Day 4, and a whole lot more


Friends like mine really make me miss this town.. soooo much!! Sydney is great but you guys are irreplaceable! Trip has been a whirlwind, and I wish I had time to do everything I want to do and see everyone I miss :(

It’s going to be hard leaving again so soon. And don’t even get me started on the fam..

Damn you, time. And technology for not giving us teleportation! Yet! Ok. Slash emo.

By the way it’s crazy hot in KL.. What’s up? Has it always been this hot or just me not being used to the humidity now. It’s weird being so hot and sweaty all the time! Silly me didn’t bring shorts back so had to buy some. Can’t even think of pulling on jeans just yet..

Also for some reason I packed my bikinis. I don’t travel without one. Why no time for Koh Samui whyyyyy!

Other random things I don’t leave home without: dental floss and sunscreen. And restaurant guides. Today I noticed the evolving food scene in KL. So many new mid to fine dining places popping up - fusion and Australian seem to be increasingly dominant and there is even a place called Ultimo in Solaris Mont Kiara! Menu looks good but the words ‘fine dining’ next to restaurant logo kills it a bit :P I have a list of new places to check out but again whyyyyy no time only got time to stuff face at old favourites..

But tonight I had Leffe on tap at Bodega with J & J and some Scrabble tiles and all is well in my world!

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One Comment on “Day 4, and a whole lot more”

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  1. Karolina says:

    Omg. Wow tht food looks great

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