Had these pants for a few months now but never got round to wearing them in a post so here they are, worn with a Zara jacket I was lucky enough to find at a warehouse sale years ago. I really like these pants for being a total ‘no-brainer’ outfit starter - it looks great even with a simple white tank and thongs (that’s Aussie for rubber slippers!) so I guess I’ll be wearing it for some time more!
Zara jacket & pants, Uniqlo (underneath) & ASOS top. Photo by W.

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
love the clashing prints!! i have both these pieces but have never been inspired to put them together :)
cool pants and you look lovely :)
like <3
LOVE your jacket! It seems so warm and cozy, perfect for cold days!
Love them, they are such a statement piece & you wear them so well! I’m developing a bit of an obsession with printed trousers at the moment, but I think they are still a little out of my all-black comfort zone! Must find a good cheap pair & have a bit of an experiment!
Amazing outfit!!
Super stylish outfit!!! I like the exceptional mix of jacket’s and pants’ prints!!!
Very nice jacket !!!
Looks cool with printed trousers !
This jacket is amazing!
They look perfect on you!this print (of the pants)is just awesome!Too bad i couldn’t find them enywhere!..
Love that you mix two different types of patterns, they look great together,maybe because the ballerinas and the blouse are both black!!
Anyway!you look stunning as always sweetie!
Hello gorgeous! Loving your style
LOVE this steph! Those pants are divine and gorgeous jacket!
xo, sam