Entries by Stephanie
While I was in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago, Ka Meng and Sheila took me to Auction Rooms in North Melbourne. It is a ...
Sorry for the lack of updates. The past couple of weeks have been absolutely massive. Here are some long overdue pictures from my trip to Melbourne ...
We stopped at Coff's Harbour for the night just to break up the long drive. When I wandered out in the early morning the surf ...
Back in Sydney after a long weekend of blue skies and roads and bliss. More later.
This is something older, maybe two or three years back, from an email from a friend in London doing research on women. Found it while ...
Caught this guy outside Westfield one arvo: Isn't he hilarious? It takes some balls to sit around with a sign like that and keep a straight ...
So much has been happening this week I'm still feeling a little dizzy from all the excitement. Maybe it's the nicotine patches I've been wearing. ...
It's dinnertime and one of the lights at home just blew. It feels sort of romantic, with one lone light left and the city outside ...
Some times when I listen to a great song I think of the great people in my life. Tonight my night ended with a great ...
I've always wondered about the proper etiquette and after doing some heavy duty Googling, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't a hard and ...
On Friday night I took a cab to the city. I was running pretty late having dropped in on an impromptu art exhibit at the ...
A few weeks ago I was trying to figure out what to do about my shoes. I sold 10 pairs on eBay and threw out ...
The boy is starting a new job next week. I wonder what the new schedules will mean for us - though part of me relishes ...
I've been a little shopping demon and bought not one but three art prints online. Actually there are two more I'm thinking of buying but ...
Not too surprised being asked by a lot of people if I'm gay or not due to recent involvement in the Mardi Gras here. Valid ...
Here are some pre-parade pictures from earlier today that I took after I finished up helping with registration. It's great to be able to walk ...
[Updated: 9 July, 2010] Have compiled a list of overseas (mainly UK/US) online retailers that ship to Australia. Over the years there have been many more ...
Some pictures from today's Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras 2010 Fair Day event at Victoria Park. Just a little preview of what to expect on ...
On Friday we made a date to drop by Zeta Bar at the Hilton Sydney. For summer they have a cryogenic sorbet and cocktail bar ...
[caption id="attachment_3319" align="aligncenter" width="458" caption="Rhythms"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_3322" align="aligncenter" width="458" caption="Fix St James"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_3326" align="aligncenter" width="458" caption="Museum Station"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_3327" align="aligncenter" width="458" caption="Beer O\'clock"][/caption] Some pictures off my iPhone ...
A while ago I wrote a post on how I wish life were less complicated so we may have the time to enjoy it more. ...
[caption id="attachment_3313" align="aligncenter" width="458" caption="Hat from Saba"][/caption] What I got with my $50 gift voucher. I have been accumulating hats like a crazy hat lady.
On the weekend we had a little get together to celebrate my birthday. If I were to have one wish it would be that Miss ...
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