I keep writing, and deleting, and rewriting, and saving, and I never seem to be able to finish this post I started almost a month ago. Different things are important to me now, I guess, and although this blog has never been a priority I like having it around. Even more so now that it seems to be one of the small links to life before Sydney. I just can’t seem to put my thoughts into words.. sorry. It really is easier talking about food.. heheh.
I’ve been here for almost five (now six – wow) months now – how time flies. However different life may be from the one I left in KL, I feel like I’m meant to be here. It’s hard to admit I don’t miss home much except for family and friends (and local food). Sydney wears like a second skin.
Last weekend (three weekends ago now) was the annual Food & Wine Fair at Hyde Park North, a charity event by the top restaurants and wineries around, and a stone’s throw away from where I live. I had a pretty good time hanging out with my friends, and meeting not one but four gorgeous Malamutes, and discovering new establishments to further expand my waistline in. I have three upcoming bookings for restaurants I’m keen to sink my teeth into.. one of them being a Franco-Viet joint in the neighbourhood! (For the record, it was very good)
It was also the same day I saw the aftermath of a suicide jumper, from the top of the building next to mine. It wasn’t very pretty.
I’ve been eating out a lot these days, where I used to stay in and cook when I first got here. I finish work every day at 6pm, something I never thought would be possible in this line of work, which leaves me plenty of time to round up one or two unsuspecting friends for dinner. Everyone keeps telling me how amazing it is that Malaysians (and I think Asians in general) love their food so much, and putting two Malaysians together anywhere and the conversation inevitably steers to the subject of.. food! What can I say.. I’m not biased. I like drinks too.
Anyway, a couple of my fav haunts so far.. obviously a work in progress :)
Undeniably, Spice I Am on Wentworth Ave. A Tony Tan recommendation, and one that has impressed even the most unimpressionable Thai I know: one that makes the best Thai in Malaysia. Must haves: Fried whiting, steamed fish cakes (otak-otak style) basil pork, moo pa, green curry, red duck curry and my absolute fave.. the som tum. No one has done it better. Chat Thai on Campbell St does a great pad thai, but doesn’t score as well on the rest.
Kika Tapas Bar on Victoria St. Really, really good Sangria; Must try: the chorizo omelette with garlic aioli is absolutely divine, so is this dish with blue cheese in between two cuts of beef (can’t remember what it’s called) and their patatas bravas are a staple favourite. Also fabulous: Raquel’s on Oxford St and Encasa on Pitt St. For upmarket Spanish, I like Subsolo; their house creation cocktails are delicious.
Want to try: Velero.
‘I miss home’ food
Alice’s in Thornleigh does bang-on Assam Laksa on the last Sunday of the month, BKT for dinner and better nyonya kuihs that the stuff I used to have in KL. Except it is quite a journey to travel just for some (very good) kuih. Mamak on Goulburn St. What a no-brainer concept. Even the tableware has been purchased in PJ old town. My only gripe is that the roti pisang is served with ice-cream, but otherwise the fish curry and sambal is pretty decent. And the roti planta is made with planta. Can’t go wrong there.
Want to try at some point: Lee’s Malaysian for curry laksa, Ginger & Spice and Temasek.
Sunday morning brunch
Forbes & Burton, corner of Forbes & Burton Streets. Great coffees; particularly enjoy the croquet monsieur and their bubble and squeak. Bill’s in Woollahra/Surry Hills. Best scrambled eggs ever. Great aged cheddar, mushrooms, bacon, grilled roma tomatoes and salmon for sides. They are also famous for their ricotta hotcakes which I lurrrrrve! Except breakfast for two costs somewhere in the region of $70-$90, which REALLY hurts. Scrambled in Newtown. Manor eggs - scrambled eggs with with grain mustard seed, is seriously amazing. Also really, really liked their chocolate milkshakes (and I’m not really a fan of chocolate milkshakes – I don’t like the taste of chocolate that’s not somewhat pure).
A Tavola on Victoria St. Love the house-made pastas, and the Panna Cotta is absolutely divine!! Light Brigade does an authentic and very tasty classic beef lasagne, without all the modern-day mods. Have yet to really explore this side of Sydney. I liked Buona Sera on Norton St in Leichhardt. They made the best bruschetta I’ve ever had. But unfortunately it’s closed down since.
Oscillate Wildly in Newtown; hard to get booking but well worth the wait. Universal in Republic 2. Heavily Asian-influenced menu. Sublime desserts. Must try: Veal with foie gras, lobster and tamarind soup. But menu changes every now and then. Café Sydney at the Customs House overlooking the harbour. Loved the green pea soup with roasted yabbies, crusted lamb rack, grilled swordfish, strawberry and lime tart.. pretty much everything. Oh, and the fabulous views. Rockpool(fish) at The Rocks. Lovely fish, but not quite sure if it’s worth the price(y) tag.
Want to try: Strangers with Candy, Le Pelican, Sands on Coogee
Flying Fajita Sisters, Glebe.. great enchiladas, burittos and the spiciest chili I’ve ever had in my entire life. Pacifico makes some serious Margaritas at $70 a jug.. pricey but worth it.
Time to Vino, Stanley Street. Who would’ve thunk the simple addition of meringue crumble to a cup of fresh masticated strawberries swimming in Chantilly cream would result in the most glorious dessert ever?? Also a great wine list, nice chill out joint and two sibling sommeliers.
I think Hurricane’s is so overrated. Decent, but overrated.
I know I’m missing a few from this list but it’s past 1am (and as of tomorrow I start work at 9am instead of 9:30am so I really should get some sleep.. soon).
Going to slow down on the chow down in the next couple of weeks. Working freelance hurts when the company you’re working for is closing for two weeks year end – no billings for me :( Probably a good thing, I need to kick start my savings since I’m going to be in KL for three weeks in February.. and then there’s that TV I’ve been meaning to pick up but never got round to..
You know, it really is kind of strange that I feel normal not having a TV. Last week, Zona and Lee gave me their old one and it took me two days to get it hooked up and another day before I turned it on. Didn’t do much.. I listened to the news then went to sleep. But I guess all that will change WHEN I BUY A PLAYSTATION3!!!!
Dying, dying to play some games again. Urgh. Especially since I’ve been working on gaming magazines at work – Holy Batman them upcoming games like RE5 (not that I will play it), MK vs DC, Tekken 6 (but I think on Xbox) look really good.. currently playing Assassin’s Creed. On my DS. Not as fun as playing it on the Xbox with a 40″ at MJ’s but I will get round to it.. eventually. All this will cost me a cool $2k. Ouch. Things are expensive here.
Good night for now. And wherever you are, I hope things are well.