Bali Photo Diary

I thought I’d be blogging from Bali but the internet was a bit of a pain to deal with so I decided to just enjoy the break. Here are a few photos from the first few days we were in Bali. I seem to have misplaced my memory card from the weekend and my friend’s wedding itself; here’s hoping it turns up soon :)

First impressions of Bali - what a fascinating place! Having grown up in South East Asia a lot of the culture and scenery wasn’t overly foreign to me but W found it really exotic. I think we might be back soon. The island is quite religious on a whole, and it was really nice experiencing some of it, and the food of course, and the locals were pretty friendly and I can speak Malay so it was quite easy to communicate and haggle at the markets!

My friend Justin hooked us up with the best possible driver while we were there (thank you!) and that’s how we ended up at the temple in the last picture, in the middle of a celebration that happens once every 50 years, probably the only non-locals there kitted out in traditional gear on loan from the driver’s family.. it was pretty special! More pictures soon x

1. Jatiluwih rice fields 2. Ubud markets 3. At the royal palace with Miss M and Miss D 4. Monkeys at the Monkey Forest in Ubud 5. Some artifacts 6. Beautiful weather 7. At the rice fields - looking like this photo was taken in some cheesy studio 8. Hindu God / epic bone carvings 9. Fighting cocks 10. At Ibu Oka having the babi guling (spiced suckling pig) that Anthony Bourdain famously said was the best he’s ever had - well it was really tasty, but I’m not sure if it’s deserves the “best” title! 11. Local fruits - can you name them all? 12. Miss M 13. Getting ready for dinner (wearing Sass & Bide “Story of Creation” playsuit) 14. A rather elaborate Bloody Mary at Potato Head 15. Potato Head 16. Pretty offerings 17. Colourful idols made of rice 18. At Pura Dalem Tenggaling in Ubud for the Karya Agung celebrations.

  • lynn.wabbit

    #11. banana, mangosteen, papaya, pineapple, watermelon, buah salak and a slice of lemon?

    hope you had a good trip! :)

    • Stephanie

      you have an unfair advantage :) i’ve never seen buah salak (snake fruit) prior to this! xx

  • Miranda

    I love, love, love your photos…I feel like I am there :) Beautiful!


    • Stephanie

      thanks so much Miranda xx

  • LifeStyle Journal

    Unbelievable beauty!!! It seems a perfect trip: beautiful nature, culture meeting, delicious food!!!
    Wonderful photography!!!

  • jamie-lee

    Wow. I have never been to Bali but your photos are simply eye-catching, it looks like a buzzing hive of culture.. Loving the playsuit you wear, and how lucky to have gotten to opportunity to attend a ceremony few outsiders would get the chance to!

    • Stephanie

      Thank you - it is such an amazing place! I’m still pinching myself :)

  • Stephanie / FAIIINT

    These photos are stunning, I am insanely jealous, I’ve always wanted to go to Bali, it looks like such a beautiful place. The temples look absolutely breathtaking, you are so lucky you got to be a part of the celebration, must have been a really special experience! & now I really want a carved skull, what amazing craftsmanship! Love that playsuit too, such a pretty print & love the colours!

    • Stephanie

      Thanks Steph. I really want a carved skull too, I am obsessed with the Balinese style of bone carvings but I wasn’t sure if I could bring them back with me. Australia is notorious for having particularly strict customs and I didn’t want to risk it. I’m now stalking them online!

  • Call me M

    Wow! So beautiful photos! Bali must be amazing! I’ve never been there, but I would love to visit it sometime in my life! :)

    • Stephanie

      It’s so different from most places, hope you make it there one day, I think you will really enjoy it :) x

  • chocolatecookiesandcandies

    Your photos are fantastic!! It’s an eye opening virtual experience just going through your shots. I’ve always dreamed of going to Bali. The last 2 times I’d booked and canceled due to poor connecting schedule. I didn’t know how lucky I was because I would’ve been there during the bombings. Now, I’m slightly paranoid but fingers crossed I’ll make it there one day.

    • Stephanie

      I had the same reservations, but Bali is so big that you never have to be in any of the prime tourist areas unless you want to go there. Hopefully you’ll make it there one day!

  • nortin

    Your photos can really travel us there. So many colors and shades…
    As for you, Bali looks good on you :) You’ re so beautiful and calm.
    Hope I ‘ll visit it someday too.
    Have a wonderful night

    • Stephanie

      Thanks love, it is a very inspiring place. Hope you visit one day too, I have more pictures to post soon xx

  • Samantha

    WOW!! Those are amazing pics Steph! And the pic in the rice field is so cool! The colors are so vivid! It’s probably better that you got to enjoy Bali without worrying about blogging! :)

    xo, sam

  • konstantina

    i’m so jealous of you!i wish i was there too!
    seems like you had a great time!
    love all the photos especialy those showing the culture of this place..
    ps: love your playsuit!


    Can’t wait for the rest of the pics! xo

  • audz

    Love the photos babe. I want your play suit from sass and bide!

    • Stephanie

      thanks babe! i love that it hides a lot.. haha ;)