January 2009

Facebook is weird. I just saw parts of my life flash on screen, some which I’ve nearly just forgotten about and some I don’t remember. With each day technology brings us closer together yet we grow further apart. Is communication only a wall post away or are most of these half-hearted attempts at keeping in touch with people we hardly have time for, those that we see only a handful of times a year or not at all? I sometimes wonder if I would still be in touch with my cousins in Sweden that I’ve only met twice in my life, the last time almost a decade ago - if it weren’t for this social networking convenience, I would barely remember what they look like.

The people I care about warrants more than a wall post, but with distance being a factor, that will have to do for now.

I am not looking forward to being back in KL. But at the same time I am quite excited. Not quite sure what to expect after being away for this long - for once I’m not away studying for a while, or on a trip somewhere. Roy tells me the first time I’ll try to meet up with everyone I know and as the years pass I will only have time for the people that matter. But everyone matters to me in some way. Suddenly I feel that two weeks might not be enough.


Life at 3:56

Spent the weekend vegging with lots of game time. You know the kind: old t-shirt, sweatpants, big bowl of chips and a family-sized bottle of Coke. Now that work involves gaming (it had to happen someday.. sigh) it’s a great excuse to crack out the ol’ console and have a bash.. although in this case it’s other people’s consoles. I still haven’t gotten a TV although I have looked at a couple. It’s hard to decide on one when the difference between a 24″ and 42″ is a couple of hundred bucks I’m too stingy to fork out for.

I’m currently working with a company (and have been since August) that puts out a number of gaming magazines and that is probably Sydney’s equivalent of Catcha in terms of numbers and operation.. minus the cool street mag. The funny coincidence (this is old news to some, but I haven’t blogged about it yet) was that my ex-colleague from Sydney, who came to work with us in Catcha a few years ago, is back in Sydney and in the same company that I am now – small world or what?

The office is near the beach, which is great in summer, but also means that the buses I take home are often packed, sweaty but with a nice vibe. In the mornings it is different; I miss the rush-hour crowd by 30 minutes and the journey is often uneventful. I have a regular coffee place, and the man who makes my coffee practices his Cantonese on me while we exchange bits of news from home. It is funny how a common language abroad places you in a box with other people whom you might not necessarily share with back home. I love my coffee guy though. And people assume all Malaysians will instantly be my new best friends, which is fairly amusing but six months has dulled its amusement value somewhat.

Side-tracking, to answer some questions a few friends have asked..

Bars and clubs here are so diverse that I’ve barely been to the same place twice. There are probably more bars and clubs in my suburb (Darlinghurst) than in KL CBD, and although there will always be the bar or club du jour (read: expensive, elite) there are enough places for everything you’re after.. be it music, drinks, dress code or crowd.. and plenty more to discover if you have a little time on the weekends.



First things first - Happy New Year! Bar all the cheese that comes mandatory at the beginning of each year, I really do hope that this year will be good for everyone. 2008 hasn’t been the greatest and it’s nice to have something to look forward to.

Can’t believe I’ve had this blog for almost a decade now. Geez! Time really does fly!

So the past couple of weeks have been kind of crazy. A few things of note;

1. Cousins were in town. Haven’t really ‘hung’ out with them much, we did when we were younger and it’s really cool to know that your cousins are awesome. Can’t really say much more than we had fun.

2. Boxing Day sales were crazy. Doors to Myer opened at 5am. There were a reported 100,000 people in the city store alone through the day. Apparently there was a line outside, I strolled into the city about noon and headed straight for the shoe section of David Jones.. and came this close to buying a pair of Louboutin flats.. on sale.. for very, very cheap.. damn you conscience.

3. Despite resolving not to buy shoes, I picked up three pairs at the Zomp sale. One, to replace my black pumps which were ruined. Two, to replace my black slingbacks which were also ruined. And the third, a pair of flat peeptoe slingbacks, because I walk too much.

4. After working on the WoW WotLK expansion mag, I picked up a copy of the game expansion. Am now level 80, with 3 pieces of T7.10 gear after two weeks. I swear I’m super casual. However, am addicted to the good ol’ Xbox 360. I really, really need to buy a TV.

5. Despite making no resolutions this year (don’t really believe in them) I’ve resolved to tie up all loose ends this month and not drag 08 baggage into 09. With much regret. Thankfully, it feels bloody good.

And now the more exciting stuff;

Have some exciting Chrissy presents! A chocolate and coffee bible, a Matt Moran book, tickets to Cat Empire in Feb, Max Brenner goodies, a silver pair of Louboutin Miminettes, crystal wine glasses and a bottle of Moscato, some DVDs and.. Logitech speakers that came in the mail :) Thanks <3 And I even had a cute in-game WoW chrissy present. It is so much more than I expected.

I’m really liking it here. I came knowing that I would, but it’s a nice feeling when it actually does happen…

But part of me is feeling restless again. I know it’s only been six months or so, but I feel content that I’ve assembled parts of Sydney I can call my own and it’s crossed my mind to move to another city. When I was in college I used to daydream about travelling the world and living in different places and albiet latecoming Sydney has been a manifestation of that daydream. Part of me knows I should slow down and settle, but it never ever feels like the right time.

Will be back in KL in a few weeks, and time will fly, and then I will be back here again and I wonder if I will miss Sydney when I’m back within my old comfort zones, and if I will have KL withdrawals when I return.

I know this is rather blonde, but one of the reasons I am looking forward to KL is because I’m running out of that super bloody amazing top coat my manicurist in Bangsar recommended to me. I’m not even going to risk buying designer top coats here, it really is that good. Touch dry in 30 seconds, super glossy and it can endure a week of me gaming, cleaning and even travelling. Nothing else I’ve ever used comes close!

(BTW, a rather random observation: I went to six nail salons and ALL of them were staffed by Thai nationals. Is that strange?)

OK, not really all that exciting. I’m running low - these days I don’t laugh at people taking granny naps in the afternoon anymore because I really wish I had more sleep time.


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