June 2008

Some snaps from last weekend’s Good Food and Wine Show at the Convention Centre. I was just telling Zona how there’s always so much going on here! Sydney Film Fest and Biennale of Sydney is just going on, and coming up are.. World Youth Day (largest in the world apparently, even the Pope’s coming and they’re closing up my street!) The Rocks Aroma Fest, Sigur Ros, Death Cab, Splendour in the Grass, Freedom Fest.. and that’s only in the next two months!


Shoes and the city

I saw this sign today at a shoe store:


Or at least I love the idea of him as an excuse to buy shoes. I’ve just finished watching Ocean’s Eleven and Twelve a couple of nights ago. Such charisma! I’ve been bombarded by gorgeous shoes left and right since I got here. No matter where I went there’s always a cute shoe around the corner! So. Many. Stilettos! Plus its sales period so it’s quite unavoidable. Jimmy Choo just opened up shop recently and Manolos and Louboutins are in abundance. And on sale! I definitely picked a good city to move to. And I’ve just finished reading The Shoe Queen by Anna Davis. Great read, such a fabulous obsession! Picked it up from a second hand book store on King St. However I have been on my best behaviour. Still only have the three pairs of shoes I came with.

I am on a quest for the perfect pair of boots, which has taken up the obsession slot and at the rate I’m going by the time I find it, it will be summer already. It’s hard to find the right slouch, the right height, the right leather grain, the right heel, the right hardware, the right toe.. asdfgghhh.. it seems easier finding a needle in a haystack but I’ve only been at it for two weeks… :/ Think I’ll give it another two weeks before I give up.

However I came across this at David Jones (I think! Kinda lost track of the amount of shoe places I went):

Aiyoh, soooo cute right?? I’m so in love with it! It reminds me of the first pair of peep toes I drew, it had a little bow in the front that looked exactly like the ones on this pair. And black patent leather is my new obsession. How cute is that arch? Love, love, lurrrrve!


Didn’t buy.. no date with George Clooney.. sniff..

OK, back to boot hunting…


Sydney so far

The internet at the place I’m staying at is pretty unstable to say the least. It’s been rather frustrating trying to get online, half the time it’s down and I have been relying on my phone to retrieve any important mails I have in the meantime. Will get round to replying my other emails when I move in to my new place in a week or so. Hopefully the internet’s set up by then.

Sydney’s been rather interesting. Today I went to the cinema to catch Sex and The City and am rather glad I did despite the $17.50 ticket. I’ve forgotten how much I used to like watching the series. Chris Noth is absolutely divine. So are the clothes. The rest of my time has been divided among apartment hunting (which I am rather thankful that I’ve managed to find a place), furniture (window) shopping and starting next week, job hunting. I’ve been taking my time with the last one as I decided I really want to sort out a place to live first. Although being unemployed is just about killing me at the moment, I hate having so much free time and I really miss just being in a work environment.. there hasn’t been much stimulation for me thus far and the most exciting thing I’ve done was putting my self to work by obsessively tracking down and mapping apartment inspections to go to. Never thought I’d miss work this much but I do!

I’m just glad that I have my laptop with me (and I pray everyday when I leave my room that no one breaks in LOL). Everything else has been quite different from my life in KL, even though I have spent a lot of time in Australia and I’m familiar with the way stuff works here I miss the small luxuries such as having a car to drive around. Instead I’ve started memorising bus and train timetables, road names, building names and trying to keep track of cardinal directions. And praying it doesn’t rain. Gosh I can’t wait for summer already.

So after a long and interesting journey from KL I am finally here. At my uncle’s place at Mt Gravatt now enjoying the cosy new house, fantastic “winter” weather and good company. Brunei was interesting to say the least. I spent most of my time at Coffee Bean until they shut, cutting me off from internet access. The remaining of my transit was like a stage for an airport horror story - it was empty. Except for an interesting heavily-tattooed female trucker I met who loved to talk. No guesses how I spent the rest of my time there. Decided not to go out of the airport as it was a huge hassle. Brunei can wait.

My flight to Brisbane had a total of 18 passengers. Which meant class A service and as many seats as I wanted for my own. I didn’t think it would be that empty, but apparently midnight flights usually are, perhaps also because Royal Brunei doesn’t serve alcohol. I got through customs pretty fast and spent the rest of the day in the city with the family and wishing I WAS on holiday because I everything at Aldo was half off. I didn’t bring my boots.

Met up with Roy and Phuong today after sleeping through till past noon. We went shopping down the coast. Or at least Phuong did :) Had dinner at a Malaysian restaurant much to Phuong’s chagrin - but as Roy says, it’s a Malaysian thing.

Am dead tired now, for some reason even though I am two hours ahead of home I seem to be quite sedated past 10pm here and am looking forward to tomorrow because apparently a) I came at the right time, it’s the Queen’s birthday tomorrow thus no one is working; b) The sales just started (but unfortunately I have to abstain.. boo hoo); and c) Family taking me to Harbourtown.. which is ironically.. an outlet shopping mall that just got extended. Sniff (ref: point b).

Weather has been awesome. Apparently I brought the sunshine with me from KL, past couple of weeks have been wet and gray.

Has been great to see the fam, especially my awesome cousins and Roy & Phuong who are practically also fam. I’m lucky to have familiar faces greeting me; perhaps that is why it hasn’t quite sunk in that I’ve finally done it, still feels like a holiday, even after the lovely customs officer who stamped my passport gave me a very sweet welcome and Roy telling the sales woman at Fendi that I now live here too. I wonder when it will really sink in.. as my cousin Faith points out, I’m now homeless and unemployed.. haha!

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