It’s all about…

The melting of an ice lolly on a hot day

The comfortable silences two people share

The fantasy a beautiful Christmas tree evokes

The smiles that make it all worthwhile

The deliberate pauses in a heated exchange of ideas

The glorious sunsets from my (once) bedroom window that looks out to Mount Ruapehu

The random strangers that you think you’ve known forever after an hour of drunken conversation

The sheer grace of which snowflakes fall

The ability to read someones thoughts by just a glance

The sureness of it all

The funny rooftop discussions after a hard night out

The enunciation of French vowels

The familiarity of every step upon the cement footpath that (once) brought me from student flat to school

The comforting buzz of the fan heater at night

The sinking feeling when I know I’m on my last $100 grocery budget for the month

The inability to resist kissing his smile

The sound of my 3B pencil visualising thoughts on paper

The sound of other 3B pencils realising the intangible

The inebriated crazy student parties

The potential of an unopened bottle of vodka

The exhilaration from jumping off a plane

The bingos you score in Scrabble

The unself-consciousness of which I (used to) express my thoughts and feelings

The excitement of the prospect of love

The (not so) private annual NYE parties

The delight of slipping into a new pair of shoes

The terrible hangovers from weekend benders

The pancakes an ex used to make for breakfast

The randomness of Sydney to a tourist who isn’t really a tourist

The lack of social commitments

The joys of planning a meal

The need for human affection

The determination to make a difference and refusing to merely exist

The ability to admit defeat

The friends that you feel you can never lose touch with

The deviousness of my mind left to its own devices

The (really, really) lame jokes I love to crack

The feel of a heavy feather duvet weighing its warmth upon my skin

The freedom of my days

The pleasure of getting to know someone

The impromptu road trips I used to organise on the hour

The satisfaction of feeling your muscles burn after a good work out

The 3am pseudo-intellectual conversations with close friends

The purring warm bundle of fur sleeping next to me

The haphazard packing before embarking on a trip

The frantic rushes to get ready before going out

The importance of being able to cry it over

The experience from making mistakes

The smell of freshly cut roses from my backyard in New Zealand

The selflessness of putting someone else before yourself

The complexity of keeping things simple

The uncertainty of getting on a new horse

The contradicting conversations with oneself trying to reason the unreasonable

The fear of discovery

The beauty of discovery

The guilt after an impulsive splurge

The first kiss

The excitement of receiving a gift when I am least expecting one

The capacity to accept being vulnerable to certain things

The sound of waves crashing upon the shore at night

The confidence to be yourself

The first drag of a cigarette in the morning

The tracks you leave in the mud

The virtue of selfishness

The regret of leaving something behind

The absolute randomness of an if…

The understanding that nothing is permanent

The fizz of fresh champagne

The anonymous pen pals

The breathtaking view from the top of the Eiffel Tower

The pleasure of a self-indulgent massage

The endless possibilities of an open-ended question

The satisfaction of licking the last bit of chocolate off my fingers

The people you meet by chance

The secrets you don’t share

The determination to get things right the first time

The first pastel hints of an oncoming sunset

The inspired moments of introspection

Taking risks

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3 Comments on “It’s all about…”

  1. iat says:

    the could’ve, would’ve, should’ve

    the unexpected bumping into people you quietly wished you’d bump into

    the odd musings of someone else that makes you stop. for a bit

    the occasional screenplays that you swear was written about you

    the lyrics of the song you can’t put your finger on, but rolls off your tongue like it was the A B C


  2. Stephanie says:

    The occasional screenplays you swear was written about you… :)

  3. KinkyPugKevin says:

    A bit a lot of free time right? -_-

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