April 2009

As you get older, the unimportant things tend to filter themselves out and the important things make themselves known to you. Sometimes in the order of importance, other times ambiguously, but eventually it surfaces. Today I found inspiration in the words of someone I never really got to know. And I kind of regret not spending more time in getting to know her when I had the chance.

Been quite busy past couple of weeks. Cousin Tim’s wedding was gorgeous. It was at an old church in Waverley, and then we had lunch at a place overlooking the sea in Clovelly. It was nice seeing everyone here, especially my aunts and uncles who really know how to have fun! I can barely keep up. Mum and dad were around as well. Now that they’re gone I miss them all over again. Especially dad, who I am so much like.

The new gym routine is fantastic. I do mostly pilates and crunch, with a day or two of cardio thrown in when I have time. I wake up the next day quite hyper and I’ve been sleeping better. I’ve reduced my dairy intake by about half and eating organic and biodynamic foods when I can. Otherwise it’s business as usual where food is concerned. Lots of red meat and carbs. I’ve also been eating proper breakfasts which throws my metabolism into overdrive. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to resist the odd mug or two of Max Brenner hot chocolates, nor the Easter bunnies lining up my shelves.. not when it’s getting colder here.

I can’t believe summer is well and truly over already. I am a good weather girl, waking up to blue skies and sunny weather actually puts me in a very good mood which lasts for as long as the sun is out. Winter makes me grumpier than normal. Sigh. On the bright side, I’ve unpacked my winter box of goodies and discovered some really nice jackets and coats I’ve forgotten about. And I am on the hunt for the perfect pair of boots. I can’t decide if I should go for flat knee-high slouchy boots, flat patent boots with a buckle, black cowboy boots or something with a heel. I already have brown slouchy suede boots but suede does not wear well when it rains sporadically as it does here all the time. I haven’t really hit the shops yet - I really should decide before I do otherwise I will end up buying more than one pair.

I have, however, bought a pair of mustard yellow leggings. I’ve been wanting one for a year and it’s probably out of fashion now. Oh well. Perhaps if I hang on to them long enough they might come back. Then again Australia isn’t really in the loop with everyone else when it comes to fashion…

There are two Sydneys that I know – one I’ve created myself, with reality fully in check and broken glass on the sidewalk on Saturday mornings. This Sydney is my everyday - the one that’s slowly becoming a very important part of me, for better or worse – we’re in it for the long haul. The other one I don’t see very often – a Sydney that you’ve conjured for me from a tapestry of words and pictures and experiences that make my Sydney a little less magical. This other Sydney is beautiful – here I’m buried in your arms, safe from time and expectations and the rest of the world and where the only thing that matters is the moment. In this Sydney we’re in love and it always smells like Spring. And then of course I wake up. And every time I do, a little part of me dies.


Less is more

It is so easy to get lost in Twitterverse, with Tweetdeck managing both Twitter and Facebook status updates. I might never have to launch a browser again, micro-blogging is the new blogging, and everything kept under 140 chars make keeping i touch so much easier. With the widespread use of social networking media, it’s hard not to imagine what it would eventually come down to. As if the world needs to get any smaller, but it has and I am loving it! So much that I have been neglecting my blog, other people’s blogs and even logging into Facebook has become a weekly, not daily, affair. Hehe.

My family is here in Sydney with me right now. It has been fantastic having them around, and there will be more of them arriving through the next week, because cousin Tim is getting married next weekend in Bondi. I am excited. It is always fun to see the rest of the fam that I only see when there are big family events.

I have to drop by the gym for a quick run before lunch - ever since dad arrived I have been living large. Mom’s diet is extremely conservative, which probably balances out how extreme ours can be.

Happy Easter! x

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