The Layout
Opted for a horizontal layout coz I seem to have always done it this way. Check out my v1 page and you'll see what I mean.

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Back from Sydney, pics >> here.

Got new pink streaks on Oct 13. Yay.

The Team

Stephanie Goh @ fuzzy

Bronson Chin @ bong

Tiffany Loh @ woozie

Diana Teoh @ hugable

Sharon Teo @ bong

Absolut Wishlist Wishlist
Absolutely Fuzzy v.1
My DeviantArt user page
Misc. funny e-mail pics
Online friends list


Rants, raves, whatever..!
Saturday, June 02, 2024
Freshly up: woozie's blog page!!

Got this in a mail from Neville today.. (read this before somewhere a long time ago) I found it so funny..! And so damn typically Malaysian.. hahahha.. anyways.. I know more non-Malaysians visit this page, so yeah, this is an exaggerated list of all things Malaysian. :)

First walk towards the car you are interested in. Then walk around the car in circles, tapping and knocking every part of the chassis with your knuckles. Then say something like "Body not very solid". After that approach the front left tyre, give it a few hard kicks just to "test" the tyre. Next walk to the rear right side and press the body of the car down a few times,and exclaim loudly "wah, asorbar not bad".Are you done? Now you're ready to do the static "test drive". Get into the car and give the steering wheel a few turns. Flash the lights, sound the horn, recline the seats, pull and release the hand brake, open up every compartment etc. Do all the tests while you're pretending to read the brochure. Finished? Final test: get out of the car and slam the door a few times to check for "solid sound". If satisfied, approach the salesman and "How much loan can take?"

National Rice Cooker. 99% of Malaysian households use a National Rice Cooker, the other 1 % don't eat rice.

Lucky or Poppy. Every self respecting mongrel in Malaysia who has an owner will invariably be named Poppy or Lucky.

Nasi Lemak. Who cooks and eats nasi lemak at home for breakfast anyway?

Maggi Mee. Also the national lunch and dinner if you're a out of town
student, bachelor, neglected husband, lazy fella, etc.

Maggi Mee.

Traffic Jam.

None. Most Malaysians still feel embarrassed buying condoms. So they rush in to a Seven Eleven, hurriedly grab the nearest pack, any pack, pay and leave before the cashier can even blink an eye. If it's not available, Malaysians optimistically apply the other birth control methods. (See below)


Stout with raw egg. Many swear by it. But after a few pints they start
swearing at everything?

Food Poisoning.

Menstrual Pains

Headache, kids not asleep, maid not asleep, mother-in-law around, early appointment, food not digested yet, air cond not cold enough, air cond too cold, nail polish not dry yet, forgot to take the pill, sleepy, stomach cramps, period, haven't remove make-up, haven't shower, no water supply, going to watch "Santa Barbara", depress, no mood, etc.

None. Malaysian men never refuse sex.

Panadol. The "cure all" for Malaysians. If it fails we have another secret
weapon; Tiger Balm.

Minyak Angin Cap Kapak.

Happy Hours.

The sight of a police road block.

Pil 'Chi-Kit' Teck Aun. The miracle cure! It works. Ten minutes and you're "dried" up. Always pack some of this stuff when you're travelling.

Pil 'Chi-Kit' Teck Aun. The pills are so tiny it's easy to swallow an extra
mouthful and overdose on it. No one can help you here.

Queuing up patiently at 4D shops. This is very strange. On week days you'll find the same people jumping queues, elbowing the next guy at the bus stops, train stations etc.

Rolex. Usually the model with the gold bracelet and diamond studded bezel.

Tag Hauer. Every yuppie's must-have "show off" accessory. Usually further down the wrist, in the palm is a tiny Motorola StarTac cellular phone. The irony is that Motorola spent much time and effort creating a phone that fits comfortably inside the shirt pocket.

Rolex, Tag Hauer, Raymond Weil or Patek Philippe from Petaling Street (Chinatown Night Market).

The Sarong (and the Pagoda Brand white overall T-shirt).

Anywhere. As long as it is not your house.

Kedai Pajak Gadai (Pawn Shop). My Tag Hauer is now proudly on display there.

Smelly cuttlefish (during the trailers), Kua chee (during the movie).

Lake Gardens, cinemas and reservoirs.

Lake Gardens, cinemas and reservoirs.

Carrefour. Sometimes even pronounced as Carry 4! On second thought, why bother pronouncing Peugeot or Citroen correctly. I thinks it sounds better, when the local mechanics say "Pew Jeot" or "See Tlone". When I was in school, Milo was always Mee Lo, now that I'm sophisticated, I say "My Lo". So don't be embarassed saying "Carry 4" when the Mat Sallehs shamelessly pronounce orang utan as "rangutan".

