collections I think probably 8 years ago.. they hold up pretty well tho and definitely one of my favourites still!

  • Maddie

    Wow a superchic outfit! Can’t get enough of it!

    • Stephanie

      Thanks Maddie xx

  • Dieti i otslabvane

    Excellent vision and style. I congratulate you for the great taste of dressing!

  • cait & val

    love those shoes!!! you’re whole look is fantastic!!!

    xo. c & v
    cake & valley

  • thehautecookie

    love the open back and love the entire look! xO!

  • Fashion Reactor

    Love your sunglasses and top!!
    Here in Greece it was snowing today :p

    Eirini from

    • Stephanie

      Oh wow really two extremes! Hope you’re keeping warm then :)

  • Call me M

    I saw the second photo on FB and I loved it. I actually love the whole outfit, and I like the fact that the top is a size bigger. 44c is A LOT, even for Greece’s summer. I hope you’re staying cool, and spending more time under the AC than during commute.

    • Stephanie

      Thanks M! I some times buy a bigger size if I think it will shrink in the dryer (haha) but this was only because there wasn’t a S left only M! but it was an oversized cut to begin with ;) hope you’re staying warm xx

  • jamie-lee

    Gosh darn that sounds hot! This top seems like the perfect thing to wear in those temps though. And OMG those shoes of yours are indrecible

  • akiko

    You look amazing and love your top! I thought you must be freezing until I read your post. I’d love to visit Australia someday soon.. Anyway, Great look and post! xo akiko
    Style Imported

    • Stephanie

      Thanks Akiko.. you should visit if you can, it’s a really nice country!

  • the style crusader

    Love love love your top. The bag and side detail are so pretty. xx

  • Kim

    Really cool top and shoes Stephanie! Love it!

  • Miranda

    Such cool pieces! I think you make the super hot temps look chic ;)


  • trishie

    Love that top! So perfect for summer. I am really hoping we won’t get another over 40 day this summer! It was so uncomfortable.

    • Stephanie

      I’m hoping the same too.. fingers crossed, bush fires are :(

  • findmeamuse

    I love your combination here Stephanie. You have a great eye for styling items and you always come off looking just perfect. How wicked are those heels!

    xx Mandi

    • Stephanie

      Thanks so much Mandi x

  • Xixia

    Oh my. That top. So divine. I love the unique shape and bunching pattern in the back - it’s too cool. Oh, I also really like your new (or not so new? I need to catch up on reading blogs. XD) layout! It’s great. :)

    ♥ xixia

    • Stephanie

      Loving your new revamp too! Yay for new blog layouts :)

  • Caterina - Not Just A Pretty Dress

    Steph, the images of this post are so beautiful! Love everything about them: the lght, the clothes…and that top in particular! This year I have decided to invest more on quirky tops, just like yurs! With the exception of a jacket and accessories of course, I’m not a big leather-wearer, but these shorts suit you so well. Enjoy the summer (BTW, here we are expecting snow…)!

    • Stephanie

      Thanks Caterina - we are learning more about photography every day and it’s always an interesting process :) That’s a good resolution to have and hope you’re keeping warm. Such an odd feeling that it’s so hot here and snowing there!

  • Stephanie / FAIIINT

    This outfit is beautiful! Oh that top, the split sides, open back & draping, so gorgeous! Really loving the heels too, I’m such a fan of UN designs but have never actually brought any of their pairs. These look pretty comfortable too!
    I would say I’m jealous of the weather there, as it’s freezing here (& snowing!), but 44c sounds totally unbearable to me! Hope it cools down a little for you soon!

  • Stephanie

    Thanks Steph. I’ve been watching UN very closely since their first ever shoe - I have a pair of those Mobius heels stashed away somewhere and are surprisingly comfy (though not so sure about some of the new ones).. they are having a sale right now if you feel like shopping!

  • Marlene @ chocolatecookiesandcandies

    I had no idea Sydney could get that hot! Your outfit is incredible. So avant garde and unique. And those mules you’ve got on. They’re gorgeous. I’ve never heard of UN before. Will have to check them out.

  • Style Hostess

    Those united nude heels are simply amazing! I’ve never seen one like that. So out of the world and way minimalistic ♥ first time popping by your blog today and already looking forward for more!
