Happy CNY everyone.. hopefully this will be a good year ahead. Already got many dog jokes via SMS (Chinese year of the Dog) so I won’t post any here :P
Have been busy enjoying my WoW time.. the one place where life begins at 60.
Have a good one!
Happy CNY everyone.. hopefully this will be a good year ahead. Already got many dog jokes via SMS (Chinese year of the Dog) so I won’t post any here :P
Have been busy enjoying my WoW time.. the one place where life begins at 60.
Have a good one!
The rain this morning reminded me of that one evening on a couch, listening to Suede and sipping local beer. Perhaps it was the melancholic rhythm beating on the awning outside my window, or the terribly loud silence when I woke up and realising this life is far too short to not make mistakes. Immediately I wished that today was two years ago and I would make the same mistake again; has it been two years already? Time flies when you’re busy. Perhaps that is my reason for my unrelenting daily regime. That way I never have to really think. Some call it denial, I call it good delegation of resources. I find solitude in loneliness, and rain tends to amplify the smallest of emotions.
Been busy last week. Last Thursday marked the one year anniversary of our talent/modelling agency, Looque International, and we had a party at W Wine Room to celebrate. Seems like just a short while ago we had the launch party at Frangipani.. it’s more than a year ago! Has it really been a year aready? Venue did get a bit packed out and there were lots of beautiful people present. Some pics from Tiff’s camera from the night:
Andrea, Diwa and Adam
Princess Andrea, God Tiff and Princess Stephanie
Chak “I-can-never-take-a-normal-picture” Onn, Doreen and Daniele
Karen, Tiff, LC, Andrea and Steph
Then on Saturday night was the JUICE-Nike [w]air party for the pre-global launch of the Nike Air Max 360. These parties are a ‘series’ of three, first in collabo with Twilight Action Girl and the sneaker collectors.. the JUICE one was the second and pulled in some local art and design exhibits (from peeps like Clickproject and Bombshelter and some solo artists) and as well as local DJ/VJs Afen and Altered Image. The next one will be with a chick mag with a fashion theme. This is on-going at their ‘guerilla’ store on Jalan Bukit Bintang. The public are welcome to check it out during the day (unfortunately ‘launch’ nights are strictly guestlisted).
Matt, Tiff, Xana, Steph & Yih “Billy” Hau
Princesses Andrea & Steph with God Tiff (again).. private joke :P
The shoe!! The shoe!! Umms.. Davis and Andrea getting a 360 of the 360
Tans, Li Mei and Davis probably after a few SKYY concoctions
Pics also from Tiff’s camera.. haha. *Steals and runs*
New year, same me. I keep forgetting what the big deal is, when just a couple of years ago I used to go all out celebrating the annual transition. I guess things around me change.
And all that cool nonsense about not making any resolutions, and things you break anyway because no one keeps them.. I say bollocks. If you really wanted to do something, no one can change your mind. So don’t make half-hearted ones and you should be fine.. eg:
Qcumbie, Fazhira, Banemist & Majurie: Must buy expansion pack!!
Probably one we’ll keep anyway :P
Have a good year ahead!