Archives for January, 2010

Un Coca, s’il vous plaît

Something really random for the weekend.. Tracy posted something about being an extra on an ad on Twitter. For some reason I decided to google one ...


My cat is the cutest thing ever. After more than six months living with him I have gotten used to his random quirks. He always ...

Finally made my way to La Perouse on Australia Day (26th Jan) as we had a day off from work. Been wanting to go there ...

The Michelin experience

Last Saturday me and Raymond made a trip to Altitude in Shangri-la as special guest Michel Roux (of the 3 Michelin-star Waterside Inn) was in ...


FF: Bumper Edition

It's Friday! Time for: a) Getting hyped up about the weekend. Mine consists of a lunch by the 'godfather' of French cuisine, Michel Roux Snr, possibly ...

Weekend in a nutshell

Two things that made my weekend: [caption id="attachment_2933" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Good coffee"][/caption] I went looking at some apartments on the weekend with Jo. We both agreed to ...

I was reading Huai Bin's recent post on "old school blogging" and he described it perfectly as being 'pure streams of consciousness'. That sort of ...

Basement Jaxx

Here are some pictures from the Basement Jaxx gig in KL I went to earlier this month. Though I wasn't the biggest Jaxx fan (unlike ...

By some stroke of luck, and no thanks to the unhelpful check-in counter guy at KL Sentral who told me otherwise, I've somehow managed to ...

Fraser’s Hill

Have a massive amount of pictures from my trip. I usually travel with a laptop but this time around I was armed with a 16GB ...

Untitled 01

It's funny how now my life seems to have compartmentalised itself into these boxes. When I am looking at one I am afraid to open ...

Two weeks on fast forward

What is it about KL that I can never leave without a heavy heart? Can't believe it's been two weeks already and come the weekend ...


2010, hello! A brand new canvas to paint - what will yours be like? I know many people who didn't have the best 2009, for these ...

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