Archives for 2010

Once in a while I tend to go through periods of missing KL; and this mostly involves missing food and the people who make it. ...

From my window

8c outside and Sydney still looks inviting!


I have a terrible habit of being obsessed with things and once I figure it out I move on to the next obsession. Some times ...


On one of my trips to KL last year I went to T&C; to replace a necklace I always wore. It was a gift fom ...

Red-eye flights

It's been a nutter of a weekend. The blog had some server-side issues and was down for what felt like forever. At the same time ...

Hunter Valley

There aren't many things I would prefer to do than to try something new or explore someplace I haven't been. Some times this obsession of ...

4c nights

I love that my friends here love food as much as I do. And we all love to cook. Right now I'm talking to one ...

In a blink

It's been a week since my last post. I still haven't gotten around to putting those pictures from Hunter Valley up; this week I've just ...

New work space

Caught the flu and have been laying low. Looking forward to downloading some pictures from our trip to Hunter Valley over the long weekend; in ...


Things I love about Sydney Part 1 I told myself I would start a series of posts about things that I love about Sydney. There are ...

Macquarie Visions

Photobomb! Pictures of St Mary's Cathedral during Vivid Sydney... the rain did not deter anyone and local photographers were out in full force: So pretty :)

Black Milk

My latest obsession: Black Milk by James Lillis! How can you not love someone whose blog name is Too Many Tights? [gallery link="file"] What a great collection. ...

Vivid Sydney weekend

I looooove taking pictures at night, especially when Vivid Sydney is on - everyone was out taking pictures last weekend despite the rain! This year ...

Playing house

So I finally made that trip to Ikea and picked up a few things I needed. It has been a wonderfully fun process examining the ...

Mind the gap

When I woke up the skies were gray and it was raining. I almost went straight back to sleep. But the thought of missing out on ...

Boyfriend boots

I wish these were my size. They belong to the boyf. Am currently obsessed with boots - not the current knee/thigh high ones on trend ...

To market, to market

Me and some friends decided to take a drive to the Rozelle markets on the weekend. I previously had a rather odd impression of Rozelle, ...

My smart friend O had a theory about why there are so many May babies. You know how there are more September babies than other ...

Sparkly Beast #1

My African springbok skull has arrived! It's a perfect size - I'm pretty happy with it :) I wasn't sure if my skull would actually get ...

Day off

Not much has been happening for me this week. I've been out for the count after catching a cold on the weekend; a day off work ...


[caption id="attachment_3688" align="aligncenter" width="399" caption="My cat, behaving for the camera"][/caption] Possibly the nicest picture of Ruski ever, taken by my brilliant and talented cousin/photographer Faith who ...

Fine lines and crystal skulls

"Hey honey, did you just Google 'how to paint a wall' on your iPhone?" I think I almost manage to blush. "Just wanted to make sure I ...

I'm a skincare junkie. There I said it. Ever since I moved back to KL after a 18-month stint in New Zealand, my skin has ...

Gaming Cup

Some photos from last Friday's Gaming Cup event where people from the gaming industry get together for some football, food and drinks. I didn't participate ...

Sun, sea and nasi lemak

After over a month of email tennis amongst a few people whom I fondly think of as my Malaysian family here in Sydney, we finally ...

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