Just finished reading a book by German author Gaby Hauptmann - it’s called In search of an impotent man. It’s about Frau Carmen Legg who finds herself thoroughly fed up with her man, Peter, who has sex on his mind 24 hours a day, and so dumps him, puts out a personal looking for an impotent man, and ends up with a whole lot. The plot is amazingly funny, and it gives a sort of insight to German mannerisms and speech structure.. interesting book. It kept me up till 5am two nights in a row and as a result I’m all buzzed with caffeine trying to stay awake for class.
I am SO BLOODY EXCITED about my Publication Design class. Seriously. I have so many ideas and so many things to experiment with I actually can’t wait to start on it. Now I need to collect imagery and stuff then I’m gonna chuck it into Quark and make a magazine. There’s a book called Issues: New magazine design by Jeremy Leslie and it’s quite a cool book about magazine design, and all the little quirks that come with it. I liked the first spread in the book which features Shift magazine in one of its themed issues called Meat. The book was bound with a single meat book (like those in butcher shops) through a single hole at the top corner of every page. Cool!
There’s also a magazine called Matador, and I’m gonna try to look for it. It’s only published once a year and features nothing on the cover except a black and white image, with the title wrapped around on a piece of cloth. No masthead.. interesting! I love looking at these arty magazines.
Experimental magazine was one of the first (and rather successful) attempts at creating a round magazine.. except a slight bit of it had to be evened out to bind it. Oh man, I got so many ideas!
My homework for today is to go back and read and examine and decipher every one of the seven magazines I checked out of the library. My other class tells me to watch movies. How is this even homework, I enjoy it too much!
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