
posted on: April 15, 2024

JW Anderson for Topshop Sweater Zara Geometric Bag Zara faux leather leggings Wanderlust+Co D-Link Leather Bracelet JW Anderson for Topshop Sweater JW Anderson for Topshop Sweater

I threw this tee over some black sweat pants the other night for a quick dash out to the shops but it was too cold so I turned back and grabbed the closest sweater at hand which happened to be this one that I wore in the day. Decided I liked the combination so I recreated it with a proper pair of pants and a few pieces that are on high rotation right now. Kind of like the stripes with the nautical J.W. logo though that association is purely coincidential. These days I think less about what to wear but more on what I feel like throwing on at a particular time of day..

Tomorrow my cousin from Sweden arrives in Sydney so I’m really looking forward to the rest of my week!

J.W. Anderson for Topshop sweater / Zara boots and bag / Wanderlust + Co bracelet

Photos by W.

Absolutely Fuzzy

  • thehautecookie

    love the black skinnies! you look amaze! xO!

  • Mica

    Such a nice casual outfit! I really like those boots, they are lovely with the leather pants :)

    Hope your cousin has a great time in Sydney! :)

  • Laura

    Love the sweater and so jealous of the bag, I didn’t manage to get my hands on it!


    • Stephanie Goh

      It did sell out pretty quick! I’ve gotten two emails from people about selling it this year but I like too much to part with it!

  • Call me M

    Absolutely adore this outfit! You look amazing, and I love the nautical theme! The 2nd photo is so beautiful.

  • Abi

    I always like how you always have this certain edge to every outfit that just makes you stand-out in style! :D

    twitter and instagram: @BelatedBloomer

    • Stephanie Goh

      Aw thanks sweetie, that made my day :D

  • Sue

    You’re seeing in the autumn most stylishly. The JW Anderson jumper is cool.

  • http://Website Mili

    I love when I just happen to throw on something without thinking and then it really works. Hope you have fun with your cousin! Love the bag and boots, I wish I bought those zara boots when they were out :(

    Mili from call me, Maeby

    • Stephanie Goh

      They just kind of appeared in the Sydney store.. we often get things late here.

  • Whitney

    Hi, i like your leather leggings matched with that outfit - so simple and casual :) I’ve been looking for a pair like those for a while now!

  • jamie-lee

    I like the way it looks with the jumper, feels complete, like operhaps without something may have been missing? Gorgeous as usual of course!

  • Marlen

    Haha don’t you love when you accidentally make a cute outfit? My room is super messy and i sometimes find adorable combos crumpled together on the floor haha. And have fun with your cousin- it’s going to be fun showing her around!

    xo Marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

  • annette

    perfect look! i love that bag! totally regret not getting that bag.. it always looks so good with everything!!


  • findmeamuse

    Your thrown on outfits are equivalent to my thought out ones (yours are better)! I know what you mean though, I’ve been having that last minute and relaxed approach to dressing a lot more recently too. Maybe it’s the coolness in the air. I always get more that way in winter. It always feels so nice.

    Your sweater is so perfect. I love the embroidered little detail and those booties. Hotness!

    Have a brilliant time with your cousin.

    xx Mandi
    Find Me A Muse

    • Stephanie Goh

      I’m not sure about that Mandi, I think you always look perfectly effortless! But definitely like Winter for letting me have more options, instead of throwing on a top and calling it a day.

  • http://Website ema

    loving black outfits! :)


    shop mignon mignon

  • Liquroish Online

    Nice combination of t shirt, jacket and lovely hand bag. i love it.

  • Caterina - Not Just A Pretty Dress

    Indeed a perfect casual outfit! I really liked the JW Anderson collections for Topshop (still regretting not having bought the ‘batman jumper’) andyour Zara ankle boots are great!

    • Stephanie Goh

      Oh I wanted that batman jumper too, haha, totally missed out on it online and it never made it to the stores here I think, or I just missed seeing it..