Music and sunshine

by Stephanie on December 27, 2023 · 0 comments

in Good times

It has been good being back in KL. It always feels like I’ve never left although there are telltale signs that I have: friends in new jobs, new hangouts, new circles. But the people that make KL so special are still the same.

I’m not sure why I came back again so soon. My original intentions were lost in the few weeks from when I booked my tickets to when I left Brisbane. But essentially it is family that keeps me coming back and I think I always will.

Been up to all sorts of naughty things. Shopping with T, eating my way around town, galavanting with the best of friends; there are so many new things to do here and I’m trying to fit as much in as I possibly can in the next two weeks! Already it feels like I’ve been here forever when it has really only been a few days.

Currently up at Fraser’s Hill with some friends. The drive up was fun and we spent our first afternoon in the sun with EE’s guitar, two djembes and a tambourine. The bungalow EE booked is gorgeous and this was the view we were greeted with:

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