Strategy boardgames are not entirely new to me but Risk is one that I have avoided playing until Sunday night at Julian’s — three days (and many games) later, I’m hooked. I have been playing shareware variants of Risk since Sunday so someone needs to battle me off this computer before I forget I have a job and a life somewhere.. but damn, I just can’t leave the game alone :)
Yes, World Domination is on the books.
But first, a congratulations to my dear friend Joe on his marriage! Be assured #bangsar will be represented this weekend!

hahaha risk! i love that game. haven’t had a chance to play it in a long time though…
Posted on November 18, 2023 at 1:00 am.
muahah. we’ll invite you to our lil’ risk sessions. :P
Posted on November 21, 2023 at 6:54 pm.