"Lemon Tree". Natural successor: "Barbie Girl".

Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur. On a short stretch there's the National Theatre, National Art Gallery, National Heart Institute, National Library and the National News Agency (Bernama).

Attacking the Balloons. This one I can never figure out. When the balloons are released from the ballroom's ceiling, grown men in suits, women, children, even the waiters will attack the balloons like savages. They squash and stomp on the balloons so ferociously until not one single inflated balloon is left. They take no prisoners. They then quietly march out of the ballroom like victorious soldiers leaving behind a trail of death and destruction. Animals!

The Bra-less Tourist. See how heads turn and traffic slows down when a bra-less Mat Salleh backpacker goes bouncing about on the streets of Kuala Lumpur.

Stick Two Fingers. Another one which I can't figure out. When you're having your picture taken, the friend behind you will always place two "horns" on your head.

More updates from the Devart Drama : Idlejam's Apology. So there you go. I agree with Babyraven tho, people just shouldn't take things for granted, especially when it involves the whole community.

Just got back from the Attitude Search. Had a looooong day. Rushed from class to Eleana's place to BSC where I got this really funky-wierd hairdo done by Raymond Chew of A Cut Above that made me 6 inches taller.. went for a 'snack' with Bron near his office then to Bali.. Evita Peroni people stuffed like RM 1,700 worth of hair accessories and sunglasses on me. ZA people spent close to an hour on the make up (ugly ugly purple and fuchsia) and umm.. yeah thats it. Got asked some wierd questions. Didn't win.. :) Hehe. This really sweet girl Violet won 2nd place, and a someone I know, Zen won. No surprise there.. CW, Di and Joy Ling came for awhile.. took a few pics. Am still stuck with 6 inch high hair now.. managed to take all 72 pins out. How do they DO it?

I'm so tired, I'm gonna crash. Bron's gonna wake me up tomorrow.. mmm. Nice waking up to the sound of his voice :) Gotta go, Don Cat's waiting for me.

Friday, June 01, 2024
In class now.. bored to death as usual when I have 6 hour straight lab classes. Bugger. What the heck do they expect us to do for 6 hours straight? Anyways.. the first half wasn't so bad.. we had a 'sound' movie to watch, for 30 mins or so, where this group of people make music wth anything on hand.. pots and pans, bins, coffee mugs, basketballs, and even playing cards. Mega cool..! They make it look so simple, as if they same up with it on the spot (possibly) but they were so in sync that I'm convinced it musta taken them hours of work to get it right.

Lots of drama going on at Deviantart Forums.. there was this Digi coming clean 'JOKE' that pissed everyone off, then idlejam confessing it's just a joke, some admins playing along (yelps) and then liquify revealing another ripper, BaranRomis.. which I kinda actually think shouldn't been forgiven for ripping other people's work in the first place. He claims someone asked him to submit it, then there's this log where he says it's all his own work, even saying he did it 2 hours ago, etc and then when confronted, claims to never have seen the site (where the original work was) before, and then saying he copied it, or cketched it, but the two works were exactly the same, except that BaranRomis cropped the original artist's name off. Sucky. I'm with liquify on this. Sorry. I don't like blatant liars, especially with such a bad cover-up. Oh well.. I'm aware that the comminuty has tons of these kinda people.. and there are probably more of them everyday.. I just think that it shouldn't be tolerated, coz it does nothing except encourage this sort of behaviour.

OK, today's post is a little longer than usual.. I just have alot on my mind. And it's not about tonight's event either.

Finished my first IM project, the title given was 'customised cursors' and mine was basically 2 pages, one where u pick up a magic wand, and then it brings you to the second page where clicking on different things will have different effects/responses/animations etc. lie when you click on the magician's hat, a bunny will pop up and wiggle its ears. You get the idea. Couldn't bring it to class today coz lecturer still has my zip disk.. waiting for her to go look for it now. Patiently. Ripping hair out soon.Got the brief for the second project today too, its a sound experiment.. hence the movie shown to us earlier. Looking forward to it. Wonder what we have for our final project. There's only 3 projects a term. One down, two to go..

