Finally got a chance to try my new build out in BWL. Been missing a few raids in the past two weeks, and since 1.12 I’ve only PvPed (not too terribly). So far it’s been quite fun. 2 points in SoH (sub tree) plus the 5 pc Bloodfang set bonus gives me an extra 20% + 25% threat reduction bonus from Feint (Rank 5). More energy into backstabbing! And full points in WEx gives me approximately 3% raid DPS increase.. with the other standard combat dagger talents.. thats about as PvE as I get, really.. more later when I get to try out this build further.
August 2006
I never realised PvP was this much fun.. until I jumped into a guild raid! OMG! It’s nice getting heals for one.. Time to respec hee hee
I have been getting a bunch of strange people adding me to their MSN lists lately. I use it for work, so although I have reservations about adding them it may turn out to be a client, whatever. Anyway. Today’s random stranger:
No FTW indeed
Bloody hell, at least he has a sense of humour..
There has been a big change in my life recently; things will take some getting used to again and old routines revisited. All I can say for now is that it does leave me plenty of time to catch up with reading when work doesn’t get in the way. New stuff on my bookshelf:
On Beauty, Zadie Smith
A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Gardia Marquez
I have also discovered PVP after 8 months of playing WoW. The inter-realm battlegrounds are much more fun and much less wait. I think my first few attempts at PVP before was put off by the time waiting for an Alterac Valley game to open. Also, my rogue is much better geared for damage now although she is still fully PVE spec after the 1.12 patch. I can still pull off 1500+ backstabs more often than not which is enough to 2-shot unsuspecting casters. I might respec soon, since BWL is now on farm status. Maybe I’ll finally get that AV ring after all.
Have been making a monumental effort to be more efficient and make most out of my day. Don’t think it’s working out too well though. Been waking up at 6:30 to hit the gyms at 7am before heading into work, and then maxing out my working hours till midnight, procrastinating, and sleeping at 3am because I still want to be able to lie in bed and read before I sleep. Some nights I get lucky and cram 6 hours of sleep in.
This week has been horrible. But I do feel a lot better about getting out of bed in the mornings. Had a session with a personal trainer today. Was more of a fitness level assessment thing which (surprisingly) I passed with flying colours. Who would’ve thought. Am contemplating paying him for two months just to keep me on my toes. It’s so easy to cheat on reps and such when you’re alone. I usually think “…ah 8 more minutes to go and I’m tired.. I’ll just do 2 more..” just so I can hit the weights faster. I don’t know why I like free weights so much either.
Looks like I’m missing BWL again this week. Which is depressing because it’s the one thing I do enjoy. And I haven’t even had time to plan my talent point distribution for my rogue for 1.12 yet, although I have a rough idea and have been doing some homework in between magazine pages.
Meeting my favourite local designer Donna Chew who is going to hook me up with a red dress this weekend. I love her stuff. Called our stylist Cris in a panic and he suggested I go see her. Phew. Another thing off my checklist which is a big relief.
Now my only concern is getting the last magazine out to press before collapsing in a heap on the floor and hibernating for 3 days.