Possibly the nicest picture of Ruski ever, taken by my brilliant and talented cousin/photographer Faith who was in Sydney a couple of weeks ago showing her work at the ACP Subcultures slide night.
Here’s another from her during breakfast:
I’m holding my three-month old G11 here, and hankering for her 5D Mark II. I think it was right after I took some shots on the 5D and went straight back to the G11 and it felt so.. point and shoot :) Still love my camera, don’t get me wrong, but you get what you pay for!

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Hello! I chanced upon your blog, well, while typing my name…Why i was typing my name in google, i shall not divulge. hahas. but anyways I came across your blog and I thought i should say hello!
I also read your entry on the Cold Plasma and am sorely tempted, but unfortunately i don’t have USD$150 to spend. Nice photo of your cat btw!
Awesome photo of Ruski.
serious cat adds mystery and seriousness to his potrait.
love the pic! :D