Had some wierd feedback regarding paroxysm's portrait. Some people think it's a photo I painted over. If only they see the original that paroxysm gave me. Admittedly I traced the outlines, but thats just for porportions and stuff. I think it turned out well. Mark@blinky a friend of mine from Adelaide just started airbrushing too.. he showed me one of his uncomplete works.. a portrait of Aguilera done freehand with a wacom. Now if I had one of those I'll be more than happy to do freehand. After all I do like sketching stuff, and I have training in that.. Mark's portrait is pretty cool. He's a cool guy that does amazing 3D stuff. He's landed a job with a top graphics and sfx company in Adelaide (correct me if I'm wrong.. can't remember the company name) so yeah, good luck to him. He has amazing patience and talent. I want a wacom.. dammits.. the intuous would set me back RM 1600. *sobs*

Now this blog is starting to look like an essay. Had leftover (but still delish) chicken dijon for breakfast today.. Bron managed to wake me up.. but I think the fact my maid poked me in the ribs the same moment the phone rang had something to do with it :) Morning, as usual, was a warzone. Battled for sanity in the bathroom, turned my whole room inside out looking for *that* top and umm.. rushed to chuck my breakfast in the microwave.. rushed all the way thru early morning traffic jams, got to college just in time to pull up behind Chien Ni's ride (my lecturer) so.. yeah I'm on time :) Wanted to join Bron for lunch but reckoned I better stay in class to tie up some loose ends. Kinda a very tempting thought. Dammits. Went to mamak instead and cut open the tip of my finger opening a canned drink. Wierd. Whats up with that damned can? I can't type properly now coz it kinda hurts.. its the middle finger on my right hand..

If you've actually read this far.. wow. Dennis is back from Indiana.. and has been back for 2 weeks now, just that I forgot he told me and was reminded by him via ICQ yesterday. Tiffany is working at Alice Smith now in the admins.. good for her that she's landed a temporary job.. so she's not online much. Managed to catch her late last night on ICQ.. we're baking on Sat afternoon.. unconfirmed.. Sharon, as usual, is always bz with her works and exams and stuff.. I guess being a med student isn't as easy as I think it is.. but she's smart.. OK I'm outta words.

Good luck babe...wish I could be there.

Been a long day.. coz I woke up late.. haha. Finished paroxysm's airbrush portrait, went to college about 4:30pm, then to supermarket to get some groceries for dinner.. picked Bron up, went home to cook dinner, had some fried chicken and chips and chicken dijon, sent Bron back, came home, blogging now. Got a presentation tomorrow for Interactive Media class, finished the work, but lecturer has my zip disk so I can't transfer the damn thing (11MB) so.. sigh. Gotta wake up at 8am tomorrow.. hopefully Bron will manage to get me up.. told him to call me until I wake up.. hehehe ;) Tomorrow will be a LONG day.. classes 9-3pm, BSC 4pm, Bali at 6pm onwards. Argh. Hope Diana will come early to teman me. And Eleana too.. ;)

Just added a webuser, david to this address. His stuff is not up yet, so I'll add a link here when it is. Woozie also.

Gotta go sleep. Gotta wake early. Damn.

Wednesday, May 30, 2024
Sucky day. Woke up with a throbbing head and sore back. Blah. Decided to stay home instead. Missed class. Sigh. Got up late after that, supposed to go to Levi's for a fitting at 2.. made it there around 4 something instead. Was given a nice blue dress to wear. Yay. Went home after that, and here I am.. blogging. :) Bronson is taking me out for dinner later at that yummilicious teppanyaki place at MegaMall. Can't wait. Cleaned my room a little.. got rid of alot of reciepts lying around and some junk postcards I collected. Bored at the moment. Got nothing to do.. sigh. Still waiting for my tile so show up at .. umm. I better go before I start blogging rubbish.

Umm. Just got back from the briefing/rehearsal in Bali. Everyone was bloody late goddammits. 2 girls (out of 10!!) arrived at 8 and by 9:30 there were a total of 4 girls.. so.. Sigh. Oh well. Went well. Met a male contestant (no.2 in men's heat tmrw) and I'm betting 5 bucks with anyone that Adrian (no.3) is gonna win tomorrow's mens heat. And I bet Bron could win it easy.. none of them look as good as he does. Hehe. And I also met some of my other competitors.. nice girl called Debbie, really sweet girl called Violet and umm. Zen. She's dating a friend of mine. Pretty nice. Adele arrived just as we were finishing so we had to go thru it again. Spoke to Bron when I got back, gonna go sleep now coz I have a bloooody long day tomorrow. Argh argh argh.

Tuesday, May 29, 2024
Diana. I'll only see them tomorrow (Wednesday) so I promise I get details for u ok? If not u can call Wei Lynn and ask for IC Numbers. Me went for 'fitting' for hair accessories today in Evita Peroni.. the woman basically tried to load as many hair clips as she could onto my head. Argh. Theres this shark she used, covered with diamantes.. cost RM 499. Gila.. And I have 3 pairs of sunglasses to wear. Yay..! :) Wasn't that awful ler. Not bad not bad.. altho if she let me make my own choices, things will look 10 times better. And you better come with the camera.. ;) Me go buy film for u.. I developed the pics liau.. cost me almost 90 bucks.. ;P But dem nice le.. hehhee. Pass to Bron liau.. gib u back the negatives when I see you. Oops. Just sent u a mail with Lynns and Eleanas IC Nos. Confirm 24th at Langkasuka right? *muaks*

