Entries from January 29th, 2010

Un Coca, s’il vous plaît

posted on: January 29, 2024

Something really random for the weekend..

Tracy posted something about being an extra on an ad on Twitter. For some reason I decided to google one particular ad I was an extra in, it’s been so long I don’t even remember exactly when but here’s a screen capture:

It was 35 degrees on that day. I remember this because I was with my cousin and we were sweating buckets and drinking warm Coke and wondering when we could go home. I don’t drink Coke normally, so it is rather ironic I got paid to appear in (all of 0.5 seconds of) one.


posted on: January 29, 2024

My cat is the cutest thing ever.

After more than six months living with him I have gotten used to his random quirks. He always wants to cuddle; some days when I am in my working chair he will jump onto my lap and stay there until I stand up.

Cats: can be annoying when hungry

Today he woke me up by licking my nose.

La Perouse and Bondi on Australia Day

posted on: January 28, 2024

Finally made my way to La Perouse on Australia Day (26th Jan) as we had a day off from work. Been wanting to go there for a while as I saw some photos of the place by some very talented local photographers and thought that I should check it out.

When I got there I realised I should have brought my snorkels and fishing pole, there were plenty of people chilling out on the little ‘island’ with a few eskis of beer and fishing the afternoon away. I haven’t fished in a while and perhaps that’s something to add to my list of things to do next month. It was a lovely day for it as well, even with liberal application of suntan oil I am slightly burnt from my day out.

Was a little amused that a lovely Greek man that ran a cafe there directed me to the nude beach! I am fine with topless sunbathing in enclosed areas but I draw the line at full nudity. What’s the protocol on nude beaches anyway? I think it wouldn’t be fair to go to one with clothes on while everyone is naked!

Jo rang and the first thing he said to me when I mentioned that I was at La Perouse was “Are you at the gay beach or the straight one?”

There were some locals harvesting fresh sea urchin under the bridge and I went over to say hello. I’ve had some sea urchin roe before when dad was here and can’t really stomach the thought of eating it straight out of an urchin on an empty stomach so I had to politely decline their very generous offer to share!

Also met a lovely little aborigine boy who was standing on the cliffs and saying hello to everyone who walked past, and told me to have a nice day. He was so adorable and I wished I had a picture of him. He had the cutest smile!

And then I made my way to Bondi to join the tens of thousands of people who decided to do the same thing and spend Australia Day on Australia’s most famous beach.

I wish Summer was endless. There are so many beaches here all up and down the East coast that I have yet to explore!

On a different note, should I buy an underwater casing for my Canon G11 (~A$300) or spend A$100 more on one of those all-weather compacts from Olympus/Panasonic? I have been sitting on this for ages and can’t decide - much as I’d like to bring the G11 out to water it’s easier if I had something smaller I wouldn’t need to worry about? But G11 takes amazing pics.