The Layout
Opted for a horizontal layout coz I seem to have always done it this way. Check out my v1 page and you'll see what I mean.

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Back from Sydney, pics >> here.

Got new pink streaks on Oct 13. Yay.

The Team

Stephanie Goh @ fuzzy

Bronson Chin @ bong

Tiffany Loh @ woozie

Diana Teoh @ hugable

Sharon Teo @ bong

Absolut Wishlist Wishlist
Absolutely Fuzzy v.1
My DeviantArt user page
Misc. funny e-mail pics
Online friends list


Rants, raves, whatever..!
Saturday, June 16, 2024
Went for a superb dinner with Tiff today in Bangsar, with Sue and Azuan.. then to CB for a drink.. watched Center Stage when i got back.. god, it's a fab movie. I think I'm gonna take up dancing. I did ballet when I was younger, so that movie kinda got to me you know. Sigh. Kinda wish I continued it. I wanna dance dance dance with my baby....

Thursday, June 14, 2024
By the way, if anyone want to submit URLs for me to post in VIRTUAL*FUZZ[RATION] then leave me a shout, use the feedback form or e-mail me :) Thanks to Jennifer@SugaKitty for her sweet e-mail.. she thinks I've got an interesting life!

New blog page up : Virtual Fuzz[ration]
It's gonna be a webjournal of sorts.. places I visited and stuff.. lotsa links..

PMS Alert! /me is in total bitch mode today.. grr..

Check out ic3d for them custo jeans. There's even a cool copycat feature where you send them your old jeans and they make an exact copy of it for you. Darkgoth from devart gave me this link when I said I was looking for tomato red leather pants. Funky! Too bad they don't ship here. BTW Darkgoth has some amazing work, you really should go check out her website. I have a couple more funky links but I'm still checking out the pages, so prolly tomorrow eh?

Chicken Rice War (Singaporean production) is such a funny movie. Someone actually said that the lead (Audrey) reminded them of me. Am I that bad? :) Anyway I don't think it's available overseas, so most of you won't know what I'm talking about, but the movie is based on the Bard's Romeo and Juliet, being incorporated into everyday Singaporean life (kinda like the movie Get Over It starring Kirsten Dunst and Ben Foster) But you kinda have to be 'local' to understand most of it.. mainly it's half chinese and half english.. and there's alot of 'singlish' terms and stuff used in it.. but it's funny. I have yet to watch Pearl Harbour, and I'm waiting like mad to watch Tomb Raider.. woo.. Angelina Jolie is yummy.

Oh, and guess what I found when I searched google for Malaysian Blogs..

RETROSPECT : a weblog
... To my fellow online friends in Malaysia (Stale-ers) - Pei Vern, Sookie, Tiffany, Sebbie and Lai Yen : Good luck in your exams ... weblog/pita design © zhi ling.

Question to Tiffany: Do we know these people or are there two Sookie and Tiffany pairs of friends in Malaysia?

Just received a note from bedrik@devart .. small world indeed.. :) details later. gotta sleep.

Wednesday, June 13, 2024
Went for class today.. had to wake up early.. last night was fun, me, Bron, Alice and David went to play some snooker.. hehehe.. got home about 12:30 am.. dad was waiting up for me, but he was OK with me coming back late coz mom told him it was Bron's birthday. Class was OK.. went for lunch with Bron.. today marks our 2 months being together 'officially' hehhe.. I'm so happy. Guess I'm in a good mood.. hehe.. oh, and I bought this pair of snake skin boots from Guess.. it was on sale.. normally it would cost RM695 but I only paid RM120 for it.. found it at the End of Season Stocks place in Damansara Jaya. Wheee...! My only gripe is that it's hard to wear.. there's no zip, but it's stretchable, so it's hard to get in and take off..

Got a bkaro! Check it out.. it's still 'temp' until I get time to work on a nicer design.. right now it's just a piece of my typography work up there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2024
12 am. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRON!! *big big kiss*

Went to get my car tinted today in Taipan USJ, pretty fast job, only took about an hour or less.. and got my car washed after that so it looks.. NICE! :) All clean and shiny..! Anyway not much to blog about today, I'm feeling pretty sucky, my head is caving in *grumbles* and it kinda feels like someone is knocking on my skull with a hammer. Blah. Oh and I've just started playing this game, Pizza Connection.. kinda fun.. I was pretty much into the previous version, Pizza Tycoon, so you can see the connection (heh) Umm.. speaking of games, just so you know, I don't like games where you can die easily (like CS!) I actually prefer strategy stuff, like Sim City and the likes.. Scrabble, Scribble (online collaborative scrabble at Wordox (at TetriNet (on server where I'm ranked) and offline games, Red Alert.. Sim City (all of them) and stuff like The Longest Journey (!!) and Monkey Island (!!!!) but i hate The Sims tho, dunno why, but the characters just freak me out.. at first it was OK, then I started to notice that they're expressionless.. and emotionless.. or at least they don't show it.. scary.. umm anyway I better be going to sleep.. got stuff to do tomorrow.

Monday, June 11, 2024
Hey, check what Tiff wrote about me.. it's a poem called Stephanie (!) and all the letters make up my name! So cute.. and I'm sooooo touched .. :) Tiff, thanks, that is just so sweet yah.. and I DO NOT drive you nuts.. *angelic smile*

Sunday, June 10, 2024
Last night was crazy. Went to Penang Village in Hartamas to have dinner (food there is excellent btw.. you should check it out.. it's on the same row as Finnegans and Insomnia, only on the other end) then played some snooker with Bron (I got trashed) before heading down to Rush.. We opened a bottle of Absolut, then finished it before Wei Lynn, Eleana and Lai Min arrived, so we opened another one.. got Siew May pretty high and David also a little high.. hehe.. anywayz it was fun, Wei Lynn is newly single (broke up with bf night before) so, yay. We had fun.. Chee Wah left early to send Di and Siew May home then returned later after we almost finished the second bottle.. and this is only Bron's pre-bday. LOL. Me and Bron left arounf 2:30am, went to have some drinks at a mamak then I went home and slept..

I've only just woken up.. feeling a tad hungover with all those shots.. dammit ;) Me and Tiff baked some cakes yesterday afternoon.. it was fun, as usual.. and I made some yummy chicken terriyaki.. can everyone say mmmmmm?

Stephanie is currently feeling currentmood

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Snapshots of life immortalized in pixels.

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