Archive for February, 2008

The next chapter

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

After 4 years and counting I’ve decided it’s time to move on from my job. Having mixed feelings at the moment. Despite the constant madness I’ve grown to love my job and what I do, and the family I work with everyday who have made the past 4 years so amazing and given me many reasons to be sad to leave. Urk, why am I sentimental like that.

But moving on, in more ways than one, I cannot wait to turn the page. Question marks are always what you make of it.


Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

A perfect sum up:

“..but mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.”

While I was watching you did a slow dissolve

Friday, February 15th, 2008

Say hello to…

My new toy:

9000+ pictures later my beloved Ixus I has been retired. Thank you baby!

Unsurprisingly a new camera has renewed my zest for picture taking.

Being half a redhead:

I love Ricco. Loves!

Have always wanted to do it but there was just never a right time. Have learned that there will never be a right time.. just the right stylist and the right colour.


The one man who lets me live life in slow motion.

On a side note I have been immersed in David Gray. So melancholy. So divine.

Say goodbye to…


Leaving for Berlin today :(


Saturday, February 9th, 2008

The Kitsuné Boombox CD I am currently babysitting is quite surprisingly good. Track 6 - La Musique is immense.. I like it enough to blog about it! Currently not available on our shores - listen to it online or head down to Mooks in Pavillion next week and tap it off the JUICE listening station.

Plus minus

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Some times I catch myself drifting away from the people around me. Not in the literal sense, but rather letting my mind fade into the background to take a mental snapshot for later. For the days when I will miss all this.. and there will be those days to dread and to look forward to.

Today I pretended I was leaving tomorrow and it felt strange. I’m not sure where this path leads - it’s vagueness is as much a seduction as it is a fear. It’s never easy to leave a place you grew up in. Suddenly there are so many reasons why.. why not? There is still so much to do here but yet the hourglass has been turned over by a hand that is my own. It is at once exuberant and dispiriting.

We all do what we need to do.