Archives for “Off my head”

Moon River

Some times when I listen to a great song I think of the great people in my life. Tonight my night ended with a great ...

Splitting a check

I've always wondered about the proper etiquette and after doing some heavy duty Googling, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't a hard and ...

Loud and proud?

Not too surprised being asked by a lot of people if I'm gay or not due to recent involvement in the Mardi Gras here. Valid ...

The kacang-kulit conundrum

On Sunday, MJ and I went on a walkabout around Walsh Bay so I could put my new camera to use. I found this water ...

FF: Bumper Edition

It's Friday! Time for: a) Getting hyped up about the weekend. Mine consists of a lunch by the 'godfather' of French cuisine, Michel Roux Snr, possibly ...

Untitled 01

It's funny how now my life seems to have compartmentalised itself into these boxes. When I am looking at one I am afraid to open ...

Feliz navidad

Possibly my last post from Oz before I hit KL shores for Christmas and NYE. Stuck in long transit at the moment and killing time ...

Read it right

Popped into Borders today during my lunch hour. What started off as a mission to locate Ayn Rand's Marginalia got a little out of hand ...

The first day of Summer

Today is the first official day of Summer, and I am sitting next to an open window freezing. The weather has gone a little bipolar ...

24 Hours

Trying to write something down about my weekend, but nothing comes to mind except... Family time is always so nice, especially being away from mine. I ...

past / present / future

Today has been surreal. I woke up with a smile. So was last night. I was talking to my ex boyfriends. Both of them. I know ...

And less is so much more

Saw My Life in Ruins over the weekend. At first I wasn't that keen, but after watching it I fell in love with Greece, again. I ...

Have you laughed today

Been feeling super inspired of late, decided to take up music again. Have kind of forgotten how much I used to enjoy it (really) even ...

Reclaiming 23

It didn't seem all that long ago that we were all celebrating our twenty-firsts, and now a few of my closest friends are making their ...


It's kinda hard motivating myself to blog. I haven't had much free time for the past couple of weeks and time has just flown by.. ...

I’ve always known this, but..

Today I had a great lunch with some people I've only known for a week but feels like forever. Tomorrow I will have a million choices ...

The end of the ride

It's the second day of winter, but the sun was out this afternoon. I had lunch at a little deli that makes the best sandwiches ...

Anger doesn’t change anything

At first I was angry. Angry at the world, and how there are so many things wrong with it today, angry at the fact that ...

When all is said and done

There are two Sydneys that I know – one I've created myself, with reality fully in check and broken glass on the sidewalk on Saturday ...

You twit!

Have fully jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. I'm only saying this 500+ updates later! Perhaps, as I was telling a fellow blogger, it's a justified ...

Changing hues

As I lay in bed I take into account the little things - my room door is now a lovely blue colour instead of the ...

The new post

First of all, I have finally upgraded my WP. Hello widgets! Have been procrastinating for ages and ages, since version 2.5, mainly because I'm plain ...

Who really knows

Am kind of stuck between dreading the inevitable end of April and wishing it already were May. If only I could find a way to ...

The next chapter

After 4 years and counting I've decided it's time to move on from my job. Having mixed feelings at the moment. Despite the constant madness ...

Plus minus

Some times I catch myself drifting away from the people around me. Not in the literal sense, but rather letting my mind fade into the ...

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