Melbourne GP

Sorry for the lack of updates. The past couple of weeks have been absolutely massive.

Here are some long overdue pictures from my trip to Melbourne for the Formula 1 Melbourne GP at Albert Park. It was my first time there and it was a very different experience from the Sepang races I went to in KL. And not because I didn’t have media access this time around!

Ka Meng having a go on the Harleys

Eenie Mini minie moe? Pre-GP race cars having a break

The crowd was very different. Everyone was pretty chilled out and relaxed. It was a lovely day up until it started raining when the race started. But thankfully that didn’t last too long. The atmosphere was different also. Back in KL, in the weeks leading up to the race, I would be going for a ton of F1-related events, parties and raves. KL would be literally buzzing with excitement. Here in Sydney, it’s a blink-and-you-miss-it event. Apart from a few posters around the city I didn’t come across anything. In Melbourne it is probably a different story; I did see a few parties on the night before the race.

Albert Park is huge. We found our seats pretty easily, after spending ages wandering around the park shopping and looking at the vintage car exhibit. After the race it was pretty easy to leave, props to Melbourne public transport for the ton of extra trams and road closures that ensured everything went rather smoothly!

A lot of old Ferraris at the vintage car exhibit

.. and Alfas..

Close up of one of the Alfa grills.. I still think the Alfa 'heritage' is an aquired taste

More vintage cars. Notice they're all red?

Last one!

I’d like to say I’ll be back again but I’m not sure. I always tell my friends that going to a race is an experience, but you only really want to do it once (unless you’re a fanatic!) because watching it at home or at a pub with your friends is so much more fun. Having said that though.. I would love to go to Catalunya or Monte Carlo one day!

The air show. These guys were really hard to capture! I had a few shots, this was the best one.

Geeks will get this :)

Greeks? Italians? Everyone flies the same flag at Ferrari

View from the Schumacher stand

Am really loving the G11′s picture quality (but of course, compared to an Ixus..) and the fact that it has a flip screen for easier camwhoring.

Me and Ka Meng, taken right before the rain

On the track after the race

Hammy fans; I thought this was hilarous!

After the race I caught up with Lynn and we went to a friend’s apartment where they had been watching the race from. I had some catching up to do, and had one too many glasses of wine (rather excited with what happened to Alonso) to remember to take any snaps until the next day. I wish this trip was a little longer; Melbourne is always great fun and it’s always lovely to catch up with my girlfriends.

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2 Comments on “Melbourne GP”

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  1. trashtastika says:

    You’re interested in car racing? I wouldn’t have picked you as the racy type ;) It’s a bit blokey for me..I just go shopping and visit museums when I’m in Melbs :)

  2. Stephanie says:

    Only Formula One.. :)

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