Archive for March, 2008

Cross over and turn

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

An opportunity to spend some time in SF just presented itself. Extremely tempted by the prospect of bumming around the beaches, drinking wine and road tripping it to Vegas and LA with two crazy people whom I adore. Oh boy :) On the other hand I have a ton of stuff I need to do before June. Will be traveling quite a fair bit in the upcoming months. Mom and I are headed to Cambodia next month, I just got my tickets to Oz and I have barely managed to block off enough days in May for a possible transatlantic adventure. I wish I had more time. I never have enough time; life has been hectic for as long as I can remember. And although I bitch about it occasionally I probably wouldn’t have it any other way.

Wrapping up at work has been harder than I thought. I’ve been involved in the whole development of the division since I started and am finding it hard to leave it behind. Have less than two weeks to go, and it hasn’t quite sunk in just yet that two weeks from now I will be in Cambodia, and when I get back I have more time on my hands than I know what to do with. Well, for about a week anyway. I have been too busy to be sad about it just yet.

Lullaby from Low’s first album I Could Live In Hope has been getting top plays this week. It is a fabulous, fabulous slowcore indie track, the kind of music that makes me vulnerable, that I really can close my eyes and drift away to. The bass guitar is just so beautiful.

Never, never

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Today I had a chat with two people I swore to myself I wouldn’t talk to again. I surprise myself sometimes. One of them was TR, of which certain tragedies have prompted me to make contact with. The other was in a similar capacity; except much more forgiving. Kind of reminds me never to say never because some scenarios warrant exceptions in the greatest orders. Dammit. Point taken.. moving on.. :)

Coffee substitute

Monday, March 10th, 2008

It’s been an extremely busy month and I’m thankful for this short breather. Wanted to take a drive up the mountains but when the weekend came about I lost the motivation to drag myself out of bed and into a car. Lately all I want to do is stay in bed. Dad had a surprise in store for me however, on that same weekend I came back and found a treadmill in the living room. Hah, talk about heavy hints :)

So this morning for the first time in over a year, I jumped out of bed and put my running shoes on. It’s been such a long time since I had morning exercise and it feels great to have that early adrenaline rush! I should try to sleep earlier if I plan on keeping this up, already I feel a little fatigue kicking in now from all the late nights I’ve been pulling.

Speaking of exercise, it’s a funny coincidence I got in touch with my ex-PT in NZ again via facebook! I often wish there was a gym like his here. I tried True Fitness for a year but all these big commercial gyms care about is money, no one even bothers to add a little personal touch like remembering your name if you went there 6 days a week, Celebrity Fitness was just awful because they wasted a lot of my time selling me different packages when I was there on free passes etc. And has anyone noticed the amount of people who dress up for the gym?

I’m glad I had that time in V’s gym, it’s great to have a PT who is also a friend who would kick your arse into shape if you couldn’t do it yourself.

Now let’s see how long I can keep this morning run thing up for. LOL.

Mr & Mrs Q

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008

One of my older friends, and KL’s most eligible bachelor tied the knot last weekend! Congrats Q, here’s to a happily ever after :)

Was quite funny how Tracy was listed as Tracy (clubbin) in the guest list.. man those Atmosphere days are so over. Was great catching up with everyone as well, I don’t see WL very often and it was a shame Alex was in Shanghai and ol’ Nirvy had his own anniversary on the same night! Could’ve sworn I saw Szern there, but I didn’t get a chance to say hello.. old faces indeed :) Now if only Jen and Lokes were in town too!

Team Teh O Ais were there to celebrate as well:

Majurie, Aztagar, Banemist, Mr and Mrs Q, Fazhira and Antali

Been very busy lately. In between work, family, friends and raids I haven’t have as much time for myself as I’d like, but things have been generally fun. Went for a work dinner at Modesto’s the week before to sample the new range of Jarno Trulli wines. It was better than I expected; friendly, drinkable mid to full bodied reds and a sharp, light rose. We didn’t try the whites, which was a shame since I love whites :) Have discovered a few cheap retail whites that are excellent value.. mainly Gewutztraminer, Riesling and Traminer blends which I have unfortunately developed a bad habit of drinking after work. I need a new distraction!