February 2006


28 days.. only?

Can’t wait for February to end. From a work perspective it’s a really short month and I don’t like short months. On the bright side, there will be 3 extra days in March! Although if I had any say at all a year would only have 10 months instead of 12 and summer holidays should apply to work :P

Haven’t really had time for Warcraft lately but whenever I have a moment I’m farming for the Darkmoon Amulet. I think I should also start on the new rep thing because it has really sweet rewards although that might take a lot of time. Can’t decide if I should stick to farming AV rep instead.

Anyway, March is just around the corner. There’s Tiesto and Formula One, two things that should happen more often in KL. Also a slew of related piss ups and meeting my ex-future husband-to-be, Mr Ice Man. Can’t wait!

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