I can’t wait for my trip to happen. I have decided to tour Amsterdam from a design angle and am very psyched because I did some research over the week. Two more months (or fourteen more deadlines, whichever way you want to look at it…not including the four this very week).
I don’t wanna work any more :P
Thanks to Barrie, my hotmail has been recovered. I still can’t get over the fact that some Texan housewife got it off me. Dammit. Us Gen-X peeps should be better equipped to avoid these, uh, hacks. Quite embarrassing, lah.
My week has been quite full on - I had two photo shoots this week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, both after working hours. And I went for the Ghetto Heaven Anniversary party last night at Zouk. Am going to give the Dooley’s party tonight at Nouvo a miss because THIRST Asia Semis are happening and we’ll be rooting for my mate Terence C at Zouk in his collab with DJ Callen and a live VJ under the name Altered Image. I heard his entry CD already. Great stuff!
Have a good weekend.. I’ll be catching up on sleep.. hopefully!
A hundred years from now people will discuss what it must’ve been like living in this decade, and it’ll probably sound something like.. “Prince Charles married that stupid tart!” It’s much better, though, when you consider (and compare against this magnitude) the time the Great Wall was being unified and 70% of the population of China was (forced to be) on the case.. and many perished in the process. The saying goes that for every stone that makes the Great Wall, one life has been sacrificed for it. That decade (by that decade I really mean century) must’ve been a whole hell worse. I mean, seeing the royal wedding on TV might be painfully agonising, but it has nothing on the past. Seeing it splashed across the media and having it slowly brainwashing the nation into acceptance is much, much worse.
Hey, did you know a whole lot of sea cucumbers washed up on shore today? I hope it’s not a forewarning of a final, crust-splitting quake.
There is something magical about looking up at the night sky and seeing nothing but twinkling stars from one corner of your vision to the other. And occasionally, a fast moving blinking one that moves on an invisible line 10,000 feet above the horizon. Trying to capture that on a 15 second exposure on my ultracompact is somewhat futile: