And less is so much more

Saw My Life in Ruins over the weekend. At first I wasn’t that keen, but after watching it I fell in love with Greece, again.

I mentioned before that I wanted to go to Santorini. Now perhaps, whatever I have planned in my head may not be enough.

I mean, just look at this place.

I could get lost there.

I could live there for a long, long time.

I may be a city girl, and some times I make jokes about myself not being able to live more than 10 minutes from an LV store (yes, joke) but there is this other part of me that just doesn’t want to be here.

Life in the city can be so complicated some times.

Some times I feel really lucky to be here. Some times I feel really unlucky to have SO MANY CHOICES; what to eat for dinner can take me hours to ponder and yet I have to consciously remind myself it is better than to have no choice at all, and we are so much better off than people who have no choice to make.

But are we really?

Are we all complicated because we do not know how to live otherwise?

By trying to be more efficient, instead of buying a ticket every time you board the bus you now have to buy a ticket before you board it, at specific shops with signs displayed. Imagine if the nearest shop runs out and you’re in a rush. Or if it’s raining and you’re no where near a ticket counter.

And I hardly remember what life was like not checking my email every 20 minutes. People who want to contact me can do so on Twitter, Ping!, reach me on four different emails, ring me on two mobile numbers, drop me a text, leave something on my FB wall, blog, via forum mails, DMs, IMs, chat rooms, even through in-game mails on MMOs. God forbid I meet someone who doesn’t have an email address!

We often forget to ask, is it all really necessary? All this clutter.

If things could be simple, I think we would all be happier.

And If I could wake up happy for the rest of my life I would not hesitate to trade in everything I have.

I am thinking at least a month or two.

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