
It’s kinda hard motivating myself to blog. I haven’t had much free time for the past couple of weeks and time has just flown by.. which is nice because when I first got here I had way too much time on my hands and no internet!

Few updates from down under…

I met Karl Urban!

And he is such a funny, cool guy. Very friendly, and after meeting him for a photo op we went to listen to his Q&A forum and I had a great time listening to him answer all sorts of fan questions. He is a pretty charismatic guy and having been a fan since LoTR it’s quite awesome to find out that he is not at all like other celebs that I’ve met.

I’ve been cooking loads!

And loads, and loads! I’ve found the perfect butcher who gets me random things like caul fat, and I’ve really been in meat heaven. Have been making all sorts of stuff from Anthony Bourdain’s Les Halles book, which usually requires some obscure (here anyway) French cuts of meats which aren’t freely available in supermarkets. They have been worth the hunt though, and since I found this awesome butcher nothing seems to be unavailable.. I am making a duck and pistachio terrine this weekend. Cannot wait to get cracking.

I love Matt Moran!

He is an awesome Aussie chef, of Aria and Chopping Block fame, and MJ bought me one of his books for Christmas last year. I love his philosophy when it comes to food, and his recipes are really simple to follow and absolutely divine. I love his parmesan risotto, which I’ve made three times so far. I saw his show at Good Food and Wine Show just last weekend too. I like him way more than Gordon Ramsay who was here this year as well.

I’ve finally found a reality TV show I like!

Which is MasterChef Australia.. not surprising since I’ve been just going on about food for the past five minutes.. I think Justine wins though, since she was on stage at the GF&WS with the MasterChef judges and they’ve finished filming two weeks ago.. on TV they are down to the final 7 today..

I got an iPhone!

Finally. And now I’m wondering how I did without it before. It is super awesome!
Someone told me I use the word awesome a lot.

That is true.

Oh oh oh and uncle Tony is on the creative directors panel for GF&WS Melbourne next year! Will def make a trip down for that.

In the meantime I am married to my stove :)

4 Comments on “Mmm”

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  1. missd says:

    omg, karl urban is hot! i met scott schuman and he was dissapointing… :(

  2. missd says:

    *because i’m so anal, i corrected my spelling mistake and reposted, hehe*

    omg, karl urban is hot! i met scott schuman and he was disappointing… :(

  3. Stephanie says:

    he is such a nice down to earth guy as well!

    what was ss like?? i love his pictures!

  4. Faith says:

    Made a parmesan risotto for the first time a few weeks ago… so good!

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