I can’t believe it’s been a year since the last Nuffnang Christmas Party, and it’s here again. Time seems to have flown by so quickly!
So this is my tenth year blogging (I feel so old, LOL, especially when people ask me “How long have you been blogging?”). In the first eight years I made it a point not to have any form of advertising on my blog, given that I’m not really writing for a particular audience, but if you’d told me sooner how fun blog networks like Nuffnang can be, I would have signed up way sooner!
I think our Bloggers are a lovely bunch of people and it was great to meet you/see you all again - Viv, Adeline, Mae, Lauren, Betty, Simon, Janice, Suze, Jayne, Karen, Sam, Joanna - I’m sure I’ve missed a few - and a big thanks to Leanne for helping organising such a great party!
Me and Mae have the same camera and was trying to take our own pictures - except I obviously lost the plot and looked at the wrong camera in both the pictures! LOL.
It does look like there are no male bloggers in Sydney from my pictures (oops) but there are a few as you can see.. it’s not a great picture, sorry. I think I was on my fifth beer by then.
There was also a theme (Blue, Hawaiian!) which I didn’t get to dress up for as I came straight from work. I was wearing a new pair of high-waisted jeans though, which were blue (barely), not since the early 90s have I had a pair of jeans that went up past my belly button! I’m actually kind of liking it. They are from Ksubi.
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mmm beeeeeeeer
Who’s the cutie? 2nd picture 2nd from left
I’ve come to the point where *all* my jeans are just below my belly button >.<
Haha so are mine.. this is my first super-high waist anything!
hey Steph, it was nice to meet you! :)
You too! I love your blog :)
You got a few good photos there!! Yeah, it kinda looks like it was full of glamour pusses, heh!