Leather bomber + a treat!

posted on: August 25, 2024

Mango leather bomber jacket

I’ve had such a crazy couple of weeks - if you’ve been following me on Instagram you’ll have seen some snaps of the stunning Queensland hinterlands where my cousin Faith got married last weekend. I came back to Sydney smack on work deadline and have been playing catch up a bit.. I have a ton of pictures to go through!

Mango leather bomber jacket
BaubleBar leather and chain bracelet
Mango leather bomber jacket
Topshop grey drape top
Topshop grey drape top
FW13 Asymmetric wedges
BaubleBar leather and chain bracelet

But first, I’ve been wanting to share this leather bomber from a few years ago, it was lost in our move last year and I was gutted. I finally found it in my basement in a box last month when I did some spring cleaning and did some restoration work on the leather and have been wearing it quite a lot lately. It’s always been one of my favourites and still is. Classics never go out of style right? Paired with some aviators because anything else doesn’t feel quite right. Also these shoes are my new obsession - how amazing is the cut? I found it in a random store here, pretty sure they’re inspired by these, so I just had to have them!

By the way do you sometimes spend ages browsing an online store then realise they don’t ship to your country.. just as you’re about to check out? I came across Baublebar some time ago - they have some pretty cool pieces (like this lock bracelet) and I wished they shipped over here. Well, guess what? Baublebar just started shipping to Australia! (yay) And to celebrate, they’ve given me a code to share with you lovely readers. Enter ABSOLUTELYFUZZY20 at checkout to enjoy 20% off ;)

Enjoy! x

c/o Baublebar ivory chain wrap / Topshop drape top / Cheap Monday jeans / Mango bronze leather bomber (similar).

Photos by W.

Absolutely Fuzzy

*Offer expires on 8/31/2013 at 11:59PM EST. Cannot be combined with other offers. Not valid on Buried Bauble, Spring Potpourri Bib or gift cards. Valid for first time customers only, cannot be applied to past purchases. Valid only for Australia purchases.

  • http://www.DoYouSpeakGossip.com Call me M

    I just LOVE your shoes! Such an interesting design.
    And I love having classic pieces in my closet, such as your jacket. I need to buy a leather one soon.

  • http://Website Mili

    I love how you’re able to spice up seemingly plain outfits, like with the cut of your top and the cool shape of your shoes! And yay for baublebar in Australia :)

    Mili from call me, Maeby

  • http://susiesoso.blogspot.co.uk Sue

    Love the Topshop draped top. I thought you were wearing a Helmut Lang special or something so I’m delighted to see it’s credited as Topshop. And the shoes are amazing!

    BTW - how many leather jackets do you actually have?

  • http://mesmerize87.blogspot.com/ Kate I

    You look wonderful! Love your basic t-shirt with black pants and heels!
    You have great blog - very inspirating:)
    please visit me in free time:)

  • http://www.thehautecookie.com thehautecookie

    you look amazing. and those shoes… WOW. xO!


  • Diana

    you look amazing, dear!

  • http://Website The Fashion Fraction

    totally in love with the shoes


  • http://styleimported.blogspot.com akiko

    Such a gorgeous jacket and glad you found it! The color looks amazing on the stylish outfit of yours :) Oh and yes, it happened to me before that I took time to look around and found out no shipping to usa..! xo akiko
    Style Imported

  • http://awayfromtheblue.blogspot.com Mica

    Love that leather jacket - such a nice metallic shine to it! So glad you found it again :)

    I know how you feel with stores that never ship to Australia, haha. Now it’s always the first thing I check! :)

    Glad you enjoyed your trip up north- and a day in southbank was a lovely way to spend time in the city :) Especially on a warm weekend. Funny enough, the DFO I was shopping in on Saturday was the airport DFO! I live close by, too close for my credit card to take sometimes, haha!

  • http://www.notjustaprettydress.com Caterina - Not Just A Pretty Dress

    Steph, I’m so happy that you found this beauty: this tan bomber jacket looks perfect for you and I really like how it goes with your black & grey ensemble. I’m glad Baublebar ships to your country: that store is a great source of inspiration and temptation!

