DIY Studded Denim Jacket
**This jacket is currently listed on ebay for sale - click here. Ends 06 Mar, 2014 13:02:57 AEDST**
This is a jacket from H&M that I picked up at a garage sale a few weeks ago. I’ve been planning to customise it and my order of studs have finally arrived and here is the result.. I love it! The studs have added some weight to the jacket which is nice, makes it feel more substantial somehow.. I added some detail to the back and the sleeves as well; to me it feels unfinished otherwise if that makes sense.. and it only cost me about $25! instructions after the jump :)
**This jacket is currently listed on ebay for sale - click here. Ends 06 Mar, 2014 13:02:57 AEDST**
Before you start, decide on what you want to do. There is plenty of inspiration on the internet - here’s an inspiration post I did earlier on studs and spikes. For this jacket I’ve used 1/2″ regular silver pyramid studs from Studs & Spikes.
You will need some studs of course, and a pair of pliers (long nose pliers work well), a fabric pencil and a measuring tape.
1. The first thing you do is to position your stud and carefully push the prongs all the way through the fabric. If you are working with leather you may need to use a dart (it looks like a small ice pick) to poke a tiny hole to help the prong pierce through the leather)
2. This is what you should see at the reverse side
3. Grab your pliers and bend all the prongs half way over toward the center of the stud. In case the stud is slightly out of place, a half-folded prong is easier to unfold and readjust than if you were to fold it all the way down.
4. Once you’re happy with the position of the stud, clamp the pliers down onto the prongs so now they point inward down toward the inside of the stud. Easy peasy!
If you do end-to-end studs like I did on my collar, it’s important to make sure the gaps between all the studs are even so you don’t get a funny gap at the end. I used a fabric pencil and measuring tape to mark out the gaps evenly.
Can’t wait to wear it out! :)

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