Breakfast epiphanies

The weather here dictates the moods of many. I once had a friend who used to kid about liking the dank, grey ‘emo’ weather (which I think would be nice if you a. had a fireplace b. like being emo) but here, when the sun comes out, there is a lot more laughter and energy in the air and everyone is in a good mood and waxing lyrical about the sun. I am one of them. It’s impossible to be anything but happy when the skies are such a lovely shade of blue and the sun rays are playing upon the water’s surface.

And the sunsets. Oh, seriously. It’s not something I see everyday, but when they come, they happen with much abandon:

Aussies really love their beer. I mean, I’ve always known that they love their beer. I just never realised it was to this extent. My Fridays often consist of a pub lunch (and beer), and then more beers in the office at 4pm, then to the pubs after work for even more beer. Not to mention any sign of sun on the weekends are an excuse to drink here. Even at 11am. My weeknights usually include some sort of invite to have beers, and ‘work stress’ and ‘loooong days’ are often the excuse (not mine). And it doesn’t really conclude before the clock strikes twelve.

Gay men are really fun, awesome people to be around.

I’ve been on an eating spree. Somehow my brain has finally done the switchover from thinking in RM to thinking in AUD. As a result $25 mains no longer deter me as much as they used to, and I have been devouring everything from fish and chips to lamb stews to burritos with abandon. Also, October is Good Food Month, which gives me even more reasons to eat out as many restaurants here do GFM specials. I obviously need to slow down but I am having so much fun :P

The economic crisis has not filtered down just yet, but it will be apparent in the next six months or so. I am not looking forward to it. No one is.

A lot of people here own dogs. Maybe it’s because I live next to a park. But even on weekends, at outdoor events and markets, there will be a whole heap of them running around. I’ve met some really awesome breeds, including a massive Newfoundland that had the biggest paws I’ve ever seen.

It surprises me every day how much my lifestyle has changed in the past six months. I never really thought I could exist without a television, for one. Not having a car doesn’t bother me in the least. I have only used my credit card three times. I have completely lost interest in WoW for now. My stilettoes have taken a backseat to my growing collection of.. flats. The bag of Snickers I bought two months ago is still untouched. I haven’t used a lipgloss in four months. I obsess over vacuuming. Not much bothers me these days.

I’ve also picked up a new habit of taking pictures of type. This post’s main image is from the back of the women’s toilet door at Dean’s at the Cross. I’m not quite sure if it was there on purpose or if someone put it there, but it is really nice writing. And the saying.. quite apt for the location :)

It’s quite a shame that my camera is broken at the moment. I missed out taking proper pictures at the zoo, and today out in the park, and the beautiful sunsets I see everyday from my office window.

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5 Comments on “Breakfast epiphanies”

  1. Lee says:

    Excuse me Steph, but from an aussie point of view we are not using excuses to drink. They are legitimate reasons and we have many. And wine is also an option to administer during stress debriefing. You up for more dumplings in Ashfield?

  2. Stephanie says:


    When? :)

  3. N says:

    my earliest beer was at 10 am. in my defense it was more of a lager…

  4. Rae says:

    Whoa, stumbled upon this website blog hopping and am greeted with a picture of you and two people I know. Wow. Very small world.

  5. Stephanie says:

    Haha yes it is ;)

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