Hunter Valley

There aren’t many things I would prefer to do than to try something new or explore someplace I haven’t been. Some times this obsession of mine does more harm than good especially when it involves a whole lot of unsuspecting people (like, when I thought organising a collective bungee jump was a great idea!) and some times it results in an awesomely fun day; and if everyone is happy after that’s just a bonus.. or the after effects of an afternoon of wine tasting.

[From top; L-R]
#1 - Breakfast at All Press.
#2 - Book for the day; I am enjoying Hobb’s assassin series immensely though it took me about 2 months and constant bugging from MJ to get on it. Once you pop you can’t stop! Am now on the second book in the trilogy.
#3 - Ray mapping out our route to destruction
#4 - Lunch - salt and pepper calamari! Wasn’t half as good as it looked.
#5 - Gorgeous country
#6 - I believe this was the Hope estate function room
#7 - And it begins!
#8 - Favourite of the day: Brokenwood estate
#9 - Last stop, Peterson House

Though it’s not really my first time at Hunter Valley - I barely even remember my first trip more than a decade ago. We went up for the food and wine fest that was happening that weekend but blew it off entirely once we started hitting the estates. Can you really blame us? There are some bangin’ wineries around the Hunter region and I really should stop using these shocking adjectives.

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2 Comments on “Hunter Valley”

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  1. trashtastika says:

    The calamari certainly looks good! And I love the picture of the fields, sky & clouds next to it :)

  2. Stephanie says:

    Was a fun day! We had loads of cheeses as well, and I looooove those.

    Comment on last entry got deleted when server issues were resolved by time traveling to the past, bah, tho thanks for the comment.. it’s going to be a long Winter :/

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