Archives for April, 2010


[caption id="attachment_3688" align="aligncenter" width="399" caption="My cat, behaving for the camera"][/caption] Possibly the nicest picture of Ruski ever, taken by my brilliant and talented cousin/photographer Faith who ...

Fine lines and crystal skulls

"Hey honey, did you just Google 'how to paint a wall' on your iPhone?" I think I almost manage to blush. "Just wanted to make sure I ...

I'm a skincare junkie. There I said it. Ever since I moved back to KL after a 18-month stint in New Zealand, my skin has ...

Gaming Cup

Some photos from last Friday's Gaming Cup event where people from the gaming industry get together for some football, food and drinks. I didn't participate ...

Sun, sea and nasi lemak

After over a month of email tennis amongst a few people whom I fondly think of as my Malaysian family here in Sydney, we finally ...

Sold on the coffee

While I was in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago, Ka Meng and Sheila took me to Auction Rooms in North Melbourne. It is a ...

Melbourne GP

Sorry for the lack of updates. The past couple of weeks have been absolutely massive. Here are some long overdue pictures from my trip to Melbourne ...

We stopped at Coff's Harbour for the night just to break up the long drive. When I wandered out in the early morning the surf ...

It always ends too soon

Back in Sydney after a long weekend of blue skies and roads and bliss. More later.

Flat white, no sugar

This is something older, maybe two or three years back, from an email from a friend in London doing research on women. Found it while ...

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