Oh, before I forget…

Taken on the day I got inked, hence it’s a little red. It’s quite small. Later I think I am going to add on more details to the tail.

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5 Comments on “Oh, before I forget…”

  1. evan says:

    gorgeous!! ya i agree, some details on the tail would be nice. based on ur previous entry, this tatooo is semi permanent? how long do they last eh?

  2. Stephanie says:

    nono, that’s a joke.. that’s what i told my mom about my other one before. after 2 years she kinda got used to it.. then 4 yrs later, shes like ‘hey it’s still there!’ but she didn’t mind then.. hahaha ;)

    this time i told her its a real one though

  3. arboon! says:

    hahaha…u’ve got a thing for mythical creatures eh?! 1st, a pegasus…now a pheonix…

    i remember goin with u to get ur 1st ink…wahahahaha…

    and ana had to get a cartoon on her ass…pfffttttttt…..

  4. Stephanie says:

    yeah, i want onyxia on my other side. hahahahaha!

    yeah, seems so long ago right?? have u got more now??

    ana wants to get another one!!

  5. mac says:

    It’s gorgeous! Very nice.

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