Finally got my BF Pants off Ragnaros last night. Had a stable 300ms connection until I zoned in. Then it just kept screwing up. I don’t know if thats a Blizz problem or a Streamyx problem but it was immensely frustrating. On the same Streamyx connection I would be getting different latencies when I reconnect to the server. Didn’t feel like I deserved it at all last night, but I have been waiting three months for it.. having been a smart arse and passed on the first drop, and then a mistake with loot distro on the second drop left me running more MCs than I need to. I even had the ZG enchant ready for a month now. I actually enjoy MC runs but not when people scrub it up and we wipe unnecessarily. Two more pieces till I’m done with Tier 2. I wonder what the gap would be like till we get access to Tier 2.5.. probably a long while more. We’re only up to Princess Huhuran in AQ40 at the moment. So much for Naxxramas ;)
6 of 8 Bloodfang
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*shakes stephs hand vigorously*
Grats girl :D
ive only 2/8 BF and 5/8 NS
and im passing on armors untill i get Perds and DFB
oh and drake fang talisman
oh and we got Nef to 20% and thats phase 3, really thought we couldve taken him down but there was a huge lag spike right on que at phase 3 >.
oh what are the other pieces youre missing ?
i reckon chest of Nef and shoulders ?
urrrgh yeah you’ll slowly get the hang of the zerg lag at p3. our MT has disconnected before hahhaa!!
missing gloves and chest atm
haha gratz fuzzy,
finally you got your panties!
haha yes doccie! mwwwwwwwah
we renamed bwl bloodfanglair… we have like 5 8/8 rogues and only one wrath chestpiece every dropped….
Grats on the pants!!! i personally think BF graphics are hawt, especially them shoulders!
We downed twin emps last week, after almost spending 150g on consumebles alone. We got no where with the trash mobs yet, so c-thun might still be a month or two away. I want my mace!
that BF pants is so u ! and u deserve it too !! i swear its got fajirah sewn on the backpocket of the pants. (at the expense of poor underfed malnutrished chinese farmers of course)
wow ange.. ours is the opposite! so far only one BF chest has ever dropped LOL
and grats on twin emps~ the trash mobs are horrible i hear.. good luck <3
ben.. hahahhaha!! no wonder got typo in my name then!!
Forget Tier 2 and Tier 3 ladies and gents…
Bust all your dkp now imo.
ahahha.. rogue gear is always so sexy!
WTF yeahman. Thats one sexy looking NE
ye gawd that tier 4 for rogues is fugly, especially the helm :(
and i thought the deathdealer helm was fugly, this t4 helm takes the cake >.
i liked deathdealer! ns shoulders and head takes the cake for sure…
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