March 2005

Am headed off for a weekend in the sun and surf. It isn’t the most timely of decisions to go to a beach with all the earthquakes happening but we’re headed to the east coast, so it will be relatively safe. The thought of chilling out in the shade with a good book and the sound of breaking waves makes me feel like leaving the office right now.

Happy April Fools’ day, y’all… ;)


Raceday weekend

Gosh, what a busy weekend. First, I went to the F1 Racing/SIC party on Friday night, then I went in to work on Saturday until 9pm (I usually work 5 day weeks). After work, it was a mad rush to dinner, then to KL Tower to catch Prodigy in the act. I got there just in time, however, to hear them say “Thank You” over the speakers. Argh.

But I did manage to catch their main man for a snap and a smack on the butt:

Of course, Sunday was raceday and was spent at the Sepang F1 track. It was so fun, where I was sitting I managed to see Kimi lose his tyre, and the Webber/Fisi crash close up! Took some action pictures but I haven’t had time to download them to see if they’re all right.

I am so pooped from my weekend that I practically crawled into work today.. insomnia at this hour really isn’t helping (argh!)…


Red hot

This is probably one of the more interesting facets of my job where I actually leave my G5.. location shoots!

Behind the scenes.. this one’s for WL :)

Some of you may recognise her from her recent magazine covers and as the local Guess girl.. Amber is so easy to work with and really photogenic. I wish all models were like that!


Power failure

My laptop AC adapter went bust last week, so left with nothing but 45 minutes of battery life I took a trip to the mall to get a replacement. Bombarded by geek terms, I settled for one that didn’t cost an arm and a leg and had a similar voltage output. Except, it wasn’t quite compatible. So on Monday I went to get a refund (I charged it to my credit card) and the dimwit told me that the credit card charges have gone through and that the only way he can refund my money was to write me a check. Apparently, I’m the only one in that shop that has ever heard of credit charge reversal.

I still don’t have an adapter after that fiasco because no one seems to stock my particular one. I went to HP and those assholes wanted to charge me $450 (WTF) because I desperately need one, and even so there is a 4 week wait. As for my existing adapter, it is hanging by a thread (literally, because the dude told me a rat chewed through my cable and I managed to revive it temporarily by taping it together). So basically, I need to get one quick before I get electrocuted in the process.

Anyone knows where I can get one of these things without breaking the bank? I think I’ll go search Low Yat this weekend, if my current taped-up adapter can last that long.



Just for Potatoe - an old postbox from zaman dahulu taken in Kelantan last year with an ultra compact 4 MP digicam.

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