October 2012

Friday Five: Style Bloggers

I haven’t updated my links in ages which I’ve been meaning to get round to - so while I procrastinate, I thought I’d share some of my favourite blogs in this week’s Friday Five :) These lovely ladies have all inspired me in one way or another, so I hope you enjoy their blogs as much as I have. In no particular order..

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Last Rays

Spent the long weekend staying in with W and pretty much played Borderlands 2 the whole way through. Can’t say it was the most productive weekend but it’s been a long time since we’ve done something like this! Finally emerged from our lair on Monday eve to have dinner, just in time to catch the last rays of light..

Haven’t worn this cutout top for years, but felt it complemented the simplicity of these pants. The cutouts always reminds me of the 80s, I remember when I bought it I thought it would be awesome to throw it on top of a leotard and neon legwarmers.. LOL! Funny how we attach certain memories to our clothing huh?

Zara pants and heels, MNG top, Celine bag, Diva necklace. Photos by W.

Absolutely Fuzzy



Back home

1. Yut Kee, one of KL’s oldest family-run coffee shops, circa 1920′s - still run by the same family! Essential visit. 2 & 3. Starhill Shopping Centre 4. KL’s golden (shopping) triangle 5. Looking out from Pavilion Mall 6. Random wildlife 7. Scarily big birds 8. Kidding around

I finally downloaded these photos from my Kuala Lumpur trip and realise that I haven’t taken many photos at all, and I really wanted to share a bit more of KL with you guys but most of the photos I took are personal ones. Also, probably everything seems ordinary to me and most days the light wasn’t very good due to the smog. Apart from family and friends I spent a large part of the trip running errands; the trek out to the ostrich farm just outside the city was the only random activity. Baby goats (kids?) are cute, and incredibly cuddly!

Absolutely Fuzzy

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