Tommorrow I damn 9 busy. Class till 1.. gotta go talk to lecturer.. then go to Dockers for another fitting at 2.. then class at 6:30.. gotta talk to lecturer about ciaoing early coz me got stuff to do..

hmm..looks like it's been a long time since i've blogged=P *sighz* been too busy=( this week will be another busy week too! got somany things to draw=PPp damn and i need a light box!!!!! argh hehehehe...reasonable to buy one? hmm...nah=Psince i'll only be using it for awhile...weekend was GREAT!=) with all my whacky friends i love so much=) *muaks* hehe...thanks to them i had a really REALLY good early b'day=) and of coz thanks to my baby too, who paid for the apartment in Ascott! lovely place=)..had realyl nice presents=)...not to mention a particular kinky one=P..hmm..a bright pink g-string=P kinda cute but funky hehehe... let's see what else i got...3 new tops...a palm M105, a gold anklet=) a set of nail polish,filer and handcream from Bloom, a b'day cake from Tiffy=) RM150!!!=) many pictures taken..really good pictures thanks to CW =) it's time to get a new album=P 4 rolls of films!!! gosh..i wonder how many rolls will we be using in Langkawi...i can't wait to go there too!!!! *sighz* another 3 more weeks=P...and STeph!!! you forgot to send me the details!!!! was supposed to call and book today!!!=P nvm...faster faster send to me ok!!
i think i better stop this and get back to my work=P it's piling up like mad=P

Monday, May 28, 2024
Yeowch. Fitting was OK. They gave me this pair of really really short shorts that went halfway up my butt but luckily I have a big butt so it couldn't exactly fit (those damn shorts were made for a 10 yr old!!) and they gave me a 'more decent' pair.. zebra print! LOL. Umm, and a really nice choker that I'd like to keep (costs RM129) and.. a black top. Wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Shopped a little, got a book from Basheer (art book store) and this really cute (and extremely silly looking) black cat!! It's a soft toy, but dang cute ler.. on par with Wuzzy. I named Don Cat. As in Don Cat De Marco.. hehhehee! He was on sale in Isetan (70% off!!) and he was black so I couldn't resist. So damn silly looking.. argh argh argh.. I love love love him! :) *meow* I'll take a pic of him sometime. He's sitting on my bed right now with all four legs spread eagle. Did I mention he has these bendy wires in his legs and tail so I can force him into any wierd position as I so desire? Heh.

Red Rum is Murder spelt backwards! If I'm not mistaken it's got something to do with pirates. Hehehe.. speaking of gory homicidal scenes, did anyone see the main page of the Malay Mail a couple of days ago? That picture of the Albanian murder case with all that blood everywhere? Ugh. It stuck in my mind for a day or so.

Red Rum Murder.

It's a gory homicidal scene.

That was the first thing that hit me when i heard that name for the first time. What do you think? >>

I just remembered.. I have to go to Red Rum Murder today at 2pm for fitting!! Blah. I'll go after lunch with Bron :)

Mmm. It's been a mad weekend. Di's thingie was fun.. altho the people at Crwon Regency messed up our reservations.. so we ended up in this mega posh place The Ascott. You really do get what you pay for though, this place is equipped as hell! Although if you do break something, the sugar bowl costs RM 20 .. fine bone china mah.

Me and Tiff were left there, so we got cookin' and Azuan (bless him.. heh) bought salmon!! *grr* Hung out, waited for everyone else. Finished one bottle of Absolut before heading down to Rush where they finished another bottle of Black Label. Mmm. I went back to the Ascott early coz I was feelin wiped out (as in tired) with Bron and we hung out.. took about 4 rolls of 36 exp worth of pictures.. hehehe.. can't wait for the Langkawi trip now.. woo.. so far confirmed me, Di, CW, Bron (hopefully), Lynn, Eleana, Jimmy, Weng Kit and waiting to confirm are Tiff, Irene and.. whoever else who wants to come along. It's gonna be a blast. Can't wait..!

Went to Megamall Sunday evening with Bron.. had a killer teppanyaki dinner there.. wow.. I'm still tasting it.. heh.. it was really that good.. walked around abit, got some Voodoo Jelly to drink and Bron bought me this really really really really cute polar bear which we named Wuzzy. Argh..! Too cute!! Mmm. *kiss Bron and Wuzzy simultaneously*

Other stuff.. cookin up another cover for hookares and writing my W and Y poems for Devart. Also thinking of redesigning this site (again) coz it's bugging me.. for some reason. And, umm, I have this director project for college that's due on Friday.. that's about it. Oh umm and I've just discovered it's funky.

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