Old / New

Some days you just can’t go past old favourites. My everyday leather jacket that I’ve worn religiously for two years is falling apart (two repairs already!) and when it does I already have a plan to convert it into a studded gilet. It’s cropped length would be perfect for longer tops just like this one. I have been looking for a new, longer leather biker in anticipation and so far I haven’t found anything I like that is remotely affordable!

ASOS jacket, Zara top, Acne jeans, Wanderlust+Co bracelet, Pour La Victoire shoes.

  • http://daringcoco.blogspot.com Sonia

    I love your style and blog! This outfit is one of my favs, I love the leather jacket and the story it carries with it - I have a leather jacket that’s almost as old and is worn to death to he he he!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • http://styleofsam.blogspot.com/ Samantha

    That’s a great idea for the gilet. I have a pair of studded jeans that I want to turn into a jacket! So many things on my to-do list but so little time!

    And really love your ombre hair!

    xo, sam

  • http://www.growinfashion.com Joana

    Loving the top with the leather jacket on top! Thanks a million for the sweet comment :) You’re so sweet! I really like your style, just so you know :)

    xo Joana

  • http://nortinshoes.blogspot.com nortin

    I love this outfit and your idea for the studded gilet. I can’t forget how much I like you denim jacket DIY studded, so I can imagine how beautiful this leather jacket is going to be.

  • http://www.doyouspeakgossip.com/ Call me M

    I love your leather jacket! Too bad it’s falling apart…But I’d love to see how you’ll convert it into a studded gilet.

  • http://fablihareza.blogspot.com fabliha

    your leather jacket looks great :)

  • http://thechicsheet.net Miranda

    This is a great jacket :) Thanks for your comment on my blog ! I am now following your rad blog on Facebook and Bloglovin if you would like to do the same?! ;)
