What a crazy weekend. It first started off relatively quiet. Dinner party at mine, before heading off into the depths of the 2010 post code to grab a beer. Turned out to be a big night, it was Halloween and I made a (rather lame) effort of putting on a pair of cat ears and draw some whiskers on my face with - wait for it - feline eye kohl. Haha.
(BTW, best eye kohl ever, water resistant and pure black - no blue or green undertones. Smudges like a dream! Love love love. Except I kept forgetting not to touch my face!)
In 2010, it is never quiet past midnight on a weekend. Eventually we all went separate ways, I ended up walking right into a private party at a bar with MA. Turns out it was the owner’s birthday and we got some beers, found a boat to sit in and watched a bunch of hot sweaty shirtless men gyrate away in the middle of the joint. It was a GLTB party, not that I cared one way or the other; this is why I love Sydney. Some nights it can lead anywhere. So we ended up taking a ride on MA’s jeep after that, all around Sydney to look at the harbour. I always like looking at the harbour. Especially in the middle of the night when it is so still and quiet and the stars are out to play and the water is a shimmering pitch black; even the most polluted body of water can look beautiful at night. I just love listening to waves!
Oh, I have a new pair of Cons - me and Jo left the pub to get some cigarettes some time during the night and on the way back to his apartment we saw a huge blank white canvas next to some garbage bins. It was still in it’s wrapper, so we picked it up.. and I saw someone had thrown out these brand new Cons, not even a scuff on the sole - and it’s in my size. How random!
Spent the next day at the beach. Frozen coke, an ice cream cone and some great company - what else do you need on a Sunday wind down?

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