
I want to rant today, but it seems my ISP is acting up on me. Probably due to the rainy weather. It always acts up when it rains. Let’s just hope it’ll let me post? I’ve disconnected and reconnected about 6 times now. It won’t even let me check my mail. I’m typing this offline.

You know those lovely Swarovski crystal beads I love so much? I bought a whole lot today. About 200 crystals worth. I made a whole bunch of jewelry today and I’ve discovered something useful: Bron’s fishing line (a braided ultra-thin spider line) works way better for making jewelry than any other type of line I’ve ever used. It’s ultra strong, and fine, and the knots I make come out really small, too. The downside is one reel of this line costs about RM50, the upside.. I take mine directly out of Bron’s reel.. LOL.

I’ve also discovered how to make small round ‘balls’ out of the beads, that you can thread a necklace through, and it looks amazing. I’ve been making a few because I had so many different color beads, and my favorite one is the pink one of course!

And, I want to give one away. Just send me any sort of fan sign, and on April 13th, I’ll have a voting up for the quirkiest/cutest one and I’ll post it over to the winner. How does that sound?

I’m finally buying myself a CD burner, which is probably something I should’ve done a long time ago. It’s not a high-end one which I would’ve liked and cannot afford, but a mid-range one, which previously I’d have labeled as ‘unreliable’ but with Burn-Proof, I don’t think that’ll be a problem for me. I hope not anyway.

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9 Comments on “Freebie”

  1. evan says:

    *gawd* it is bootyy-full

  2. wooz says:

    I want thatttttttttt

  3. kic says:

    tell me more bout the fan sign…like those "link me" tag on ur page ?

  4. LuC says:

    Woo hoo.. if only i had someone to give it to… hahaha =) Wait for the fansign… im thinking bout it now.. =o) heh heh

  5. fuzzy says:

    fansign = can be anything proclaiming you err, like or me? :)

    can be a cam image or a art or a picture of your cat. err.


  6. p3arLy says:

    That’s really nice. =] Me want! =P

  7. Chris says:

    hehe I want that and you too. But shhh don’t tell my bf. ;)

  8. choeN says:

    show us a sample fansign

  9. fuzzy says:

    i’ve been posting the entries up, choen :)

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