
It’s hard to keep reminding myself this site is a journal/art site. It was. Now it’s morphed into journal/art + a dash of cam-girlism site. I guess I saw it coming.

This person seems to think I’m this site is some sort of facade I’m hiding behind. You read, then you decide. Let me just remind you that you don’t know me, therefore you have no right to pre-judge me. (By the way, that person does seem pretty interesting..)

I need sleep, desperately.

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9 Comments on “-isms”

  1. wooz says:

    I thought this blog existed solely to update me on my buddy who lived half a world away…
    you mean it’s not true!?!? *gasp!*

    but…but… *cries* I thought I was SPECIAL!! (yeah, special mental case that is…)

    la da di da.
    to my sookie, *HUG*
    to all em dissers, STFU! :P

    (yah sooks, i slept for only an hour, hehe)Mental case comin’ through!
    *skips off*

  2. sookie says:

    same things reoccuring on the net.
    why do some people think alike?

  3. evan says:

    nah dont think justine mean that.
    it is not "reaccuring". ppl just giving their Opinions. what matters

  4. evan says:

    you got a brother who is also Evan? heh hows over there! :P

  5. fuzzy says:

    woozie’s brother = colin. and she’s only got One brother. HIAKS!!

    colin = SHEKSY!


    sookie: soon you’ll notice that the net is a never-ending (and vicious) circle of events, each designed to piss you off, then start a flame war, subside, and it starts all over again in another form. blah.

    the only variable is the people involved. ha.

    evan, no worries, im a firm believer in personal Opinions.

  6. xes says:

    i think she’s just sourgrape.

  7. wooz says:

    sooks: it’s my evil con artist past catching up with me… hehe.

    Evan: long story, but things are good in canada :)

  8. fuzzy says:

    wooz, u do realize ‘sookie’ is not me here, right? :)

  9. woozah says:

    of course la, hehe. not that blur :P

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