
Getting ready to go to a friend’s wedding dinner tonight in the city - it’s funny how time flies, at first they were dating and now they’re getting married! They’re both great people, and I wish them all the best.

Now I have to figure out what to wear. I don’t like formals for a reason - I never have anything suitable enough to wear to a formal occasion. Blah. Men have it sooo easy! Shirt, and a tie, or a jacket if it’s really formal. Tuxes are not really needed here, IMO. At times like these I wanna be male! :)

I just finished reading my new book, Confessions of a shopaholic and it’s really really hilarious! You’d think women like these don’t exist but they do, I’m one myself, to some extent, but not as bad as the woman in the book!! I have to get my hands on the sequel, Shopaholic takes Manhattan.. apparently it’s even funnier than the first book!

Oh, yes, I’m now selling my handmade jewelry, and will be putting them up for auction on eBay. Will add a link here as soon as I’m done putting it up, maybe later.. I have to get ready for the dinner now.

Where has all my time gone..?

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4 Comments on “Wedding!”

  1. Mellissa says:

    Hey I read that book too :P I love it! I was just telling my aunt about it just now LOL.

  2. carlo says:

    My name is Carlo.
    Im a guy and im a shop-o-holic.

  3. fuzzy says:

    mel, which one? both are so funny! i went and bought the second one at the MPH sale, couldn’t resist..

    carlo, u are one of the rare few :)

  4. Mellissa says:

    Both! LOL. I love books like that. Have you read What If by Sherry Low? It’s a great book :D Try to get your hands on that one lol.

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