From the monthly archives:

June 2009

Winter in June

by Stephanie on June 19, 2024

in General

This is the closest I’ve come to seeing snow in Sydney:

Sorry about the sharp sound. My first Youtube upload and I’m too tired to do anything about it right now.

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A new post about old things

by Stephanie on June 15, 2024 · 3 comments

in General

Polaroids rock

I love Poladroids. It even makes a sound when you drag and drop a file onto the camera.

I used to have a wall where I would pin up random things that I pick up. I pick up a lot of things. I didn’t come over to Sydney with that much, and already I have run out of storage. I miss that wall. I miss a lot of things I used to have, but this is probably because I live in a rented space and no matter how much I am tempted to, I can’t paint the walls red and wallpaper the bedroom and buy this fabulous deep red cigar sofa in a junkyard that I’ve fallen in love with over and over, when I see it in the window in the mornings when I walk past it and hope no one buys it until I can. It’s a little bit frustrating, my apartment is a little sterile, a little stark, a little too small and as much me as I can afford it to be for now. I do love it, since I can’t stand clutter.

Nice to be back at work again. Today went by almost unnoticed, there’s never enough hours in the day.

Just finished reading this book. It highlighted some things I’ve never noticed before about the chinese language. I wish I paid attention during the torturous mandarin classes mom used to send me to when I was a kid. There are many things about my culture I don’t really grasp, but only read about, and today it’s the one thing I wish I knew more about.

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I’ve always known this, but..

by Stephanie on June 14, 2024

in Off my head

George St

Today I had a great lunch with some people I’ve only known for a week but feels like forever.

Tomorrow I will have a million choices at my disposal, and bed is best hopped into with anticipation for there is nothing that feels better than knowing tomorrow can be better than today.

Thanks for the laughs and for letting me know, not in words but in sub-conscious responses, that no matter which ground I walk on no one is really ever alone.

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by Stephanie on June 12, 2024

in General

If anyone caught the Twitter Digest post, it’s a little screw up with an old plug-in experiment that didn’t work… until I upgraded WordPress this morning, apparently… and decided to work without me knowing.

Anyway, it’s Friday! And Friday usually means having time to indulge in hedonistic pleasures and I shall be starting my weekend listening to a complete stranger talk for two hours, grocery shopping, some prep work for a cookout tomorrow, dinner, movie, drinks.. that kinda thing. Have a good one :)

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by Stephanie on June 10, 2024

in Retail Therapy

new boots

Guess what arrived in the mail today, just in time for winter? Am absolutely psyched!

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