  • http://www.aduckinherpond.com Blond Duck

    I love that caramel color!

  • http://theplaincanvas.blogspot.com/ Jessie

    love the leather jacket and the top. you look amazing. =)

    i was gonna buy some statement earrings from Baublebar the other day. They are gorgeous! At the end, I realised that they don’t ship to Asia at the checkout… Silly me. LOL

  • http://www.averysweetblog.com/ Kim of A Very Sweet Blog

    hey stephanie! it does take awhile to get back into the swing of things. hope things are getting better doll. i love your jacket. the finish looks metallic. what a neat effect. looks great on you. wishing you a wonderful week.

  • http://www.dressingken.com Ali Mackin

    Yes classics are a great investment. And this jacket is great, love the color. And I LOVE Bauble Bar I went to an event in their Soho store and did a post on it. You can read about it here http://www.dressingken.com/2013/07/a-night-in-soho-at-bauble-bar_29.html

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  • http://thetiniestfirecracker.com Ashley

    I’m actually in love with that jacket. They look so much better when they’re old and worn. I have one from the 70s that I need to have cleaned but I’m terrified :(

    xo Ashley

  • http://www.faiiint.com Stephanie / FAIIINT

    Those shoes! Uhh, so amazing. The bomber is beautiful too, love the subtle metallic colour, it looks kinda like a normal brown leather, but where the light hits it, so pretty. It’s the best feeling when you think you’ve lost something to find it again years later isn’t it?! :)

  • http://a-highland-fling.blogspot.co.uk/ Emma

    Oh my! Your shoes are so rad!! I love them with your jeans, they look so great with them!

    Em x

  • http://heyprettything.com Carolyn

    a cognac leather bomber is always classic!


  • http://www.fashionreactor.com Fashion Reactor

    I love the jacket!!! I can live in my leather jackt during winter.The shoes are amazing too, Great design


  • http://www.inkarlcerating.com karl leuterio

    love thiss so much

  • http://www.olastory.com Ola

    LOVE your shoes !
    They’re absolutely perfect !
    & the colour of your bomber jacket looks amazing too :)


  • http://tfdiaries.com megan, tfdiaries

    love that bomber

    Xo, Megan, http://www.TfDiaries.com

  • http://www.daringcoco.com Sonia

    I love uncovering lost gems! One of the best feelings in the world. Also feel your pain about the online shipping, though I always come across sites that do ship here but they want to charge me over $30! Hell no I won’t pay that hahaha!


  • http://emilyviveur.blogspot.com emily viveur

    Love this outfit! The draping of the top is such a nice detail to add to an otherwise basic piece…and the cut of the shoes is just amazing.

  • http://www.melissa-araujo.blogspot.com melissa

    Wow I love teh shoes, where are they from? Very different and cool

  • http://www.handmadedreamsofmine.com Johanna

    Fabulous jacket! I love it :) And great style as always, you have a great eye for fashion :)

  • http://www.nomadicd.com/ Nomadic D.

    Love that draped t-shirt! And those shoes! Did I miss something, because I couldn’t find the details for the shoes on this post… Regardless, they are gorgeous. And I can’t imagine how happy you must have been to rediscover a long-lost much-loved item like that jacket. Joy! Thanks for stopping by and commenting,


  • http://fashiontranslated.blogspot.de/ T.

    Love how this outfit in made up of relatively simple pieces that all have something special about them at a second glance! The shoes are amazing! Grea blog, I’m a new follower!

  • http://brightgreenlaces.com Pixelhazard

    Love a classic leather jacket. I need more in my wardrobe or I have a sneaking suspicion my one black bomber will deteriorate at a fast pace. Love you shoes too! Haven’t really invested time exploring Bauble bar but maybe I should

    X. Pixelhazard | Bright Green Laces |

  • http://thechicstreet.com Miranda

    I am so glad that this jacket resurfaced! It is such a great piece ;) Love the detail on the shoes also!


  • http://www.riamichelle.com Ria

    I’ve been wanting a bomber jacket so much lately. Love the curve on those shoes.